
Accident Happen...

Finally it's Friday..

I wake up late.. last night I come let.. so in morning I can't wake up and I sleep.. also I am tired.. and weak.. I don't have stamina to wake up and go for gym.. so I sleep more... plus today's Friday so I didn't have worry for anything..

About jade's match.. it's 11o'clock.. so I am happy that..  do I sleep again happily..

I wake up again and see the alarm what time it's is... it's 9o'clock in morning.. fine I have time to grab breakfast or Its enough time to go get ready to hand out to see jade's match..

I get up in my bed.. and look around.. janna not in her bed. Maybe she gone early.. I don't mind.. I go get freshen up to myself.. brush my teeth.. and get warm bath.. it's relaxing..

I feel like today's is going to be all good.. I literally feel stress free.. no worries.. just carefree..

Thinking about today's event well I know we all rock the stage.. plus I didn't know were are perform today.. but I know all going to be good.. I feel it..

After getting bath.. I wear comfortable clothes.. tight jeans with lose white plan t-shirt..  and loosen my hair.. it's look good and simple.. there is no need to do make up.. I am good like this.. I mean beautiful..

After getting ready.. I checked how much time I have.. it's 10.15 in morning.. fine.. I have 45 minutes.. in this time I will had my breakfast.. than I will go and cheering up jade..

I didn't check my phone.. just grab it.. and pull in my jeans pocket.. and left the dorm..

After 5minutes walking distance I reached cafeteria.. and grab my lunch.. today cafeteria is little bit empty.. Maybe all are there way in match..

I think why not eat there.. to told them to pack my breakfast.. and then I give them money and left cafeteria..

After reaching spot.. I searching girls.. where are they.. Naomi waved at me.. I walk toward them.. with my breakfast and site besides them.. Naomi and Clara they both are sitting in front rows.. I don't mind it's good that..

"Good morning ava" both are said to me with smile..

" very good morning girls.. have you had your breakfast.. if no.. than I am sorry I can't share mine I am too hungry.." I said to them with wink them.. they both are look each other and than me..

" you totally bitch you know that.." Naomi said to me..

" I am worse than that.." I said to them with my fabulous smirk..

" whatever.. where is others.." Clara said to me.. well that was my line..

" I don't know.. I thought they already here.. I didn't meet or talk in this morning.." I said to them.. and eat myself breakfast.. and I moan.. wow this is haven..

" Hyyy you made it.. " jade come toward us.. and said to me.. I smile at her. And nodded..

" of course.. it's about tennis and you.. how can't I come hmmm " I said to her. She giggle..

" can I have one bite.. I didn't eat in morning.. Thinking about this all match and all stuff.." she said nervously..

" why not.. and why didn't you eat.. you have to.. you want stamina for beat you appoint to win this.. " I said to her. And give her to eat..

Both clara and Naomi glaring at me.. I just rolled my eyes and ignore them..

" you didn't even give one bite and you did you all breakfast.. it's not fair.." Clara said to me.. jade looking at her and than me.. and eat it

" don't be jealous.. I am her favorite" jade tell them..

" we are not jealous oky.. we just said.. " Naomi defined them..

" you just did.. and yeah jade is right.. in you all in this.. jade is my favorite one.. " I said them proudly.. and jade giggles..

" just tell me that you are to into girls" Clara said to me.. her eyes wild this excitement..

" doing this you think that I am lesbian than I am.." I said to her. And she shut up.. and me and jade both laugh..

" kidding girl.. you are also my friend.. but she has match.. what if she zone out.. she have to eat something.. so that's why.. and jade you lucky.. what if I had my breakfast in cafeteria.. what will you do after.. next time this mistake Don't happen again oky.. never skip your meal.. " I said to them.. they all agree with me. Jade nodded..

" oky I am done.. and than for this ava.. and give me luck guys.. I needed it.." jade said. And we all are give her tight hug. And wish her that she will won this match..

" did you check you phone ava.." Naomi suddenly said to me.. and I turned to face her.. and give her question look..

" no why.." I said to her..

" than check you stupid girl.." she said with little bit angry.. what happened..

I pull out my phone in my pocket jeans. And check it.. there is lot's of miss call and text messages.. I look at her.. than check my phone..

Unlock my phone.. there is angi and Janna's message and calls who I missed..


Were are you.. we need you now.. its important..

After another one..

Why can't you just picking up your call.. pick up the call damn it .

It's about amma.. where are you..

When she said that. I get up and run toward to exit.. when I dump into someone..

I didn't saw who's coming.. and I dump into.. I look who's that is..

" I am sorry.. i.." I trying to apologize to him when I saw who's he. I stop..

" look where you going.. dont run like dog.." he said to me.. I mean he latterly insult me..

I wanted to shout or say something but than my mind remind me about amma I thought it's better not now..

" if I run like dog.. than were are your eyes.. you stupid ass.. now get out my way.. I don't have time to talk.." I snap back. And after he say something.. I already push him and run toward exit as fast as I can do..

I deal Janna's number to talk with her. What her mean by that.. what happened with amma.. its scared me hell out of it..

In two in third ring she picked up the call..

" were are you how much time we called you.. you did pick up any of our calls" she said. And she's voice Like she crying..

" what happened.." I asked her. Ignoring give to answer all this..

" it's amma.. we are in nurse room come here.." she said to me.. I cut the call.. and handed our nurse room..

After quite searching nurse room I finally found it.

Without thinking I enter there. And we that angi and janna both back facing me.. and there face opposite side to my.. and someone lying in bed.. and I searched amma. But I doesn't found her.. walk near the angi and janna where they are standing.. they turn to face me..

" what's going on here.. what are you both to doing here.. and where is amma.." I said to them I know lots of questions. But I just can't think out straight..

" actually we have problem ava.." angi said to me.. she also sad and crying..

" in this morning.. when amma come here for lunch.. some one push her in to the staircase.. and she got injured.. she had fracture in her lag.. she can't perform tonight" janna said to me.. I stood there. Where they are standing.. I see that amma sleeping in bed. Her face is full of red.. think like she is crying a lot.. her face is puffy..

" she just sleep she continues crying.. about this.. and worry about our today's performance.." angi said to me..

I thought today is going to be good day.. but no.. what we do now.. she had fracture in her lag.. and some cuts in her hand and head.. she can't perform like this.. hell even I can't say to perform.. fuck..

" anyone know who push her.. did she tell you.."  I asked them..

" well she tell me that.. when she landed in ground.. than she look up who's there.. but there is no one.. but she saw someone's shadow she thinks it's girl.." janna said to me.. and I nodded.. I look at amma's body.. weak.. scared.. I can't see her like this.. tears popping down in my cheeks.. I remember her.. looking at amma.

I think about her. When Justin's boy's throw her body in our door. Oohh not.. god..

Janna and angi both come and hug me tightly.. I hug them back..

" it's oky.. it will be alright.." angi said to me.. and consoles me..

" she will be already ava.." janna said to me.. ava... it's not me.. it's not my name.. ava..

I miss you ava.. I miss you so damn much..

" ava.." amma voice appear.. we all broke the hug. And face her..

" how are you now.." I asked her. Taking her smoothly.. not to hurt her..

" I am fine now.. " she said. Started to get up but I told her and said not to..

" I am really sorry ava.. I know this event to import to you guys.. I don't know how this happened.. I am so sorry." She said and started to cry..

I hug her without hurting her. She hug me back..

" there is not your fault.. whoever did this.. he or she they pay for this.. " I said to her..

" and you take rest oky.. don't think to much.. we will short this out oky.. sleep and take care oky.." I said to her softly.. and she nodded..

I left the nurse room. And stand in corridor.. thinking about this.. what to do now..

" what we do now." Janna and angi both also get out and asked me..

" nothing.. I will do her last part.. I just have to do little practice.. you guys record it yesterday our dance right.." I asked them. They both are nodded.

" sand me in I needed this.. we have time.. till in eventing.. I Will do it.." I said to them.. and angi said me  our dance video..

" are you sure.. you can do this" janna said to me..

" you have better idea than tell me.." I snapped her.. I know it's rude. But I left after that..

I don't know were to go for practice.. because basketball stadium I know there is full. I can't go there. For practice.. where can I go..

Than my mind click.. I don't know it's good idea or not.. but I know this is my last think come to my mind..

Reaching my dorm.. I changed close into sports bra and leggings.. and left the dorm..

When I reach the gym.. my luck its empty.. and Nicole going to close it.. I stop him..

" hyy do you mind if I used it.." I said to him..

" it's close ava.. why you come in this time.." he asked me..

I told him what happened.. I explained situation.. he understand this. I told him I can't go to basketball stadium..  explain him.. now I also understood that how much it important to impress the judges to get us to our own studio..

" so please this last time.." I request him..

" you know you are lucky.. I am in good mood.. you can practice there. " he said to me.. and I jump in my spot. And hug him.. it's sudden happened. But after that I back of.. little bit embarrassed..

" sorry for that.." I apologize him..

" hyy it's oky.. now go you don't have much time.." he said to me.. and enter gym.

First I saw 10 or 20 Times.. Amma's dance.. and than try it.. I also change little bit.. its to difficult but never mind.. I try my best to did it same.. they way amma did it..

She look.. she action.. she flirty smile.. her smirky attitude.. I just all observed her.. and try to did like this.. match up like this..

I love dance. But when the situation like this.. I can't dance properly or think to dance or enjoy dance..

" need help.." someone said to me.. and I turn around to see who's he...

Nächstes Kapitel