

The rest of the assessment went by boringly. I did not use the Gate after the ball throw, so even though Deku had his little moment that appeared in the source material, few things could compare to even a casual showcase from me. After the assessment ended, everyone went home, so I did not get an opportunity to interact with anyone else. Not bothering to walk anymore, I activated my flight bracers and flew home. I was looking forward to the next day, as it would be our first Basic Hero Training class, or as I liked to call it, another reason to show off. It was also the day everyone got their hero outfits, and I had quite a surprise planned for then. Before all of that, though, I had to sit through hours of regular classes. I had suffered through my fair share of these in my previous life, and I was not looking forward to doing it all again. The only bright side was that it was all information I possessed, which could also be seen as a curse considering it made classes that much more boring. But, as much as I didn't like it, it was a fair price for getting to play god among ants, which was what being a hero was for me. So, with that mindset, I went through my morning routine the next day before flying off to school the next day. I was planning on taking the train to meet with my green-haired sidekick, but I felt it to be too much trouble, so I opted for flying instead.

The school day went without any problems or significant events. It was Ironic how, even in a society where transcending human limits was the norm, school could still be so incredibly tiresome. Thankfully, instead of going through it all on my own, which is how my previous experience went, I now had an entourage of people I knew and liked: Izuku Midorya, the socially awkward yet hard-working boy who was now stuck to me ever since our first meeting; Tenya Ida, a square-headed, diligent and surprisingly muscular rich kid, whom I was determined to have skip homework at least once (call me a bad influence, I don't care); and Ochaco Uraraka, a cute, bubbly girl whom I had never talked to before, but tagged along anyway because she knew Deku (and because she was intrigued in me, though she would likely never admit it). Companionship, combined with a large amount of curious and slightly aroused stares, made going through high-school a second time that much more bearable.

A few long hours of regular schoolwork later, it was finally afternoon. The entire was waiting in the classroom, anxious yet excited for the class that was about to begin. I was excited along with them, but for entirely different reasons. What I was waiting for was not the class, but to finally see a slightly iconic moment in 3d instead of 2d.

"I AM!" There he was.

"COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" A colourfully dressed, very muscular man with a smile that would make the laughing Budha jealous walked gayly inside the room. There was absolutely no swagger in his movements but, because of his power, fame, and sheer charisma, he was somehow able to make it work. With his classic two spikes of blonde hair and unrepressed voice, All Might entered the classroom. The class went nuts as he walked in, and, fully aware of his position, each comically stupid step the man took possessed unbridled confidence.

"I teach Hero Basic Training," he said, not even bothering to introduce himself. After all, no one in the entire building did not know who he was.

All Might continued.

"It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject."

He then crouched slightly, flexing his unnecessarily large muscles, as if trying to raise morale, which was already at the peak, mind you.

"Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today: Combat training!"

Combat training. A term that excited the battle crazy in the class and scared the more timid ones. The teacher then pointed at the wall to his right.

"And to go with that, are these!" As he spoke, greyed out sections on the wall slid out, revealing 19 numbered boxes, one for every person.

"These are costumes made based on your quirk registration and requests you sent in before school started."

As expected, the entire class went nuts. After all, who wouldn't want personalized suits created by top craftsmen that went perfectly with their quirks? Like little kids on Christmas, the students felt very giddy.

All Might then had a look as if he just remembered something, and said: "Oh, by the way, Adam, There's no costume for you, since you said, and I quote: "nothing you could ever make could even come close to what I possess" so good luck I guess." He shrugged, seemingly not caring, but deep down, he was curious at what the young man possessed. It was a sentiment shared with the rest of the class.

"Woahh, you have your own costume?!"

"So are your parents, like, rich or something? "

"Hey, show us! Show us!"

I gave the best answer I could give without revealing too much.

"I'm not going to put it on here, you bunch of perverts. Have patience," I said with a devilish grin, which seemed to annoy quite a few people. Even All Might smiled wryly before instructing:

"After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

"Yes, sir!"

Now, you might be wondering: where am I getting a freaking costume? Last time you checked, I did not have one, nor did I possess the skills of a master craftsman. And you are right. I had neither. But what I did have was a collection of all the treasures of the earth, and coincidentally, that included certain people's clothes. It seemed certain characters had clothes that were of such high quality that they counted as treasures. And being such, it was only natural for them to be in my possession. I did not remember the Gate of Babylon functioning this way, but I did not dare question this convenient upgrade to my abilities. As the saying goes, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I took the idiom to heart and just rolled with it. As for deciding whose outfit I was going to steal, It was not a hard decision. One of the first things I noticed about myself when I arrived in this new world was that, aside from becoming years younger, I had also become infinitely more handsome. Due to my African heritage, this resulted in me closely resembling an iconic character from the fate franchise: Ozymandias. That made the outfit he donned an obvious choice, as it had induced a feeling of awe that few costumes in the fate universe, and certainly in this world, could accomplish. So, I donned an exposed torso, a white cloak around my shoulder, a large golden necklace with blue gems on it, golden with blue accents, a completely gold-blue hip guard or fauld. What made this outfit so much better than anything U.A. could produce was that every single inch of it was crafted using only the best magical materials. This meant that its defensive ability was top-notch, and it could easily survive a shot from any bullet.

Wearing an outfit that soon everyone would remember me by, I stepped upon Ground Beta, ready to put on a show.

A/N man its hard describing outfits. feel like it was completely unnecessary. should there be some nsfw content or should we leave that to einlion-sensei? anyways love yall as always (always being the two days I've been doing this )

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