
Chapter 10: Harsh Truth

Anticipating people would find the thing’s body and that the whole situation would become a mess, Kai decided to get his bike back and heading home instead of looking for Aimee at Sunny Hill. He also wanted to know what that little piece he had in his pocket was.

Kai was so happy he already had forgotten the pain in his back.

‘Haha! That thing left out an interesting object! I bet it has a relation to my powers since it reacts to it. I bet it can be used to strengthen myself.’ He thought.

Kai couldn’t wait to get back home to check the thing. He was cycling far faster than he was allowed to.

‘Haha! Wow! Those presences or ghosts or whatever are like… Nothing! I bet I can become a ghost-hunter and get stronger and stronger each time! Now wonder Aimee was telling me to back off. She wants all the good for her!’ Kai argued in his head. ‘Well… Too bad for you, little girl. You can call me pro now. If you don’t want any competition you might as well move to another town now.’

It didn’t long for Kai to reach back home. He parked his bike in the garage and headed to the door.

‘I feel like people were all staring me during the ride back here. Why is that?’ Kai wondered in his head. ‘Did the rumors about the ‘guy who jumped’ reached the whole town already?’

Kai spun the knob and walked in.

‘Oh, sh*t! Of course! My back! There must be a pool of blood in my clothes by now! I totally forgot that.’ He realized.

Kai took his shirt off and went to the laundry.

“I’m surprised my body is still acting like that on its own, not letting me feel the actual pain…”

He put his clothes inside the machine.

“Mom….? I’m home!”

Kai twisted his eyebrows in surprise.

“The house is oddly quiet today...”

He walked up the stairs.

“Mom…? Dad…?”

There was nobody home.

“Mom…? Dad…? That’s strange. Did they leave? Dad should be back from the work right now…” Kai mumbled to himself.

“Oh, boy. I’m afraid they do not belong to this world anymore. Sorry about that.”

Kai felt a shiver on his spine. It was a condescending raspy voice, coming from below the stairs.

Kai looked down from the upper part of the stairs. There was someone there. Not someone… It was some…thing.

A humanoid figure stared at him with a smile. It was unsettling because the face wasn’t human, but it seemed so much human-like it wasn’t even creepy. It almost felt like just a regular man wearing very well-done makeup. The color of the skin was brown-to purple and the shape of the ears was funny but other than that it seemed pretty much humanesque.

The thing was comfortably wearing human clothes.

“What… Are you? It can talk?”

“Hah hah. Never saw one of us before, heh? I’m Morbo. To be honest, I came here because I was told a new poacher was about to be born, when I arrived, I could sense the orgaion, but I wasn’t sure who was it coming from, so I killed them both.”

It said that so casually it almost seemed like a joke, but coming from that thing, Kai could tell it was actually true.

He felt his face turn pale. The body wanted to collapse. Kai wanted to scream and jump at the thing, but he had to maintain his reason. He began feeling nauseated.

The creature confirmed the state with its sharp eyes. Telling it straight to him was not just to brag about, but to catch him by surprise on purpose. There was no way Kai would be in good condition to fight with that mind state and Morbo knew it.

“Ok. The intensity of your orgaion is really high, I’ll admit.” Morbo continued. “No wonder they were worried. You could sense a kouhound just by entering a house? That’s impressive!”

The thing casually began walking up the stairs, step by step, with one hand over the banister. The hand has five fingers, like a human’s but instead of nails, it possessed really long and sharp claws. The presence scratched the banister on purpose making a continuous annoying noise. If Kai was mad because of what he had just realized the thing did, that acting caused him to finally explode.


Kai jumped with all the strength he had right at him. Not worrying with the height or the stairs behind him.

“Oh boy…”

The ghost dodged the attack at the last time and hit his back with a slap.

The movement was done casually, as someone just playfully pushing the other around, but it caused Kai’s body to break the banister and get thrown violently to the floor.

Kai collapsed and cracked the tiles, carrying half the stairs with him. The power of the thing was far beyond the simple lashes he endured a while ago.

“Alternatively, I could have just swung the body aside and let you fall on your own… This is not a good way to approach the enemy, you know...”

The thing turned and began descending to reach Kai, as calmly as it was ascending a while ago.

“…Well, not that it matters.”

Grinning his teeth, Kai tried hard to make his body lift up, but for the first time, it didn’t respond.

‘What…? What’s going on?’ He struggled tried to understand himself.

Kai felt the ‘sensation’ of the unusual power all over his body. Every ounce of the unnatural strength he possessed was already being used to make him just withstand the pain he should be feeling by now.

‘I see… I don’t have power left…’

The ghost stood at his side, looking straight at him.

“Don’t worry. Nothing of this will matter after I finish you off.”

At the worst moment, Kai felt the exhaustion take over his body once again. And this time faster too. He was so worn out he couldn’t even gather strength to maintain his rage.

Morbo’s laughing face became more and more blurry as he condescendingly spoke words he couldn’t follow anymore with his ears ringing.

Kai’s view got dark again, this time all became dark far faster, too. He began daydreaming in delirium, immersed in his mind, ignoring the danger beside him.

‘Wow… What is this exhaustion? It’s like I have my eyes closed… I can’t sense a thing…’

‘Wait… They are closed…’

‘What’s going on…? Where is the guy? Wasn’t he going to finish me off?’

‘Mom… Dad… I’m sorry.’

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