
Gwyneth's Page III

Theodore walked behind her and with his hand, plpaced the freezing cold can of cola on her cheeks. "Good job." 

Gwyneth jolted at the feeling of the sudden cold. She grabbed the can of cola and then opened it. A loud fizz and the can snapping is loud. "Thanks." 

"Don't mention it." He then opened his, producing the loud fizz sound and then immediately drinking the cold coffee and emptying it within several seconds. 

"You heard them... right?"

"Yeah." He threw the can over to the nearest garbage basket, landing it there perfectly.

"Nice shot." She's trying to divert the conversation more trying to forget what happened earlier. 

"What are you going to do about it?" 

"I... don't know. It doesn't sound bad."

"But you'll be stuck with them for the rest of your career." 




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