

Emamaline's Pov

One day earlier

I tried packing the necessary things I need for my trip home, but my mind was elsewhere, so I just shoved everything into a suitcase and took it to the car. I drove down to Coppa, still thinking about Ada and how Mama was feeling and the people that lead to her death.

Been away from home for a long time takes a toll on you, especially if you're tied to the land. I groaned as soon as I passed the welcome to coppa town sign, as I felt every strain of magic in me rises, reacting to the magic of the land welcoming me back home. I drove to my family house, packing the car in front of the house.

I stayed in the car staring at the place I haven't seen in 10 years as different memories came to mind of Adeline and me while growing up. I remembered when we were helping Mama plant her rose garden in front of the house, and I accidentally poured water on her, she chased me around spraying me with the hose connected to the tap.

Or when she came crying home when she had her first heartbreak after the boy she was seeing cheated on her, and we sat on the front porch tying a voodoo doll with his name, casting a spell that made him question his sexuality for a while and also itch for a week. Or when she, mum, and I would bake and place it outside on a table give a piece out to anyone who drops by.

The door opens, and the neighbor Mrs white came out of the house. She approached the car once she noticed me getting out of it and hug me. "I'm so sorry dear. Don't forget that she was really loved."

"Thanks, Mrs. White."

"Everyone is inside with your mother."

"All right."

I took my suitcase and went into the house. Everything looks the same and even smells the same as I look around the house.

"Emamaline," said mama

"Hello, mama."

"She's gone, my light girl is gone. They took her from me. She was here one minute and gone the next" she said, crying with her whole face swollen from excessive crying.

"It's going to be fine Mama. I'm here now. Her death won't be for anything." I told her while hugging her.

I turned to the people around "thank you all for staying and consoling my mother through this difficult time."

"You don't need to thank us dearly, Adaline was a gem to us all." Replied Mama Colton.

"The preparation for the last site is being arranged at the backyard."

"Ok, I'll go check on them."

I greeted everyone I met on the way till I got to the back yard.

There were lilies everywhere made into different designs, just like my sister like them. And the meal to be share as the celebration of her life was also being sorted. I stayed a little while with everyone helping with what I can before going up to my room. I laid on my bed lost in thought before a knock on the door jousted me up.

"Come in."


"Hi, Harman"

"Mum told me you were up here, so I came to make sure you're doing ok." He replied, taking a sit on my bed.

"Thanks, I'm ok. It's not something I can just will it to go away. I miss her a lot." I told him.

"I know everyone is concerned about your mum and how she is coping. They are all forgetting that she was your best friend. I mean you guys talk all the time, she spends every break she had with you."

"Thanks, Harman, that's very thoughtful of you, but I'll be fine. Besides I didn't just come home to bury my sister." I turned away from him

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"You can't say something like that and expect me to forget it. Ema, what do you mean."

I turned to him and said, "I'm going to avenge my sister's death."

"What!!! Are you crazy? Avenge what, the trees. Falling from a tree isn't a crime Ema." He cries out.

"That's what they say, but I know better. Adaline climbs all those trees all the time and has never fallen." I yelled at him.

He stood up from the bed and started pacing around the room. "Accidents happen Ema. You can't blame everything on something that isn't there. Are you sure this isn't your guilt talking?"

"I'm not crazy, and what do I have to be guilty about?"

"Your sister wanted you to come back home and remain with the coven, but you kept putting her off. After the whole incident with your awakening celebration, you cut everyone off from your life. You left town and refuse to come back."

The more he talked, the angrier I got. "Incident; a wannabe hijacked my awakening ceremony, something that isn't his, almost killing me in the process," I yelled at him. "You know what, get out, your irritating me," I said, pointing to the door.

He sighed, "Ema, you know I care about you."

"Shocking" I replied sarcastically.

He rubs his face with his hand, saying: "I'm serious Ema, be careful. You might have all that power, but you haven't used them in years." And he walked out of my room.

I slammed the door angrily.

Be careful, who the hell does he think he is talking to. I ranted angrily yelling I'm the mistress of this land, causing my powers to rise shaking the whole house.

"Ema dear, is everything ok?" I could hear my mother, asking me through the door.

"I'm fine, mama, just a bit stressed," I told her while sitting on my bed to calm myself down.

"Ok, when you're done, come downstairs and help with the preparations."

"Ok mum," I told her hearing her footsteps leaving the door.

I picked up my suitcase and set it in the closet and left the room to join the preparation.

As I walked by, everyone was staring at me like they are seeing an alien. The staring got too much that I had to ask "what?" Some people shook their heads and turned away.

I tried helping with the preparations but my mind wasn't in it, so I walked into the forest at the back of the house. I kept walking not paying attention to where I was going till I found myself in the middle of white woods surrounded by different plants. I bent down to pick some purple patch lilies when I felt eyes on me causing me to turn around and there, standing behind me were three vampires.

We all stood staring at each other till one of them started talking. "Look at what we found, a lone ranger in the woods," while moving closer to me.

The second one told the first vampire to leave me alone and left with the last member who didn't say anything to me. The vampire closer to me turned and left while saying "see you around little dove."

I went back to picking my flowers while thinking to myself how they were able to breathe in white woods. Once I was done picking the flowers, I returned home. By the time I got home, most of the sympathizers has gone home remaining just a few. I didn't know so much time as gone by.

Mama Colton was the first person to see me; she came out saying. "Young lady do you have any idea how worried we've all been. Where have you been? Everyone's been searching for you. This isn't the time to wander of especially into the forest."

"I just needed to clear my head," I told her.

"All right go inside, your mother is worried about you."

I went inside, spoke to Mama a bit then went up to my room. I dropped the lilies in a bowl in my room then went into the bathroom to shower and prepared for bed. As I was about to get into my bed, a knock sounded on the door

"Come in.

My mum walked in with some oil and candles. "Don't sleep yet, put this all over your room and light the candle to ward off eve spirit." She said.

"Mama, there are no evil spirits in this house."

I told her.

"Just do it. It will make me happy, and you have to be up early tomorrow." She replied

"Ok mum, goodnight."

I light the candle and rub the oil a little over my body before closing my eyes.

Once it was midnight, I woke up. I stood up from my bed and walked to the bowl with the flowers in it and pick it up along with candles and went out of my room to the kitchen. There I placed everything on the tabletop and got a mortar to grind the flowers along with some other ingredients. When I finished, I poured it into a small bowl. I poured some into my hand, pick up Adaline's picture and place it above the fire in front of the candle, and started chanting.

"What was done to you shall come back to them three times. Everyone involved shall pay the rule of three." Then I blew the powder into the air. I mixed the remaining powder with water and oil and add it to the soup mixture to be shared at the celebration of life tomorrow. I stirred the soup saying. "Seeker of truth, seeker of life; find me the truth."

Once I was done, I cleared everywhere and went back to my room, and slept off.

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