
Dropping Bombs

Mom is carrying Marcus as she climbs the staircase to the high floor they are staying on. Even now she is still trying to make his life a little easier. While this skyscraper is a good place to be, these stairs are going to prove a problem. "When we get back up to the room I want to tell them the plan, everyone is going. I'll make sure you guys gain levels faster then others will, that way you guys can fend for yourselves." I direct my order to mom, but she is still not being flexible. I'll be taking all of them with me and if I have to drag her along then so be it. I'm not going to wait for an answer from her, so I'll just focus on other things right now. Mainly the people that I killed in the park, they will go to someone stronger for help. They cant help themselves, when people like them form a grudge its really hard for them to let it go.

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