
#4 - Update And Old A/Ns

So uh, my story Beyond Our Imagination is finally on MoboReader! *confetti*

I've edited the story a fair bit from the version up on Webnovel so check it out! Y'know, if you care about the story. Here's the description of the story just to entice maybe even one person to go and read:

Hyewon has only ever known a life in the Kanen ghettos of hardships, starvation and pain until one day, her father is laid off from work, leaving only Hyewon suitable to provide income for her family. Her new job as a blue-collar worker for a large corporation forces her to move out of her familiar world of the Kanen ghettos to encounter one totally opposite of it - the Triary suburbans. The craziest part? These seemingly new worlds are separated by only a mere fence.

And that's all for the summary of the story! If you're even a little bit interested, please check it out!

With the story now up on MoboReader, I'm removing the old version from Webnovel after 3 days of my update chapter there to notify everyone of the wheres and whats of the story.

After all that self-promo and garble, we move onto the juicy stuff. I've collected some of my A/Ns from when I was still a scrub uploading chapters of Lost In Deep Waters to Wattpad. I hope you enjoy laughing over them as much as I do!


A/N (Days after publishing date):

I really hate how my prologue isn't easy to understand and requires you to know the full story before understanding anything in here. Already a few days in and I want to edit this. I'll take some time to edit this, alongside writing Chapter 5.

(Weeks after publishing date):

After editing it, I can say without a doubt that it still isn't that great, though it is a smidge better.


So uh, this is my first a/n. Hiya y'all. What do you think of the story so far? I'm genuinely curious. Also, can I just mention how bad I am at writing anything romance? So bear with me as I write the story.

I already have the full storyboard thought out and social structure of the fantasy I've made. None of you guys are wondering but I'll say this anyway. Taeha (Hi it's post-wattpad sera here. Taeha was the draft name of Minji just to clarify) is based on how I would act in those scenarios. The last thing I want to reiterate is that romance is not the main focus of the story, though it does exist, as I want to step out of my comfort zone.

My depictions of romance may not be accurate, as I've never been in a relationship and experienced it. (And yet I'm in high school; we still living that single life.) That being said, I hope I can gain critique.

Happy reading!


Hi guys!... Again. I've decided to take the time to flesh out my story and I will return with an update tomorrow. From what I have on my storyboard, I think my story will take 20 chapters, though I get the feeling it'll be either way shorter or way longer. I want to make sure y'all understand the world I'm envisioning almost perfectly without me dedicating a chapter to explain everything. I have a rough plan, though I just need some time. We've already reached the point in the story where the event order and execution of writing matters, so I want to be able to present my story in the best light possible. If I don't come back with an update tomorrow, I hope you understand, though I'll try my best to complete my storyboard fully so I can update this story asap.

Until next time!


A/N (Weeks after update):

I think it's gonna take wayyyyy more than 20 episodes.


All members of Momoland finally made their appearance in this Chapter! I use the member's real Korean names, as they don't have their stage names in this story. For Nancy, I decided to use her English middle name; it just sounds so pretty! 💎

(Hiya it's post-wattpad sera again to butt in. Yes, I initially included the members of Momoland in my story as I was a huge fan of them. Still am but that's not the point. Seoyun, Dahyeong, and Minji are based on the Momoland members Nayun, Dabin (Yeonwoo), and Taeha respectively.)


I even researched basic geography, area codes and the structures of phone numbers in Korea. The things I do, seriously! Since practically all of my stories take place in Korea, I want to make sure they are as accurate as possible to Korea. However, I am not Korean - I am Chinese. Please excuse any random mistakes I make here and there. (Instead of putting KakaoTalk, I almost put WeChat, if any of y'all know what that is, haha)

I created a new story called Dear Future Empress that is based on true historical events that I researched for hours about. Please go check the first info chapter out! I won't be updating it until either one of my current stories is done.

(Post wattpad sera here even more. You guys won't be able to see the story anymore but I do have the info chapter and first chapter if you really wanna see it. I can try uploading it next to gauge if y'all are interested!)


I can't believe it. A single day of school, introducing the basics of the story took over 7000 words in total to write about. I surprise even myself sometimes. Today's chapter was 1800 words, which is almost 600 words longer than the usual chapter. Longer update for you guys, I guess?

(Post wattpad sera here all day err day. Shut up quarantine sera, that's not a flex. Okay, you may now continue.)

For this chapter, I had to research even more and figure out when schools ended in Korea (Yes, it varies.) and Korea's transportation system. Through writing all these stories about Korea, I've grown to know more about it. My story takes place in Cheongju and Cheongju is a real city in Korea that belongs to the North Chungcheong province. I referenced prominent things in Korea like T-money and KakaoTalk, not to mention I had to make sure T-money did operate in the Chungcheong province (which it does!). I also researched about area codes and dialling someone in Korea and what starting numbers you'd use, depending on where you are. Point is, I did a lot of research for this, as I want to make it seem like Korean people living in Korea, and not Korean people living in America, which to me is what a lot of stories fail to understand.

Another point I want to bring up is that in this story, everyone aside from Dabin, Nayun, and Taeha (And of course, Taeha, Nayun and Dabin's childhood friends) all are names I came up with. The same goes for my other stories. Take for example Junior student Yuna. I know off the bat that there's a Yuna in ITZY, but the Yuna I'm talking about is not based on her. That's why I was thinking of naming her Yuri, so people didn't get confused, but there's a Yuri in SNSD. I also thought of the name Sowon, only to realize that there's a Sowon in GFriend. In the end, I just gave up on trying to give her a unique name and stuck with Yuna.

I also encountered the same issue with my other story, Beyond Our Imagination. I know that there is a Hyewon in IZ*ONE and that there's a Kyungsoo (D.O.) in EXO and Hyerin in EXID, but they're not them; they are my own characters.

If any of you guys are confused, ~~~~~~~~~ in a line by itself means a time skip. I won't use this a lot, but for this chapter, it was necessary. There's not much you can write about when the main character is waiting.

I think that just about covers everything I wanna say to y'all for now. This A/N was longer than I anticipated it to be so I'll cut it here. Author Sera is out.


When I said I was basing Taeha off of me, it also comes to what I wear. Surprise? Aha. Yes, I wear only pink and white and mainly skirts and dresses. My closet is filled with pink and white with no other colour visible, other than some black leggings I own. I don't wear heels a lot because I'm scared of being judged, but I have been wanting to get a pair of pink block D'orsay heels, just like I described in the story. The shoes I mainly own are heeled boots, sneakers, platforms and flats. In school, I'm still scared of dressing up like how I usually would, so Taeha wore a pair of white jeans and a pink sweater to school, just like I would in reality. I guess you've learned something about me?

(post wattpad sera because are we even surprised at this point? Yes that still holds true today but even more pink if anything. I also got enough confidence over the months to wear skirts and heels to school if that's what I really want. I do go to a Christian school so it's pretty outrageous but as long as I stay within the dress code I'll live.)


Haaaa... I'm such an evil author sometimes, I swear.


Alright, I'm cutting today's chapter short because I've got a friend's birthday to plan and it's going to be FIRE just you wait, bud ;)

(Sera but make it post wattpad. Yes it was fire. No the story isn't as short anymore because I lengthened it - as you do)


Wow what? Uh, thanks for your time? I have no clue how to express my thankfulness because I'm truly at a loss for words. Also, this 'story' has over 300 reads? Why? Anyways, thank you to whoever thought it was a good idea to follow up with my sad life as a high schooler. Mad props to you.

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