
Cad Bane

[A/N: Please tell me if I have gone too far in this chapter, I have a feeling that this may be too OP from the beginning, maybe I should give him part of those things eventually as the story progress...]

Tanden walked out of the workshop with a smile on his face, not that anyone would know anyway thanks to his new helmet. He had finished everything he needed, but now he had 0 credits, enough to beg for food...

At least he would do so in a stylish way, his Mandalorian armor was finished and the materials coupled with the design and technology he used were enough to give him an almost perfect defense, his armor was mostly capable of self-repairing, there was a limit to how much damage it could recover from, it had a life support system that worked in space, water, and harsh environments.

The armor also had kinetic energy nullifiers, even he fell from the top of the highest skyscraper in coruscant he would only sustain light injuries.

Instead of the usual jetpack, his armor had thrusters on his boots and a gravitational field generator that allowed him to easily control his direction while flying.

Not only that, the nanotechnology allowed him to carry basically invisible weapons, all he needed was a command and they would build themselves on top of his gauntlets. And to make things even better, night vision, sonic radars, life detection system, thermal vision, and many other support systems were also built within it, and once he had the resources to build an AI, even hacking into enemy computer systems would be like a walk in a park. If needed he could even create concentrated pulses of electromagnetic energy to disable nearby unprotected equipment. After all, he was a Mandalorian first and Jedi second, he wouldn't be foolish to the point of relying only on his lightsaber and the Force.

However, he was also aware of the Jedi view on things like that, so he made sure to insert something he liked to call 'I.P. Illusion Protocol', which allowed him to easily change the appearance of his armor to make it look like something else.

As for his new starship, it was already sent to the hangar of the Jedi temple, and he didn't have to worry about anyone trying to steal it, since it was configured to work only if the one on the control has his brain waves.

As he walked towards the temple he noticed a weird situation, the guards of the Jedi temple were all covering each one of the entrances with their lightsabers in hand, but instead of trying to prevent something from entering it looked more like they were trying to prevent something from leaving!

A man was standing next to them, it was a human male and Tanden soon recognized him, after all, the man taught him a lot during his early years at the temple.

"Master Cin Drallig! What's going on, why is every temple guard prepared to fight!?"

The man turned to look at Tanden and blinked his eyes for a moment, he was surprised to see a Jedi wearing a helmet, but when he noticed the boy's lightsaber he nodded as if he understood something. "Ah, so it's young Tanden, the temple was invaded, we have information that points out to a bounty hunter called Cad Bane, but we are not sure of where he is, so we covered every entrance to the temple in the hopes of stopping him from leaving."

Tanden nodded, but soon he thought of something that made his heart shudder, she was forced to work in the library if he wasn't mistaken, but still, it would be good to check.

"I will go inside and see if I can find him."

Master Cin nodded. "Very well, but be careful and remember to warn us first if you see him, don't engage in direct combat."

After walking for some time, Tanden finally reached the library, only to find his master, Ahsoka, Master Skywalker, Master Obi-Wan, and Master Yoda holding someone.

"... I said Bolla Ropal! He's Bane's next target!"

"Bolla Ropal is currently guarding the Kyber memory crystal, we can not allow bane to get his hand on him." Plo Koon massaged his mask for some reason as he talked.

"What is on the crystal?" Ahsoka asked.

"The data on the identities of every Force-sensitive children across the galaxy. The future members of the order..." Master Windu frowned.

"We need to warn him."

"That will be difficult, he is out of reach, and somewhere in the Devaron system."

Tanden approached the group that turned to look at him, he removed his mask and looked at them. "If that's the case, what are we waiting for, let's go find him, we can't let the bounty hunter do as he pleases."

Plo Koon looked at others. "My Padawan is right, we can't waste any time, the future of the order is at risk."

"Very well, we can go together then since you took the time to go back to the temple in order to fetch your Padawan." Anakin looked at Tanden and smiled slightly before turning to Ahsoka. "Let's go Snips, we have work to do."

For some reason, Tanden couldn't help but frown after hearing the way Anakin called her, but his master didn't allow him to ponder on the matter.

"Let's go, Tanden, I hope you've finished your business because there is no more time to waste."

"Yes, master!" Tanden nodded and followed him to the hangar.


Devaron System, Outer Space.

"General Skywalker! Our base has been taken! There is no possibility of evacuation, they took General Ropal and the Holocron memory crystal!" The clone shouted has shot at the droids.

"Do you know where he was taken?"

"Sorry sir, we tried to detain them, but ... UGH AGHHH-" Before the clone could finish his words, one droid approached him from behind and attacked.

They stood there for a moment, shocked at the scene they just witnessed on the transmission.

"The base transmitter has been destroyed, sir."

Plo Koon shook his head and turned to Admiral Wullf Yularen, captain of the Venator-class Star Destroyer they were currently in.

"We need to find in which ship Master Ropal currently is. Do you have any means?"

The Admiral shook his head helplessly. "Impossible, there is no way we can distinguish between each of the ships in this situation, my best guess is that if one of them tries to flee, it must be the one where the bounty hunter is."

"This will take too much time, there must be a way to discover where he is. Can't we intercept their communications?"

Ahsoka and Tanden watched from afar as their masters discussed together with the Admiral for means to locate the Jedi.

"How is it, Ahsoka? It has been a few months already, does that Anakin holds a candle to the rumors we used to hear?"

Ahsoka laughed slightly. "Anakin is a good master, he knows how to fight and always finds a way to deal with a situation, even if it means that he needs to improvise, I've learned a lot during this time with him. But..." She turned to look at Tanden, the corner of her mouth raised slightly. "You don't seem to be happy about it."

Tanden avoided her gaze and scratched the back of his neck. "I heard him calling you snips... I think it made me feel a little bit... I don't know..."

"C'mon Tan, it's just a nickname, you don't have to be sad. If you want we can have new nicknames that only we are allowed to call each other like that."

Hearing this Tanden couldn't help but foolishly smile, he turned to look at her and said. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum."

"Is that Mandalorian?" She asked curiously. And after seeing him nodding, she asked. "Then, what does it means."

He smiled. "Well, there is only one week until the next year, and one month until my birthday, if you truly wish to know, you'll have to go out with me at that time."

"Why so many secrets?" She laughed. "Alright, I'll wait."

He nodded and turned his attention to the Admiral who was Arguing with Skywalker about how they didn't have any assault team to board the enemy ship.

"This is outrageous, you can't be serious!"

"I AM serious, captain, thanks for your opinion though. Aim at their hyperdrive and shoot, don't let them scape."

Seeing this, Tanden frowned, as expected of the Jedi, they were too stupid for their own good, who was the genius that thought about making warrior monks Generals in a war? This is like asking a monkey how much is the square root of x²...

Sighing he shook his head and waited for what was yet to come, he truly wondered how they were supposed to board the enemy's ship.

[A/N: If you think I went too far, tell me and I'll rewrite this chapter. Also, check out my original story if you like light isekai adventure with romance, the name is ( I'M NOT THE HERO!? )]

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