
I'll Listen To You

Even after all that, Shui Xian stubbornly said, "I still don't want to go."

Seeing him acting like this, Raelle recalled something. She seemed to be familiar with the way he was acting since she had seen someone else doing it.

"I think I know what you're doing," she said.

"What?" asked Shui Xian curiously. He looked so eager to hear her answer that it would be baffling to an outsider. But he didn't think anything was wrong with it. After all, he was familiar with how his wife answered. How could it not be amusing? He was waiting to know where she was gonna take this.

"You're throwing a tantrum," was Raelle's answer.

Shui Xian pursed his lips before asking, "How do you know?"

"Hyson does that when he wants an ice cream from me," told Raelle. "He told me that's called throwing a tantrum."

Shui Xian laughed out, "Babes, I suddenly am curious."

"About?" asked Raelle.

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