

Lexie and Angel made it at the restaurant. Lexie's legs are temporarily useless. She says, "I can't feel my legs. I can only feel my blood rushing through them." Angel carries Lexie as he goes inside.

He sits Lexie down on the table, right next to a mirror. There, she can have a look outside. He asks Lexie, "What you want to eat?" "Since we haven't eaten anything in more than eighteen hours... I'm fine with anything right now. Thank you."

Angel goes to the manager (The only person that works there) and asks, "Hey, I'll take two burgers and double the fries. I'll also take some soda please."

Once the manager had turned, Angel immediately thought he looked familiar. The manager repeated Angel's order. "All right, anything else for you?" Angel looked at him wondering why he looked so familiar.

He asked, "Hey, do I know from somewhere?" "Don't think so, but you do look familiar. What's your name?" "Um, Angel" "Still no clue, sorry." "By any chance do you know a woman by the name of Teresa?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, yeah, she used to come here every day. She would always come here with a spooked face. It's as if she was being followed. That lady was always in a hurry. Why?" "Because that lady is my mother!" "Wait! You're her son?" "Yes, why?"

"She told me that one day her son would come here. I believe she had something for you. I wasn't allowed to see it. I made a promise to never look at it. I kept my word. She did tell me where she hid it though. I think she was testing me. Unfortunately for me, she said only you would be able to figure where and how to find it."

"Really? I'll go take a look... right after we eat." "We?" "Yeah, you see that girl right there, her name is Lexie- The manager/server interrupts Angel's words. "Oh, she's your girlfriend aye? Wow, you is fast boy."

"No, she's my friend. Plus, we're starving. We have not eaten in hours." "All right, all right, I'll have your order ready." "Thanks, oh! Be sure to include some dessert too. Please, and thank you." "Coming right up."

Angel walked back to the table. Lexie asked Angel, "You think they're still after us?" "They're always after us, but we should be fine for a little while in here. For now, let's just eat and relax, shall we?"

Lexie was already eating once the plates were immediately served. Angel too was eating. Later, Lexie stops eating to look at Angel for a while. Angel was not making eye contact but instead looking outside the window on his right. Lexie, on the other hand, looked directly at his eyes. Lexie wanted to say something to Angel.

She said, "Hey, Angel?" Angel turns around to look at her, "Yes Lexie?" "Um, I uh... I wanted to say thank you for saving me... Uh twice! Also... Um... Thank you for these fun days, even though most of the time we're being chased. I haven't had so much fun in a while and someone to share it with. I thought I was all alone-"

Angel interrupts and says, "You're never alone and you'll never be alone, Lexie." "Yeah, that's where you came in and changed my life." "I'm proud to be in your life, Lexie. I will promise you one thing. As long as I'm here, you'll never get hurt again. You need to be taken care of. I will take care of you. Do not worry."

Lexie put her head down to cover up her smile." "You're a very sweet Angel. I love it." "You know what else is sweet besides me?" "What?" Lexie asks while still smiling. "The dessert that's coming."

The manager brought one huge plate. The plate had chocolate cake in the form of Lexie's name. It had more chocolate frosting than usual. There was vanilla ice cream on the top of the entire name. On top of that was chocolate chip cookies, perfectly aligned the name to make a heart shape.

"Wow! Chocolate cake with extra chocolate frosting, vanilla ice cream, and chocolate chip cookies!? All of these three desserts are my favorite. How did you know? Did you plan this?" "Well... Yes... Very lucky guess huh?"

Lexie started digging in. "Hope you like it. Enjoy!" The manager said. Lexie had some frosting on her lips. Angel didn't want to sound to mean, so he says, "Hey, Lexie, you got a little something on your lips there." "Huh? Oh! Sorry, didn't know my lips were that sweet." She laughs then wipes it off with a napkin.

"Thanks for the dessert," Lexie says. "You're very welcome. Hey, Lexie, I'll be back. I got to go check something out." "Oh okay, just hurry please." "Don't worry, I'll be back on time" "On time?" Lexie whispers.

Angel proceeds to go with the manager. The manager looks at him and asks, "Did she like the dessert? Or does she want something more special?"

"She's my friend." "Look, Angel, I know she's your friend. But what if one day she does like you more than a friend? Will you accept her, or decline her?"

"When that day happens, there's only one answer. In which soon she will know. For now, let's focus on what my mother hid from me."

"Right over there. In the back of my kitchen is a dark door. I was never permitted in there. In fact, some weird people in all black, including one about your height, tried to picklock the door. The thing is, it was only step one out of fourteen. The one about your height only made it to thirteen steps and-"

"What was he doing here!? And only thirteen you say? "Yeah, why?" "How many people in black were there?" "Twelve and that small one about you're height."

Angel thinks to himself, "There were twelve shadows when Lexie and I were fighting. If he counts as a shadow... The one that knocked me out would count as fourteen. Unless the one my height doesn't count as fourteen!"

Now Angel asks the manager, "What's your name?" "My name is Fabio." "Let's see... First, it's my father's last name... Mister Matthew." (The door unlocked). Next was the lights, so it wouldn't be dark. "Aren't you coming?" "Not allowed. Sorry."

Angel kept going. He puts his mother's name Teresa on the side of where the lights turn on. Third, at the bottom of the stairs, the ground was fully open. It led to plunging death. "Now what? Wait! This is called Teresa's hideout. Hold on, I have to put an apostrophe then the letter -S and then hideout. She did that on purpose to make it harder! Smart!" Fourth, there was a lever. It had the numbers one through fourteen. I'm fourteen now. Angel pulls the lever all the way through fourteen. (Another door had opened).

Although, this door was made of very heavy metal. Fifth, there was a door filled with electricity and a keypad lock next to it. "This could kill me! Wait! Kill! That's it!" He entered: KILL. It jumped shocked him. "More like killer. Oh, that's the answer."

He entered: KILLER and it opened. The sixth was mysterious. It had two papers that looked like important files. One wrong answer and it would kill him instantly. It was very top secret. "Oh! There are two killer secrets." Now he entered: TWO KILLER SECRETS. It actually worked.

The seventh had weird unknown symbols. The symbols are ত/ট and ও. "Oh! Those are not symbols, it's from a different language." Angel uses his tech bracelet. The bracelet produced a voice: "Foreign language known as Bengali. Mainly confused as Hindi."

Angel thinks to himself, "I learned the Bengali alphabet in history class today. It was when I asked a girl about her culture. Everyone would stay away from her. They thought she was a threat. I don't believe that though. I thought she was nice and pretty smart. Anyway... back to solving this... let me see... The ত/ট is the letter -T and ও is the letter -O. The words are: TO. He entered it.

His access was accepted. The eighth, there was a book with two covers. "Interesting, a book with two covers. That means... I would have to... UNCOVER!" (Eight access accepted).

Now the ninth test. There was a mirror. "Hmm, reflection?" That was the wrong answer. "Oh wait, let me put this together. Starting from two, then secrets, then to, then uncover. It's a sentence now! If it's not reflection then its how I look? Oh! It's me but from my mother's view? The word would be YOU!" (Unlocked).

The tenth, there was a sentence with a blank space for Angel. It said: The blank to live. "That's easy! It's WILL." The eleventh was a lot of random letters and numbers. "This one's hard to crack! Impossible to understand. Wait! Out of all the words I just said, the one word that makes sense is: UNDERSTAND." (Code accepted).

Twelfth, was a room filled with a lot of merchandise. It had everything. "This place has everything! If I touch something, will I get locked in here? I can't risk that. Since this place has everything, I believe the word would most likely be: EVERYTHING."

The thirteenth had words scrambled up. The words were: sorry, to, see, I'm, you, very, have, this. "Another sentence!" Angel looks at it. It took him four minutes to finally put the words together. "Oh it says: I'M VERY SORRY YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS. Access accepted.

Finally, the last test. No clue, no sentence. Although there was a rare and old briefcase. Angel tried to grab it and it shocked him.

He tried to pick lock it and somehow the picklock broke. He tried to break it. That did not work either. It was made out of titanium. He tried scanning it with his glasses. It wouldn't give him any information.

Lastly, he tried his blade. Even his blade could not Pierce through. "That's impossible! Unless, since it was a sentence, the last word would be very top secret! So the words were: I'm sorry you have to see this... It only involves one word to unlock this. I got it! It's my name! But, what's my real name? Dammit! Hold on... Could it be?"

Angel looks at the briefcase. It has five locks. One letter each lock. He puts the name that Joyce gave him. It clicked and opened. There was a note. He looks at it. It was his mother's writing. Angel couldn't believe it.

The note read: Dear, to my little boy. I had to hide so many secrets from you. I believe six years once you've read this note. You should be fourteen by now. I'm very sorry. You see little one, I, your mother, am an assassin. It hurts by writing this information. Now you might be thinking I am a murderer. No! I'm not. I was trained to be an assassin in order to find a group of serial killers. They've never been identified or found. Now, you might be thinking I'm such a bad mother for not telling you sooner. Well, it was the only way to protect you from the people that would chase you down. I secretly managed to find the group's name. The Shadows. There is one specific person that leads them. He goes by the name of Grieve. He'll do anything in order to turn someone psychotic. He'll turn their friends against each other. My little boy, you're smarter than him. I know you will outsmart him. Be careful with him. You never know when or whom he'll strike next. I thought he had been chasing us since you were eight. Until I realized, he was chasing you! Do not trust him with anything! He's a liar! He'll bribe! He'll enjoy turning someone into a weapon of destruction. He has no desire to love anymore. How do I know so much about him? That, I can not answer. Your father has the answer. Before you ask, yes, he was a part of this operation. The only difference was that he was a hitman. He wrote a note to you. In that note, you will find out a lot about your father and who Grieve really is. Once you find out, you don't have a choice. Get rid of him. It doesn't matter what your father said in that note. Just get rid of that damn, disgraced boy! He's going to go after you with everything he's got. I'll give you one sentence that's mandatory! You need to do it. The sentence is: NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BY THEMSELVES, HE'LL GO AFTER THE ONES THAT ARE ALONE! (END OF NOTE).

"Never leave anyone alone?" Angel asks himself. "Oh shoot! Lexie!" Angel goes running back to Lexie. It took him a while to get all the way back up to the restaurant. Finally, he made it. He looks at Lexie.

Through the mirror outside, there was a car coming at full speed. Angel says to Lexie, "Lexie! Duck!" "What?" Lexie did not understand. She quickly looks through the clear glass. She saw the car coming, but her legs are still weak.

Fabio runs to Lexie and picks her up quickly. The vehicle crashed into him. But, Lexie is safe. Angel saw Fabio on the floor. Fabio says to him, "Here, take this." He pulls out a strange golden card. Fabio continues, "Your mother, she told me to give it to you. There's a map on it. Now go!"

"What about you?" "I'll be fine! Now hurry boy! You don't have much time." Angel picks up Lexie and runs to the motorcycle. He puts Lexie in the back. "Hope those hands are stronger than those legs. Hold on tight!"

Meanwhile on Fabio's side... The men that got out of the car were wearing bullet vests. They both have caliber pistols. Two on each hand. One of them had a cigarette in his mouth. The one that had a cigarette in his mouth looks at Fabio and asks him "Where are those kids headed off to?" "No clue!" Fabio spits on him. "Asshole!"

The man put his cigarette on top of his head. It was burning Fabio's skin. Fabio was screaming of how much pain it was. Then the man shoots Fabio directly at his forehead. "Shut up! I hate it when people scream!" The man says.

One more passenger gets off the car. It was Grieve. The two men make space for him. Grieve looks at Fabio, "This is sad. Fabio's dead!" "I thought you wanted him dead?" "Yes, but I didn't get to see him grieve! Well too bad, I kind of liked this guy." "What do we do now Grieve?"

Grieve does not answer him. He gets the jump start cables from the car. Both connections on the car. The other two connections on Fabio's chest. More connections close to his heart. The last connection on his forehead. (Where the bullet wound was).

"Are you sure that'll work Grieve?" Grieve says, "Positive! If you add a little more water in his wound."

Grieve goes to the driver's seat and steps on the gas. It was too graphic that the only view was Grieve's face from the driver's mirror. The sound of flesh bursting could be heard. The two men were disgusted by Grieve's act.

The man that did not have a cigarette said, "And yet you were disgusted by the other kid's words?" "You want to end up like Fabio here? Because I'll start right now!" Grieve said while pointing his blade at his neck.

The man says "If you weren't so slick at killing thirteen men at once, or making anyone grieve, I would've killed you already." "Good! Then we understand each other. We have to hurry. We need to find Angel!"

Angel wanted to go back to see what has happened. He makes up his mind and steps on the gas. He looks at the card. The destination was: Haunt You Avenue. It was really dark. Angel turns on the night vision on his glasses. There was a hidden door. There was a small machine to insert a card.

Angel inserts the golden card. The doors opened. Inside, there were all kinds of armory. There were all types of guns. There were as follows: Q18, AK47, AR15, CZ75, 9MM, M16, pistols, revolvers, extremely illegal rifles, Semiautomatic, and Scorpion.

There were tons more loads of armor, grenades, sleeping gas, gas masks, etc. Angel and Lexie were searching the area. They opened cabinets.

On Angel's side, he found all kinds of needles and prescription drugs. He read what the drugs can do. Some were to make a person stronger, faster, and some for pain. Some to put people to sleep. The last ones were for instant toxic death.

On Lexie's side, she finds a cabinet filled with all kinds of knives, blades, and different machetes. Lexie grabs one blade. The bottom had a red and black design. The top extra shiny. With one more detail. The detail was that the blade could slide to either be a small pocket blade or a full-size blade.

She asks Angel, "Hey, can I have this?" "Sure, feel free to take anything you want. We're going to need a lot of this weaponry." "Thanks." They both keep looking around.

They gear up, both in a different little room. Now both of them have protective armor under all their clothes. A gadget belt with grappling hooks, guns, small gadget bombs, Tasers, knives, blades, and first aid kit equipment.

All designed to fit all the pockets they have in their armored pants. Lexie sees something is covered with a white sheet. She's curious to know. She takes off the sheet, only to find a computer.

She says, "Hey Angel! Come look." Angel goes to see the computer. He takes off the watch from his wrist and presses the button for the USB. The secret files were now loading. After four minutes, the files were complete.

"You ready to see who is the one controlling all the shadows Lexie?" "Ready!" He opens the files. The files had the names: Angel, Lexie, Lucy, Douglas, Joyce, and Grieve.

Angel thought out loud, "I knew it! Grieve must be a student at the school, but whom can it be?" Lexie responds, "Keep checking the names."

Angel opened the file of Lexie. It had all the information. Especially information that should not be seen. "I won't look at yours further Lexie. I promise." Lexie responds, "Thanks, I appreciate it." Next, Angel looks at Lucy's file.

After reading, he thinks to himself, "That's one messed up dad. I'm going to have a word with him soon!" Next on the list was Douglas.

This time Angel says to Lexie, "His parents were too afraid to ask him how it would go at school. Every time they would try to have a talk with him, he would lock himself up in his room. He would just lay there all day. He thought that no one understood him. His parents did understand. His mind is messed up to this day. But I can help him!"

"You will help him?" "If I make it to him on time, yes. Right now, his location would be Drown Harbor." Next on the list is Joyce. Angel stays still, not wanting to look at it. "Are you okay Angel?" Lexie asks.

"I'm... She wouldn't have anything to hide. Plus, I don't want to know." "Here then, let me just check her location. All right, she's going to be in that location as well. I wonder why? And oh, you're right. She has nothing to hide.

Last on the list is Grieve. It's a recording, should we play it?" "Do it, Lexie, we need to find that bastard! He needs to pay for what he's done." "Look, Angel, I know you're angry at him, but we should just go after our friends first and then we could put him in a mental asylum, got it?" "Right, sorry." "All right and playing..."

The recording was Grieve talking with an unknown voice. Little did they know, it was the same voice Grieve was talking to on the subway.

The voice said to Grieve: "I didn't just bring you here so you can witness all the torture devices around you. I brought you here because I want to know if you hate a certain someone. Do you hate anyone young man?"

"Yes!" "Really? Then, you wouldn't mind telling me who?" "I don't want to say his name." "And why not?" "He didn't bother to save me." "Do you mean... this boy!?" (A picture was thrown and slid towards Grieve's feet).

"Yes! That's him. He's dead to me!" "Dead to you, you say? So... You'll do anything at all to kill him! I assume?" "What!? No! I wouldn't kill him. He's m-"

Now the screams of Grieve were heard. The sounds of torture devices echoing. The voice continued, "Put him in the Torturous Mental Solitude Chamber. He needs to learn how to make people suffer his way!" (The boy is fourteen now).

"Again, who do you hate!?" "The boy that left me to grieve!" "Good... What are you going to do to him!?" "I will make him grieve!" "Good! And how?" "You'll see. I'll leave him alone. He will see how I felt. No one will help him!"

The recording was not over yet, when all of a sudden, someone was knocking with abusive force. The knocking turned into slamming. "What now Angel?" "Prepare yourself!" They both take out their guns, waiting for someone to enter.

Word count 3,636

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