

As per the daily routine, just as the lunch hour came around, Raelle walked over to the sitting area in her office and set up her iPad on the low coffee table before her. She had just settled before the camera and Shui Xian had just accepted the call when the scene of Hyson throwing his jacket on Raelle's head came before his eyes. 

He didn't even hear Hyson's voice since his eyes were focused on how his wife didn't even find this action surprising. In fact, Raelle even pulled down the jacket from her head and neatly folded it before placing it on the side. Then she lifted her hand to fix her hair.

"Is that Yue Fai?" inquired Shui Xian.

Hearing Shui Xian's voice, Hyson looked around and focused his eyes on Raelle who replied, "You can just consider him the part of the background. Really not important!"

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