
Meet You 1

Rey was so excited when she told Jelita about Humaira's pregnancy, because what they dreamed of would come true, which was to have children at the same time.

"I'm glad to hear that, Rey. You must take good care of Humaira and your child-to-be." Said Jelita on the phone.

"Of course, I will take good care of it, one day we will gather together to bring our children." Rey said to Jelita with a smile that continued to expand.

On Rey's side, there is Humaira who is clinging to her husband's chest, currently they are in their room, laying down their tired bodies after a long day of work.

"Okay Jelita, tomorrow we will continue again, it looks like Humaira is sleepy, you are fine there, and convey my greetings to Danil and Rena." Rey said then hung up their phone after saying hello.

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