"I beg your pardon?" Kimberly asked as she took a closer look at him. She couldn't tell who he was since most of the time she approached guys at the club, she was usually under the influence of alcohol.
But this guy? He wasn't even handsome, so what on earth could have pushed her to him? Alcohol, yeah, but could she have been so drunk that she would pick someone like him? She wondered, feeling slightly disgusted with herself at the thought of someone like him touching her.
"You heard me right! Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, or I will be forced to show you evidence of our wild night together," He said with a sneer, making Kimberly's heart skip a beat.
What did he mean by evidence? Had he taken pictures or made a video clip? Kimberly wondered fearfully before taking note of the phone in her hand which was vibrating.
Oh! The call! Her eyes widened in alarm when she remembered. Had he heard everything?