
Chapter 51

I didn't listen any further, but just left. Barry began to talk about those events and Firestorm's involvement in them. This time, people seemed to believe him and listened intently. I doubt that the day of the Flash will be canceled, but I somehow do not care. I may have changed the canon by my actions, but I don't really care, to hell with the canon, I've already changed enough. Although, as I understand it, somehow the world adapts to the changes that I make. I may be influencing something, but some things are bound to happen, one way or another. Let's see what happens, Flash Point is coming soon...

I didn't go far, I wanted to wait for the Atom Smasher, but it didn't take long. Just as Barry finished his story, he appeared.

Flash tried to stop him, but without success, the power of the Smasher even without magnification was enough to throw Barry like a doll. Bullets were just as powerless, even though he didn't defend himself by covering his body with metal, but his skin was no less tough. Bullets just bounced off him, so Cisco ran for his invention, which was supposed to help in the battle with the meta-humans. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I didn't interfere, it's too early...

The weapon was powerless, the Smasher simply changed its size and easily withstood the energy release from Cisco's weapon. Then Barry stepped in again...

* BOOM!*

The explosion from the gas cylinders disoriented the wrecker a little, so he shrank in size. Hmm, it looks like he spent a lot of energy, which is why he didn't look so good right now. Barry didn't give chase, but Roshtain started to run. As I understand it, he spent a lot of energy on defense, and because he increased in size, the consumption increased even more. But even though he was weak, he ran quite fast, much faster than a common man. I followed him by teleporting across the rooftops and waited. I'll attack when I get a good opportunity. Right now, he still has enough strength to fight the Flash, which is why Barry didn't try to catch up with him, it was pointless. But I wasn't going to give him a chance to recover, I already knew where he was going. Let him spend more energy, and then I'll grab him...

By absorbing radiation, it enhances itself completely, endurance, physical strength, even speed and of course growth. Thanks to the radiation, it is able to survive an electric shock, so now I do not even hope to knock it out. Probably the tranquilizer won't work either, he's too strong and can handle it. His abilities are truly amazing... I already had an idea for a fight with him, so I could start.

When he stopped at the Radioactive Waste storage Facility, I immediately attacked.

*Vign* *Wsouh* *Bach*

The guy's instincts were well developed, so he was able to block my sword with his bare hand.

I grinned as I put the blade away:

- Ha, you're tough-

Judging by his heartbeat, he became nervous, and then asked irritably:

- Grrr, who are you?-

- Zoom sent you, didn't he?-

- What? How do you know?- the guy was surprised.

- It doesn't matter... That it's time for you to die!– Having said that, I immediately went on the attack. Smasher didn't hesitate either, and charged at me with his bare hands.

* Boom!* * Boom!* * Boom!*

My sword and his fists collided several times, and I immediately felt a slight pain in my hands. My weight has almost returned to normal, so my strength has noticeably decreased. I was stronger than humans, but against this monster, it was pretty hard to hold on. Thanks to the strong bones, I could withstand the load, but I doubt that I will last long if this continues, besides, he can...

Before I could think about it, the Smasher began to grow in size. The growth was slightly smaller than before, and the heartbeat increased even more. It looked like this form was causing a lot of stress for him, but it didn't slow him down at all, he immediately attacked with his huge fist.

I didn't fool around and try to defend myself, but just teleported to the roof of a nearby building, put my sword behind my back, and raised my hand to the sky.

* B-z-z!*

It's time to act. As I understand it, he spends a lot of energy on attacks, and even more on defense. Cisco's attack weakened him, and the explosion of the gas cylinders weakened him even more, now he is at the limit. I could have dodged all of his attacks, but I didn't want to drag out the fight, so I decided to use my weather power. I'd learned to use it as well as Mardon in the last few months, and it was time to use it in battle.

Electricity crackled around my arm, and then the sky began to darken. Atomic Smasher immediately realized that this was not good, so he quickly rushed to me. His speed was amazing for his size, but not enough to stop me. I just teleported a little further and continued to accumulate lightning.

As soon as the sky was filled with black clouds, one of them hit a large pillar of lightning right in my hand. The whirling Wrecker was already rushing towards me, so I pointed my hand at it and hit it with all the accumulated charge.

* B-Z-Z-Z!* * BOOM!*

The Crasher was struck by lightning not much smaller than the one that struck me. But unlike my body, his was not adapted to such power...

- AAAAAAA- A loud, plaintive cry escaped from the giant's throat, and then it began to shrink before his eyes.

- Ha... ha... Haa ... bastard...- Part of Roshtain hair was burned off, and he was already on one knee. Sweat dripped from his forehead and dripped down his chin to the ground. He wasn't in the best condition. I immediately decided to check something out...


A small sharp icicle formed on my arm, which I flung with a light movement of my hand at the tired opponent. Smasher grimaced and held out his hand for protection...

* Bang* *Ples*

An icicle slammed into his arm and blood splattered on the ground. Ha, so not so impenetrable...

I looked at him and asked:

- What, the power's gone?-

- The thing that you are... like this?-

I grinned:

- It doesn't matter...-


Right after that, I teleported behind him and put my hand on his head...


This time, he couldn't stand the shock and rolled his eyes and fell unconscious. As I thought, it is completely dependent on radiation, and in the environment it is not enough to maintain its great strength. He would need to hoard it for months to pose a threat to someone. We need to check what it will do if there is no radiation at all. If the results are positive, then maybe I can even absorb his powers, otherwise, it won't make sense. I'm already limited by the energy of life, and I haven't had enough radiation yet...

- Okay, let's go...- throwing a rather heavy guy on my shoulder, I went to my base.

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