
367 Declaration of the Wars

The Empire was now preparing to celebrate the approaching New Year. This will be the sixth year of the Kai Yuan era that Zhao Lingxin reigned over the country from united the land of his brother.

People's happiness was an excellent indicator of Zhao Lingxin's organizational success that had brought everyone to this point.

The celebration of the new year at this time, all people are watching very seriously.

As usual, the New Year's festival should be filled with a cheery atmosphere that such a concept did not apply to the Great Da Zhou Empire.

Because every time the new year approached, the imperial people had to be careful and paranoid about something that was going to happen. Ever since everyone could remember, only the second year of the Kai Yuan reign had been celebrated in peace. Since then, every time we enter the New Year, the Empire has always had a crisis all the time.

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