
Maryam mother of Isa

The police officers who are on duty in front of Arlita's room have finished checking on Jelita, they don't want to be fooled, Arlita is currently recovering, it would be fatal if an intruder entered her room which would endanger her life.

"Greetings, Mama, Arlita."

"Waalaikum dear, dear." replied the mother as she approached her favorite daughter, the two women who were both wearing long maroon headscarves hugged each other, and soon they broke their embrace while both smiling sweetly.

"How are you Arlita?" Jelita asked while sitting beside Arlita's bed who was hugging Ramond who was sleeping on the side of her bed.

"I'm good, Mrs. Jelita."

"It's beautiful, but you need to call me Mother."

"Alright Jelita, nice to meet you again."

"This is because you deftly caught criminals who endangered Danil and me."

"Not caught yet, he escaped."

"Yes, I know, at least it's clear who our enemy is."


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