
3. Talented Uchiha

Hostility. I can describe those looks so well.

I stood outside of the hokage's building, waiting for father to consult the hokage to bring me into the academy. Well, despite my physical age, my mental one is more than a twenty years old guy. I would've been a father to a child if not for my repeated death. The required age to attend the academy is mostly at eight. There was no reason not to accept a younger child, but father's compulsive behavior is unstoppable, not until he reconfirms everything.

And while i stand here waiting like a statue myself, people were stealing glances and whispered to each other each time they passed in front of me. The air was suffocating, their looks were suffocating, i kept my composure nevertheless.

"Don't show your weakness."

Those words rang in the back of my mind. People tend to take advantage of you, my past father would tell us three to act carefully, to mind our manner and to be proud of our clan. Yes, pride is a big deal in Uchiha. Even so my current father didn't seem to mind about it. He was loyal, checked. He was dutiful, checked. Responsible? I'm not quite sure. Sometimes he did, sometimes not. Nonetheless, when he did, he was a great person. In spite of those, people seem to dislike him. Even more, they would turn to me.

'The son of the unfortunate.'

'The child of a deceitful Uchiha.'

'The loner.'

Father is famous for being hardworking. He rose to a quite a high ranked shinobi despite his average abilities and skills. People envied him, saying that he got in through the back door. I didn't think he did however. They were the least proud of father, trusting in an obviously false rumors. And never once would they investigate the truth. Why would they? After all, gossiping and bad news are the most fun thing to talk about. Even if someone reveals the truth, they would still believe in lies since it's more interesting that way. I understand why father never bothered to clear his name. It would render his statements useless.

Ha, again, i'm tired of these staring and glaring. I wanted to throw out, i almost couldn't breathe. Yet, i had to stay prideful and unbothered. The least i can do to show that i'm not guilty, my father's not guilty. The reason of having fear is always because of wrongness. When someone is right, they would always appear brave and confident. I have to be confident, to show that we're not in the wrong.

I wish father was done with the Hokage's permission. Only then we could leave, but it doesn't seem like it would be over anytime soon. We just got here for like half an hour and it felt way too long. The stiffling heat of the summer season caused my sweat to drop from every pore of my body. I wiped the pouring sweat from my hairline, breathing a little of the suffocating air. I can never get used to the sun. I'd preferred the night. Calm and cold, breezy and quiet. Especially in the Uchiha's compound.

A sigh escaped my mouth as i reached my limit, i need to take a shelter and probably get myself a drink. I walked away from the building. I can't get too far away or it would be difficult for father to come and find me. I would really like to avoid father's overly concern and his engrossed state of mind for me if possible. I didn't want to get another long lecture of his in this summer heat.

As i walking through the street, my eyes shifted to here and there, searching for any food stall. Might as well getting some snacks to fill this empty stomach. I did skip breakfast after all. I didn't have much ryo but enough for some snacks and a drink. I wouldn't have skip breakfast if not for my terrible anxiety. I can't deny that i have this terrible anxiety of confronting the crowds. I never had to before because i'm always by myself. Or before, i have always been with Madara and Izuna.

The smell of sweets pierced through my nose as i came to a halt. I realised that i have been walking where there were less people here. That's right, less people the better it is.

When i spun my head to the right, my eyes caught the signboard, the wooden colour had faded a little- its board looks old and unattended, "Tatami's Dango." It says. Must've been where the smell comes from. Nonetheless, the stall looks decent. Not so many customers in queue, a few but perfect. It was a little not to far from the Hokage's building.

My steps were small, but i manage to get into the fourth person in line.

"Two dangos and a drink?"

I nodded, meeting the eyes of the old but healthy man.

"That would be 15 ryos."

I tried to take out a small pouch. Yeah.. my.. small pouch. I could feel the sweat dropped on my back. I patted both of my pockets and yes, no small pouch is found.

"You alright boy?"

"Ah.. no, i just.."

I was just about to cancel my order when a tall figure came and covered the expense for me. At first i didn't see his face, i couldn't recognise him. The only thing i could see was his Jounin outfit, very recognizable and..

"Here, it's yours."

.. his voice. My eyes immediately caught his face, right after he bent down to my level.

Deep blue eyes, the colour of the vibrant sky, familiar bright blond hair and his attentive expression, very genuine. A character you don't see very often but was revealed to be the father of the main character. Also, the fourth Hokage and the savior. I really didn't expect to meet him here.

"Are you alright?"

"Ah, yes." I might've stared at him for too long. So rude. Trying to mind my manners, i tilted my head a little, bowing, "I'm sorry for bothering you, i'll pay you back when i get back." I finished, straightened my myself and raised my head to meet his eyes. I didn't smile, i was serious.

"You don't have to, it's my treat."

The man said, ruffling my hair. He probably thought i was no older than five, obviously. Even so, i'm mentally adult, to be honest it was obnoxious suprisingly. I did like his character before, but meeting the real person- which is just another stranger in reality- brought my sense of unfriendliness back. I don't tend to get chummy, not unless you're a family, or someone close. When you've confided yourself in your own world, hiding from people, this is what you get. I didn't show it, it would be rude but i didn't smile either, looking at the snacks in my hand nonchalantly.

"Thank.. you."

Manners, of course.

"Sensei? Who's that." A voice of a child came from behind me.

I cocked my head reflexively, to the source of the voice only to meet three children. All of them were older than me, in size or in appearances. One was a brunette girl, the rest were.. ah, i see. I caught on fast, they were the team 7 led by Minato. I never expected to meet any of them, especially all of them at once. Obito is different however, he was within my expectation. The reason was that we're both from Uchiha. The possibility was fifty-fifty, i was a lot more confined than people think i did. I don't blame father, it was my choice.

"A brat?" Obito tilted his head. "Wait i've seen you before.."

"You did?"

He did?

"Aren't you.. Guren? Hamada-san's son?"

I was.. surprised. Still, how did he know? If he knew me, i would've seen him. It wasn't that hard to recognise Obito, judging by the way looks, his outfit and bright blue- anyway, I wasn't sure if i'm that curious but when Rin asked him, i was sort of relieved.

"I always see him training when i had to meet Hamada-san. Besides, he's always alone even around the kids. And there are some rumors- ah.. sorry. I mean, he's quite known among us from being alone, and uh because he doesn't really speak to strangers."

Can Obito be considered as badmouthing me? Because i can't point any praises from his words.


"Yeah, and you always look so serious when you train." He gave me a broad smile, his signature smile that will not be seen anymore in the future. "You really are amazing, practicing so hard eventhough you're just four."

Okay, that one i can assumed as a praise, but the last words are not so much necessary.

"What are you doing here alone though?" Rin trailed off, "Did you come with your parents?"

"Yeah, i never really see you outside of our compound."

I don't like to be questioned so much, and i ususally tend to avoid the situation. This time though, i felt like it won't hurt to tell them just a bit.

"I came with father."

"Oh, Hamada-san's here? What for?"

"Obito, aren't you asking too much?" Kakashi interrupted, earning a glare from the said boy. Not that he cared. Kakashi wasn't wrong, Obito sometimes had to be so curious and i'm just not good at that type of person. Izuna never really asked me excessive questions, he only did ask me favors and only the most compulsory stuff. I can't compare them.. can i?

"I'm registering for the academy."

Hearing that, most of them froze briefly, likely bewildered. When Itachi is born, they would probably stop feeling so surprised. And note, i'm not a prodigy. I'm just a hardworker who had lived thrice.

"Obito, didn't you say that he's four?"

"I-i did."

Minato smiled, "The future generation is very promising. The last one was Shisui and Kakashi here graduated at five."

"One of all the things i like about Hamada-san is that he really cares about his son.. and letting you into the academy this early.. d-did you.." Obito stepped back a little, exaggerating his expression, ".. did you already awaken sharingan?"

Sharingan is not really that uncommon when awakened early. In the past, there were many of our ancestors who had awakened sharingan at a young age. The rarest is rinnegan, because Madara's the first one to awaken the dojutsu. While the second most probably people should be surprised about is the mangekyo, which i never did achieved in my past life. Shisui did.

Wait, when did Itachi awakened his sharingan again?

"That's awesome!" Rin beamed, clapping her hands together as a her lips stretched on her face, forming a smile. I can't deny that it was a beautiful sight. Her smile was warm, no wonder Obito was completely smitten with her.

Minato and Kakashi were impressed, they didn't even bother to hide it. Obito though.. his jaw dropped, and his eyes trembled, face flushing mad as he perceived the fact. Not did i ever say yes but i didn't deny it either. It was true, i did awakened my sharingan. I wasn't a genius in this life but fate did a good thing for once.

Eyes were all on Obito, he had his back slumped and his arms dangled in front, head tilted down. "That's right, Obito. You didn't awaken your sharingan yet. You lost to this four years old." Kakashi just can't stop from being bitter can he?

"That's okay, you'll definitely get to awaken them soon!" Cheered the female.

Just some words of support from Rin and Obito was normal again. What a bizarre person. I guess love can make you forget everything.

"So why did you want to enter the academy, Guren? I know the expectation of our clan is a bit much, but Hamada-san isn't that type of a person to force his son. That means you're the one to volunteer." Obito is continuously asking me and i'm getting a bit exhausted.

"Can't you see him uncomfortable with you? Stop asking already."

"Huh?! You were always indifferent, so it's my role to be curious!"

... and they didn't stop bickering. I didn't have the chance to explain. Then again, i didn't think i would. I watched the both of them exchanging glares and words, continuously without ever letting the other side win. I didn't know where to slip in and stop them because i didn't want to be held here forever.

"Hey, why don't you back to your father." The older male suddenly whispered to me, smiling helplessly.

I looked at Minato, a little bit high in spirits. I was so, so grateful and glad to hear that. I was waiting to get away and Minato understood my uncomfortable gestures. He was indeed, very wise. I nodded in response and immediately left them after excusing myself.


"Shirai, there is something i'm curious about you."

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for his question.

"You don't talk much, but i can tell that you adore Madara. Is it because of something he did for you or purely because he's your brother and amazing?"

I couldn't help but think that his question might be related to Tobirama. I might as well just see his reaction.

"Did your brother not love you just as much?"

The older boy flinched as his face scrunched, mouth curved downwards. See, i nailed it. The question is just dumb when adoring your brother is common. "Is it that obvious?" Hashirama inhaled and sighed, a tear was visible at the corner of his eye. "It's just, he's scolding me more than he ever praise me." He said, dejected much.

"You don't have to worry, i believe that he respects you more than you think. That just how brothers are."

Hashirama stared at me for awhile, "You really talk like an adult."

I didn't think i need to respond to that statement. He wasn't completely wrong, but it just doesn't sound right to my ear. There was a long silence between us before he broke it, "So? You still haven't answer me."

His smile and eagerness perturbed me. I guess he wasn't going to give up. I seated myself in a comfortable manner, eyes landed on the flowing of transparent river.

"My brothers are the light that enter my life. They're warm. Very warm."

And i smiled to myself thinking about them.

"I never felt it before- i mean.. not that i remember much, even so.. Madara and Izuna showed me that this life has meaning. And i wish to protect them from harm."

"I see. I don't understand much but.. " He returned my gesture with a grin, "Madara is lucky to have you."

"Oi, what are you guys talking about? What did you sneakily tell my brother huh?"

"Nothing really. Shirai told just how much he likes you." Hashirama teased, earning a blush from the other boy.


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