
159. In the morning

"next morning. around 6 am when Mr. Nakamura was waiting for his daughter to have breakfast at the dining table. Aiko didn't come down from her room either. even though Mr. Nakamura had asked his servant to call Aiko to come down for breakfast

This man then decided to call Aiko himself by visiting his daughter's room, as well as surprising the good news that Mr. Nakamura received from the Queen family. that they wanted to accommodate and care for Aiko for a while, while Mr. Nakamura was in Japan

Initially, Mr. Nakamura wanted to surprise him at the end of breakfast. but in fact, Aiko didn't even come down to have breakfast together.

when he arrived at Aiko's room. Mr. Nakamura saw his beautiful daughter still lazing on the bed while listening to music through earphones in both ears.

Oh, yes. Auntie please make a cup of hot tea." said Zea who looked back for a moment while looking at Aunt Anne who was still standing near the stairs.

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