
Chapter 183: Daenerys and Alesanna

A/N: Hey guys,

Edward's children and their age as asked:

1- Raymont Baratheon --- Age: 17 and will be 18 after Robert's death

2- Axel Baratheon -- Age: 16

3- Lyonel Baratheon and Orys Baratheon -- Age: 14 and will be 15 after Robert's death

5- Wilyam Baratheon and Theresa Baratheon -- Age: 11 and will be 12 after Robert's death

7- Jasmine Baratheon -- Age: 9

8- Ygritte Baratheon -- an Adopted Daughter -- Age: 15

- Here's today's first chapter. Only one Chapter Tomorrow.... Sorry for that...

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No one knew that she was working for Edward except the young Daenerys since Edward instructed her to reveal this information since he wanted Daenerys to trust Alesanna and him by doing that. Although that caused some problems at first since Daenerys did not expect the maid that was protecting her all this time and did not care at all about her brother got sent by the enemy in order to serve her, she was able to get over it in the end, especially with Alessana's special care in the past six years.

Alesanna started to explain everything that happened in the past to the young girl. She showed the young girl the heroism and bravery of Edward and how he faced her brother, Rhaegar. Her brother was the one who was responsible for everything that happened to her family as he kidnapped and raped the innocent girl, Lyanna Stark. She did not forget to tell her about her father and how he killed Edward's brother, The Vale's heir, and the north's lord and heir.

Alesanna told her how Edward fell out with King Robert after what happened in King's Landing since he only agreed to go on with Robert's plans of rebellion to save his lands from her father and save the Targaryen's children. It was the Lannisters who killed Princess Elia Martel and her children in the end. But Edward managed to save Daenerys and her brother by taking Dragonstone and allowing her and her brother to leave.

Of course, Daenerys did not believe Alesanna, even if she was naive at that time. She was a dragon, after all, and only listened to her family. But when Daenerys asked Alessana why she came here and why she did not protect her brother, Viserys, in the same way, Alesanna told her that Edward asked her that because he lost his hopes in Viserys, who was just an idiot. But Edward wanted the young Daenerys to stay pure.

Daenerys came to believe Alessana in the end since Alessana defended her many times against assassins sent to kill her by Robert. She also came to hate her brother, Viserys, since he did not care about her in the last four years, and everything Alessana told her was true. She did not trust what Illyrio told Viserys and started distancing herself from her idiotic brother, who would kill himself by his foolishness one day. After hearing that Illyrio and Viserys arranged such a marriage with a savage from the Dothraki, Daenerys's hatred did not have a limit and shot towards the sky.

Alesanna, who was standing behind Daenerys, came close to her and put her hands on Daenerys's shoulders to reassure Daenerys that she would protect her as always, even if she had to fight Viserys and the Dothraki. Daenerys looked back at Alesanna and smiled after taking a deep breath to calm herself. She knew that she only had Alessana at the moment who really cared about her.

"I will come to your room tonight to tell you some good news." Said Alesanna with a smile as she whispered in Daenerys's ears so that the other two could not hear her. Before Alesanna returned to her post, though, she looked at the two men with murderous eyes. Her king also instructed her about what she should do about the two men. He did not forget to ask her to take out the dragon's eggs in Illyrio's vaults. Edward had been buying all the dragon eggs in the market to be ready for the time when the blood rituals effect would appear.

Daenerys nodded her head to Alessana before turning to look at the two men in the front. She decided to give her brother a final chance to prove that he cared about her one last time before leaving him. She would ask him to annul this marriage with the savage from the Dothraki after this meeting.

"Where is he?" Asked Viserys with an impatient voice as he looked at Illyrio since he hated to wait for anyone. He thought that everyone was supposed to wait for him instead.

"The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality." Said Illyrio with a smile on his face as if he wanted to entertain the prince, getting a smirk from Viserys. Although Illyrio thought that the Dothraki were savage and deserved to die, he feared that they would attack his city, so he decided to kiss their asses. The other Free Cities are the Stormking's property at the moment, and the Dothraki were afraid of that man. Even Khal Drogo got defeated multiple times in the past at the hands of Edward's armies, making his horde shrink to nearly twenty-five thousand men. Although that was the case, Drogo's horde was still the largest since Edward's army made sure of that.

Not long after that, Khal Drogo and his blood riders rode through the city with their horses. At this moment, Drogo was so much different from the show and books. His head was shaved with his men since not only did he get defeated, but he got defeated twice. The first time was on Brienne of Tarth's hands. That action made Edward announce that Brienne deserved to be one of his Kingsguard, allowing her to challenge one of them, managing to ear a place for herself in the end. The second time was on Axel Baratheon's hand, just in the previous year. Don't think that because Axel was young, he would not defeat Drogo. Axel's body was large, enough to surpass Edward's body in his prime. His strength alone should be equal to the mountain in a few years. As for Edward, since he decided to never play with his sword or spear against others and hide in the shadows, he would not come out to fight Drogo, who Edward could defeat with a little scheme.

Edward ordered his men not to kill Drogo after defeating him since he planned to let him take Daenerys at that time. Since he changed his mind, Edward did not need to care about Drogo's life anymore and would send his men to kill him with the rest of the Dothraki hordes.

Illyrio started to kiss their asses and presented Viserys and his sister to that savage. When Daenerys saw him in this sorrowful state, she did not feel attracted to the man since he was not the same strong warrior. As for Viserys, he pulled his sister to him and spoke.

"You know why they are in this state. They got defeated by that usurper's brother's son, who took Stormsland and calls himself Stormking now. But I don't care since the man still has twenty-five thousand savage men at his disposal. With those men, I will manage to take what is rightfully mine. I know that the lords are waiting for me to return, and they would help me defeat that usurper and his brother. I will let him, his twenty-five thousand men, and their horses fuck you if that means I will get my army." Said Viserys as he laughed madly in his sister's ears, getting her disgust by the minute.


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