
Season 2 Episode 17: New Places

After a few hours, the Emperor flipped through the last of the documents, placed it back on the pile, turned towards King Blake Bancroft and said, "So the Pope did recognize you as a legitimate heir for the throne."

King Blake nodded his head, "As you can see, I am in fact, a messenger of God. I hope you're happy to know that, Emperor Gilbert Gottfried."

Emperor Gilbert Gottfried narrowed his eyes as he spoke. "Very well. I, Emperor Gilbert Gottfried of the Dazearyn Empire, recognize you, Blake Bancroft, King of Argria as a messenger of God, and I am asking you to help me and my men with my conquest to fulfill God's wishes."

"Of course, I won't fail you, Emperor Gottfried," said Prince Blake Bancroft. "I give you my word; the kingdom of Argria will stand behind you and provide the Dazearyn Army with whatever support you may require to fulfill your duty as the servant of God."

"Do not fail our gods," Emperor Gilbert Gottfried added with a vigorous nod.

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