
Stuck on a tree

Slithering away injured and hurt I lamented about my life. Since I have been reincarnated into this new world I have experienced so much pain and suffered through so much and it is just the beginning and I haven´t even exited this god-forsaken place.

Who knows how dangerous the outside world is compared to this dungeon, and not even speaking from humans that hunt me down or even make me into their pet. Maybe it is wiser to stay in the dungeon, like the old man I just met. No, it would be too boring to stay in one place, especially when you are in a magical world.


'Well, no pain no gain, I guess. At least I am not de-' realized that I almost jinxed myself I stopped. 'Puh, I almost set a death flag on myself,' though I as I slithered over a rock. While moving through the forest I avoided all the fighting and killing around me but as there are monsters all around me it was guaranteed to run into one or two of them.

Luckily the two worm-type monsters were weak and easy to kill but they gave me barely any exp. On the bright side, however, their flesh tasted delicious. It had a soft springy texture to it and tasted very similar to a very tender steak, but more on that another time.

The two didn´t have a core as they were just juveniles, but they were already 10 meters long and 4 meters thick, making me wonder what kind of monster their mother is if they are just juveniles.

While searching the forest I constantly flicked my tongue around and kept all of my senses sharp.

*flick* *flick*

'Wait, there is this smell again...'

*flick* *flick*

'Is it getting closer?'

Turning my head towards the scent my eyes constricted. In the distance, I could see some leaves moving.

Backing off I slithered up a tree to get a better viewpoint, but what I saw confused me. There in the distance was a single insect monster limped for its life while being chased by a buff monkey with a long hammer-like tail. The insect was too far away to see which kind it was but it has strong mandibles and was red.

Not wanting to get myself involved in this, I waited out on top of the tree. I am too injured to kill this monkey and help the insect, and even being in my top condition, how can I outrun a monkey? Also, why should I help in the first place?

I am no hero, I am a snake!

The insect limped towards me while the ape was getting closer with each step.

Seeing the doing a front flip while swinging its tail it crushed the insect's carapace and spattered its blood everywhere. Being covered by the blood the monkey got angry and pummeled the ant's body.

Seeing the force behind its tail I couldn't help but flinch, 'Yikes, that is one mean ape...'

Just as I was about to turn away I saw a little twitch in the crushed monster's antenna and could smell this weird scent again, before it got its head stomped. The ape did a little cheer and danced around the corpse. Finishing his celebration it dismantled the insect and ate its core, but suddenly got agitated as it looked around.

'Why does the monkey look so scared? There is nothing around... right?' but just I finished my thoughts a barrage of purple liquid flew through the air and covered the primate in it.

A light hissing sound could be heard as the ape cried in pain and rolled on the ground before it suddenly let out an ear-piercing shriek and a layer of earth began to cover his body up, leaving only his head uncovered, making the ape look even buffer and sturdier than before.

My mind blanked as a small magic circle appeared next to the ape and raised a pillar of earth, broke it off, and threw it in the direction where the purple liquid came from.

'How the hell can this ape cast spells?!' cried I in envy. It was always a dream of mine to be able to cast magic and seeing an ape do it in front of me blew my mind.

I couldn´t complain for long as a furry of scuttling and clanking could be heard. The ape cried out once again as it punched the ground with its fist. A dozen of magic circles appeared around it and the mokey chugged the earth spears with an enormous amount of force through the air.

*swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh*

'Wtf is going on!?' shouted in my mind as I finally spotted the things that the ape was aiming at.

Behind the trees, a large group of red table-sized ants scurried through the forest with their long thin legs while clanging their mandibles in an intimidating manner. Another volley of venom flew at the ape as it made a dirt shield in front.

Looking around to see if there is a way to escape I realized that I am completely surrounded by monsters, and the worst part is, that behind the ape loud monkey noises sounded. Turning his head he saw an army of apes running and swinging through the forest with various wooden weapons and armor.

And before I realized a war broke out between monkeys and giant ants...

Hundreds of ants and primates poured in on both sides fighting and tearing each other apart like the monsters they were. No one got spared as everyone just blindly killed the others without any command or leader. It looked more like a giant gang war between two rivaling gangs than a war but on a much larger scale. Spells and venom flew through the sky killing dozens.


So, here I am stuck on a tree while dozens of things fly through the air and monkeys riping ants apart while ants poured venom all over their wound-covered body.

And obviously, the ants could use magic too...

Minutes passed, and both sides lost countless soldiers, and each minute that passed the number just increased. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, the dead bodies were being pulled away and injured monsters were being dragged away. The apes began to use earth magic to gain the high ground, but the ants just bombarded them with fire and acid witch produced toxic gas that weakened the apes including me, but luckily I had poison resistance and didn´t take any damage and just another 5% decrease in my stats.

In the middle of all that am I, a lonely light grey snake, wanted nothing more than to search for his partner, but now has to witness a war between monsters, and it wasn´t as if I just stayed there and watched, no, I had to dodge countless projectiles and torn off limps. It would have been an epic battle if not for the fact that I am low on Hp and had to search for Sahra.

I am still wondering why no one noticed me or just completely ignored me, I even had some eye contact with some apes that got close to the tree and some ants too, I think. Well, it´s hard to tell where they are looking with their compound eyes.

Sitting in the treetops I dodged another projectile while crying in my mind, 'I just wanted to search for Sahra and NOT WITNESS A FULL BLOWN WAR BETWEEN APES AND ANTS!!!!'


Three hours past since the fight between those two parties, and I am still stuck on this tree trying to not get hit by any stray attacks. The fighting died down a little bit over the last hour and I could see the end of it already.

Many already retreated but the apes continued to fight what I didn´t expect. I thought the ants were the ones to fight to the end, but I guess they are smarter than the apes and retreated. The monkeys too soon withdraw from the battlefield leaving all the dead bodies there.


'Finally, they stopped this useless fighting. Oh, and look at that, all those monster cores just laying around? Don´t mind if I eat them then...'

But before I could slither down the tree a giant ass metal scorpion appeared out of nowhere...

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