
Chapter 18

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker

[42+ Chapters in Advance]

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Chapter 18

Title: True Colors...


When I sense the person standing out of the door, I can't help but frown a little. By using my EN and spreading my Aura in a circular motion around 15 meters. 

Hmmm… so that person is just waiting on the outside for me. Obviously the guards were killed by the same person too.

I take a deep breath and decide to open the door and as I look towards the person, I am surprised to see who it was. It was a woman with shark-like teeth, square glasses, wearing smart pants and a tank top. She looks at me and her eyes widen with a crazy look in her eyes."I saw what you did from the cameras. I must ask… when you said that you would let anyone who surrounded join you. Would that apply to me too?"

I smile at her, well this is actually better than expected. "Of course you can join me. Someone as skilled as you would fit well within my group."

"Group?" Asks Azula, unsure of what to make of it. "So you plan to make your own group then? I must say, that is quite ambitious of you."

I just turn my body to face Azula and look at her directly in the eyes. "No need to act like that Azula. You can act truthfully and say what you want or need. Our little group will have to be truthful to each-other, you know how this is."

Azula stops in her tracks, her smile turns into a serious look and she says. "Okay then, I wanna learn how you did what you did back there."

I nod at that. "Okay, that is good. I will teach you about it after we get out of here."

She nods at this. "Also Sub, don't worry about anyone else. I killed everyone else in here except Karla, Ogre and your little pink haired girlfriend."

I nod at this too. "That is good then. I will also teach you Nen after we get out of here, also you can teach me some of the more advanced techniques."

We then start walking together. I don't ask any more questions from her. I don't ask if she killed the other children, even the young ones and such. Because that would be a stupid question, I already know the answer to that question. Also I didn't know any of the other kids, and I didn't really build any connection with them so I don't care for their lives. Kids die all over the world for whatever reason, so I don't care about their deaths and I don't care about them here. They have already been brainwashed by the organization anyway so it doesn't matter. 


-Karla POV- (few minutes before)

I immediately woke up after the three gunshots, my senses were at 100% alertness. I got up and went to my balcony and climbed along the walls and with ease arrived at Sub's room.  I am already familiar with the route I have to take along the walls. I shouldn't risk it to walk around the corridors.

When I arrive at his balcony, I enter inside and my heart stops when I see that he isn't here. 


That is when I hear a loud noise as if something is crashing and the whole building shakes. 

What the hell was that!?!?!? 

Is it some type of grenade? What the hell is going on? Maybe we are under attack by some enemies or something like that.

It seems like Sub isn't here. His most likely route is that he went outside on the corridors. I will do that then… 

I just go outside and stealthily walk amongst the shadows. I hope Sub is okay.


After some minutes as I move around the shadows, I don't find Sub. What I do find though is the pink haired girl that Sub stays around a lot, I think her name is Machi. 

I am currently behind her and she doesn't seem to notice me. Even though she is stronger than me physically, I am sure that I can kill her with a sneak attack. Then I will be the only girl that Sub will pay attention to…

I am about to go ahead and attack her, but in the end I calm myself down. Sub's location is currently unknown and so is his wellbeing, so I must put these feelings of mine on the back of my heart. 

So in the end I just decided to call out to her. "Hey, Machi!"

Immediately the girl turned towards me, and instantly I felt a dangerous presence settle about. I could feel some strange dangerous presence from her… w -what...

But when Machi sees that it's me, she calms down and says. "Oh, it's just you. You are one of Sub's friends right?"

I nod at her. "Yes, my name is Karla. Do you know of Sub's whereabouts, is he okay?"

Machi shakes her head and starts jogging forward and I follow her. 

"No, not yet, I am looking for him currently. Also just to be sure, but me and him will be escaping tonight, using this mess to our advantage. You in?" Asks Machi, she doesn't even look at me as she asks that.

Obviously I didn't even need to think about my answer. "Yes, yes I will go with you. I will also be honest the organization asked me to keep tabs on Sub, hope this doesn't create any bad blood between us."

"No it doesn't, they did the same to me." Says Machi, surprising me a little. Why was the organization even so concentrated on Sub. 


-General POV-

It doesn't take long for Machi and Karla to walk around the hallways. They even see some more people killed and these ones don't seem to have any injuries on their bodies. They just seem like they are sleeping, except that they actually have no heartbeat and are not breathing.


Some more minutes after that they finally run into some living people and their faces turn into ones of joy when they see Sub just walking with a knife on his hand and Azula to his side.

"That knife that you are holding is a Ben's knife, it was also Lovro's most prized possession. It has a small poison coating, that seemingly seems like it somehow produces it by itself. Really strange that one." Says Azuls and Sub nods at that, he then twirls the overly curved knife on his hand.

"Can you treat its poison?" Asks Sub, asking if she can actually heal him, to which Azula nods as her answer, signifying that she can do so.

She mentions forwards and Sub nods. "Yo! Machi, Karla, it seems like we will be getting out of here. Let's go and pick up Ogre too."

Machi nods at this with a calm look on her face, she can easily calm herself and not act silly in front of others.

But Karla was a whole other deal as tears came out of her eyes as she ran towards Sub with her arms opened going for a hug. "SUUUUUUUB!!! I am so glad that you are alive! I was so worried! I thought that you actually died and I didn't know what to do."

Sub has a small smile on his face as he hugs Karla back. "No need to worry Karla, you know how strong I am. I did after all kill all of the people in here."





In this chapter we saw a little bit of everyone's true colors. Karla's unhealthy (and creepy) obsession with Sub. We then have Sub's indifference to the death of hundreds of children and Azula's willingness to slaughter children for Sub, and to learn what and how Sub did what he did. Honestly Machi was the best person between all of them and that is saying a lot for a future mass murder who helped massacre a whole clan just because Chrollo fancied their eyes (Kurata).

P.S: Saw that it has reached 1000 Power Stones, I will update twice today, plus the chapter that I missed yesterday. I will try to update three times in this story today and twice in the MHA one. (Had a parent-tecaher gathering for my little brother's school yesterday. Apparently theybplan to bring kids back to school... just gotta say... that meeting was a lot more annoying that it would be.)

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