
I'm Back B**t**s

"Stay toon on the next episode of Dragon Sphere Z,' a deep, captivating voice that tugged at the hearts of young children echoed from the 85 Inch flat-screen TV.

Starstruck laying upon the couch, Zariel's jaw, for all intended purposes, was dropped as he contemplated his existence.

"Never before have I seen an anime where both the enemy and hero screams for a whole three episodes. How did this get published?" Lord Zariel asked, having never felt so lost.

It had been about a week since Aurelia, Ella, and Sionn had broken through into the first tier of power. Yet none of them had awakened since their breakthrough, forcing the Young Lord to continue his eternal quest of finding Anime to watch.

"Do I continue? My God, is that even a question? Three episodes of screaming. Damn, but I really do want to know what happens next. Screw me."

"Naw bro, you got to finish it! Trust me! it gets better, then worse, than better again." Said a cheerful voice that shook Zariel off of the couch. Drawing the blade that he always held on his back, even during naps.

His eyes grew wide as he lowered his blade, staring at the masked man with the numeral number 'III' upon his head. Gripping the sword within his hands tightly, humming with familiarity Zariel's heart quivered.

"No," Said Duke Blackwater.

"Oh yes, little brother! I'm back!" Answered III, pulling off the mask from his face.

Letting a sea of snow-white hair fall like a waterfall over his shoulders. A handsome devil appeared before Zariel with deep scarlet eyes. Wrapped in black robes that covered most of his body, III chuckled.

"It has been a while, Zariel. This doesn't seem like your Mansion? Did you downgrade? It's so small, and the Air is a bit foul."

"W-w-what are you doing here?" Zariel hurriedly replied, glancing around at the weave with glowing sterling eyes. "You sent a damn Avatar here! Are you mad!"

"I'm undercover right now. So call me Arsene. It wasn't our intent to head to this barren world, but something came up a week ago." The man, known to be Arsene, uttered with a foreboding stare. "This Plane just happens to be in range, so it became my first target."

"So you used an Avatar! Damn it, Arsene. Are we rich now?"

"We are. A lot happened while we thought you were dead—a lot, brother. In fact, it happened in this order. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and--"

"Are you trying to piss me off?" Duke Blackwater uttered in disbelief, clenching his blade tightly. " those are the stages of death, you idiot!"

"Oh really? Hmm, oh well. But enough about me. What have you been up to, Lil bro? I hear you got two cute loli's with you. Are you getting some yet? What are they, eleven? if we factor in how we age in the world above, you are about the same age."

Sheathing his blade, Zariel sighed, "Still the same bastard I know. So what's so essential you risk bankruptcy sending an avatar."

"it's not just me. The Entire order sent some. A Sword, bright as Dawn, appeared within creation in a single moment last week. No one knows the rank of this sword, but fear has already permeated the hearts of many due to its existence." Said Arsene taking a seat where Zariel sat.

Recalling the Blade, Mephisto uttered and the faint description of Dawn, a knowing connection erupted like fire within the mind of the young Lord.

"So... about booty. Are you getting any, brother? Your balls should have dropped by now, right? Arsene charmingly added. "Tell me you popped the cheery."

"Boys don't have--"

"Horse shit!" Arsene roared, standing to attention. He glared, unable to believe his eyes, "I even got Zero to get his dick wet. Although begrudgingly, he still did it! Blackmail is a bitch, but you! No excuses for you! You need to get some!"

"Brother," Zariel moaned painfully, "you need to go. You have officially passed the limit I can stand of you today!"

"If only it was that easy."

Shaking his head, Zariel's gaze suddenly focused upon a set of eyes staring with a bit of scrutiny at the Lord of this Estate. Her gaze was frost, with her arms crossed firmly against her flat chest.

'Bro, get some!' Arsene thought vibrantly.

"So, your real name is Zariel?" Aurelia coldly proclaimed with a livid expression.

Clearing his throat, Arsene's body began to fade like a ghost, "I'm going to go. See you later, bro. We got some catching up to do. The others may show up. I'll let you know." He said, fleeing on the spot.

Lighting up on some Ravane, Zariel nodded calmly, releasing a cloud of thick creamy smoke. "I am, although I would suggest you not use my name. Are you mad?"

"We lived for how long? and you lied about your name! Yes, I'm mad, Dumb-Dumb!" Aurelia, the fallen, screamed, rushing towards the young duke. She clenched his snow-white tunic lifting him off his feet without the use of Arcana.

Flicking the Neiguan with one swift strike, a pressure point located in the wrist, a wave of nausea consumed Aurelia. Staggering, she dropped Zariel back to his feet. Fixing his clothing, the Young Lord sighed.

"Always with the violence, I swear. I have enemies, Aurelia. Enemies that make what you are facing seem small and insignificant. Saying my name is asking for death. You are protected in my mansions, but outside you are not." he explained, taking a seat, letting the warm heat of the ravane cool his mind.

"And what of you watching Dragon sphere without me! we said we were going to watch it together!" The young fallen howled, making the young Lord confused about what she was really mad about.

Looking the other way to hide his guilt, Aurelia sat near Zariel, resting her head upon his small shoulders. Noticing her ashen expression, the duke handed her the Ravane within his mouth.

"Your soul is exhausted. Here. Guess you will understand the reason I use Ravane so much."

Glancing at the embers upon the ash, Aurelia shook her head, "is your soul exhausted?" She asked weakly, closing her eyes that were beginning to fade in and out.

"My soul is deformed, like how you were during your breakthrough. It's broken and tattered in more ways than you can imagine. Ravane Helps to calm my urges and lessen the effects of some of my powers."

Aurelia fell silent, having no words to respond to Zariel, as this was the first time he had ever explained anything about himself. Sensing the warmth where there was always a chill, Aurelia faintly smiled.

"Don't lie to me, again." She whispered as the echoes of gentle breathing sung from her lips.

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