

All of our weapons flaming. Even mine that I haven't used in a while. It's not rusty just yet.

Good thing I bought a good quality (albeit used) one. We are about to dive into a sea of monsters. I'm not sure my armor will come in handy at all, but I'm wearing it too. No way I could be more prepared than I am.

"Alright, boys this is the moment of truth. We need to go across these enemies to survive. Remember our goal is not to kill, but simply to disable and push away. As long as we manage to get on the other side it is our victory. Is that clear?!"

"YES!!! X9

The hype is real. Nothing beats surviving with the boys. Actually surviving period is fucking great.

[Are we ready to charge?]

"Yes, we…"

Let's make this fucking thing memorable. Best case awesome story. Worst case we go out with glory.


We jog toward our opponents. At the perfect pace. Fast enough to cut into the torrent of skeletons. Slow enough for us to keep the rhythm going.

One-two, one-two. One for walking, two for crushing the skulls in front of us.

The enchant on our weapons is making us way stronger. It is not just the fire; our whole attacks are stronger. It clearly shows in the way we knockback our opposition and send them tumbling on one another.

These skeletons are fucking weak!

They may have the numbers on their side, but we are valiant as fuck!

We push and we keep pushing.

From time to time I hear a grunt from one of us taking some damage. The sound of claws digging into flesh. The sweat getting evaporated into a cloud around us.

The heavy breathing of all of us clearly audible. All following the same tempo. Breathing, fuck them up. Breathing, fuck them up some more. The soldiers on the outer edge of our formation rotate to allow our vanguard some breather.

All this while I remain in the very front line. I barely defeat any skeleton, but I take many hits. Lots of hits. The good thing is they can't seem to break my defenses. My clothes are already in tatters at this point, however.

This is getting harder and harder. The sheer numbers making it hard to progress. But still, we remain strong. We have momentum. A momentum that is getting slower and slower, but we are still in motion.

Should we stop it will be the end. The end of the journey. The end of our lives.

There is no way I will accept that.


I keep clumsily pushing these things away. Making them trip with sheer power.

I will not stop no matter what.

In the distance, I can see some area that is darker. Some kind of fog. I have no clue what is in there, but it should be our destination. Soon we will be safe. Soon we will rest.

This is the last push. This is the moment.

Gotta give everything we can.

Our fighting spirit is palpable. I am not alone.

This is all humans are all about.

Overcoming all obstacles as a group.

We are social animals at our very core after all.

I start humming. Ever so silently at first, but increasingly louder until I find myself screaming.

No lyrics, just raw musical goodness. A song from my old life. One titled Invincible. But it will carry us for way more than 2 steps.

I'm just lost in my world. Using every beat to motivate myself. Every note a slash of mine. Resonating through the battlefield.

At some point, I hear an echo. Small at first, but increasingly louder by the second.

These guys are joining me. Fucking epic.

We beat and we keep beating.

Were we facing a living enemy I am sure they would have been terrified by our drive.

We are against the undead. But so what. We will keep fighting.

[So what if we are against death itself? Death domain? Trying to bury us? So what! Fuck this whole death domain. Fuck death itself. Fuck it all! Burn it all to ashes! We are here and we are fucking standing!]

It's then that I realize I've been screaming the whole time. But so what. I'm not the only one.


"Who's dying today? Not fucking us!"

"An army of skeletons? You mean a pre-workout, right?! HAHAHAHAHA"

"Fuck death itself! Hell yeah!"

"Just try and stop us you fucking mannequins!"

All of them are following my lead. Will screaming make us stronger? Of course not, this isn't the balls of the dragon or anything similar.

Still, our spirit is at its strongest. There are even more mobs around us, but it ain't stopping us. Screaming and singing at the top of our lungs. This is illogical. It should tire us even faster. I'm not sure since when, but we are now picking speed.

We are akin to a deadly grinder right now. Shredding the bones like tofu. Fucking them all up. So much it seems it will take a few moments for their revival to even be possible.

Yes, they are still reviving right now. We are akin to a tiny raft on a tumultuous ocean. One wrong move and we will drown. Literally. The bone dust might choke us at this rate.

The wraiths have not made their move yet. Hopefully won't.

But everything is good. All is perfectly fine. We are treading the fine line between life and death. We are fucking rocking this shit. Just a bit more and we will be to safety.



*Intense shaking*

*Shrieking of the skeletons*

What the fuck is happening?!

The earth that was trembling under our opponents' feet now is straight up shaking. Is this an earthquake? Doubtful, this place is unique. Can it be that simple as that?

Right between us and safety, I see a small mountain rising. It is white, towering, and intimidating. I can see bones, I can see claws, I can see fangs, I can see a bony tail.

This isn't possible!

We were so fucking close.

In front is a motherfucking humongous bone dragon!!!


You might want to read this chapter with music. It makes it way better. WAY BETTER!

Zombiecreators' thoughts
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