

Even if slimes reproduce fast it won't become too much of an issue.

These things are actually kinda cuddly.

Except if you are completely unaware and sleeping, there is no way it can do much damage.

Is this an evil plan?

Not really.

It should at least teach them a lesson.

That's what they will get for refusing to pay people their salary!

Not only do they not give us what we deserve…

There is something even worse!

They slander us in order to justify their actions.

Hence why I'm now feeding slimes.

With a potentially cute girl too.

I mean I can't see her face.

Could you imagine a chad voluntarily bringing a girl in the sewers?

Maybe not the most romantic place.

However, there is the upside of being unforgettable.

No matter what.

I'm jesting.

There ain't anything going between us.

I'm here for the slimes.

She's here for the slimes too.

Aren't these little creatures kinda popular?

I bet many people would actually like them.

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