
Chapter 201

"That was absolutely amazing!" Pearl said to Erik as he walked back into the office. "That is what I wanted, needed and have been praying for in a partner. Someone to stand up for me like that. Erik, I love you so much. Thank you." Pearl said.

"I told you, there will no more talk of you having to be strong all on your own. I've got you, my love. I'm carrying you now. Also, fuck that guy." He said. Pearl and Maggie laughed.

"Are we finished here, ladies? Because I have a surprise for you both." Erik said.

Maggie smiled, "For me? What?" She said, clapping her hands. He nodded.

"But first, drinks." He said, leading them out of the office.

"What a day", Maggie said as they sat down. They were now being followed by a few paparazzi and Erik knew it wouldn't be long before there were more. They ordered cocktails and toasted the day as Maggie filled them in on everything and getting them up to speed on other things going on with the company.

"Maggie, you work entirely too much. We are going to get you a couple of assistants to help with you personal life as well." Erik said.

"What personal life?" Maggie asked.

"How old are you, Maggie?" Erik asked.

"I'm twenty nine." She said.

"You need to have a life of your own. We cannot and will not expect you to work this much. You are officially on holiday for the rest of the week."

Erik said.

"Oh no. I can't. There is too much work I have to do." Maggie said.

"And it will all still be there for you when you get back. Pearl and I will take care of what we can for you while we are here." Erik said.

"Really?" Maggie asked.

"Yes. Now, for your surprise." Erik said, looking at his watch. He led them to the car and Charles drove them to the city and parked in front of Nordstrom. "Oh, it's closed. It closes at seven." Maggie said.

"Yes. It does doesn't it." Erik said. Charles opened the door and Erik led them to the front door. A jubilantly excited woman greeted them, letting them in.

"Your highness, this is a true honor. I am Cecelia, the regional manager and myself and my ladies here are at your service." She said, bowing.

"Thank you, Cecelia. I do appreciate your allowing us to be here. I trust Charles has made sure you were properly compensated." Erik said.

"Oh yes, your highness." She said.

"Erik, what are we doing here?" Pearl asked.

"I am going to sit over there and have a bourbon and look at some numbers at Trigon. You and the lovely Maggie are going to shop here, as long as you'd like and buy whatever you want." Erik said.

Pearl looked at Maggie.

"Erik, we don't want you to do this. I don't feel right." Pearl said.

"It's a thank you from the crown for the partnership that is transpiring. Consider it business. Now go before I change my mind. Also, buy something sexy for later." He said, smiling.

Maggie hugged Pearl and jumped up and down.

"Let's go to Louis Vuitton, girl!" She said.

"Yes. Do. And find me a suitable briefcase, please." Erik said.

They shopped for over two hours, with Cecilia catering to their every whim. It was magical. Maggie came from a poor family and worked very hard to get where she was. This was something she had never even imagined being able to do and it meant a lot to her. She thanked Erik and hugged him. "It means a lot, I've never done anything like before or had anyone show me kindness like this. Thank you." She said.

"No need to thank me. You are family now and a very important member of the crown's circle. Get used to it, dear." Erik said. "We would be honored if you would join us for dinner tonight. I have one more surprise for Pearl." He said.

"I'd love to." Maggie said.

They pulled up in front of a restaurant called Altura. There were paparazzi gathered outside and ready to pounce.

Charles opened the door and Erik pulled Pearl and Maggie into the restaurant. The maître d' greeted them and shuffled them to the back of the restaurant, where Pearl saw Ian and Fi and Auggie seated at a large table. "Oh my god!" Pearl said. She hadn't seen them since the accident. "I invited Auggie to visit and stay the weekend at the new house. I hope that is ok." Erik whispered.

"Of course!" Pearl said. "You never have to ask that."

"My baby girl!" Fi shouted.

Pearl ran and hugged them all. Ian gave her a big kiss and told her that he was the only one in the band allowed to almost die by making bat shit insane choices.

"Hello you sexy son of a bitch." Ian said to Erik, kissing him also.

"Thank you, Ian. Lovely as always." Erik said, smiling and wiping his face with a napkin.

"Maggie, this is Ian and Fi and his highness, Augustus Pilsen-Chamberlain, prince of Wales." Pearl said.

"Auggie." He said, shaking her hand, they both smiled at one another.

"This is Maggie. The new CEO of Trigon." Pearl said.

Maggie looked at her. Pearl smiled and nodded. "Congratulations, Maggie, you've earned it." She said. Maggie felt the tears come and she hugged Pearl with all her might. "Thank you, Pearl. I won't let you down." She said. They had bonded over a tragedy and Pearl valued her real friends more than anything.

Erik ordered wine and they dined and caught up. Fi flashed a huge rock of a diamond on her left finger. "Fi? Are you two?" Pearl asked.

"Yes! Isn't it wonderful. I am smitten. I'm in deep smit. He is a pain in the ass but I adore him and can't live without him." Fi said.

"Ian? I am shocked and appalled. The imagine of you as the consummate bachelor has been tarnished forever." Pearl said.

"I can't help it. I'm certain she is clinically insane but I can't be apart from the saucy little minx. I'm a pussy-whipped bastard and I love it." Ian said.

"Congratulations to both of you!" Erik said. "To pussy whipping us all!" They all laughed and clicked glasses.

During the meal, Pearl looked over and saw Auggie and Maggie chatting and flirting. It made her smile. "How is Auggie and the girlfriend in Italy?" Pearl asked.

"They aren't getting on much anymore. Auggie said she has distanced herself from him. It isn't easy, being with us." Erik said.

"You got that right." Pearl said, smiling.

"Hey!" Erik said, putting his arm around her and tickling her. Auggie dinged his fork on his glass.

"I'd like to take this moment to tell Pearl how indebted to her I am for her brave act of valor in saving my brother's life. Erik is everything to me. When I was small, I looked up to him so. I wanted to do everything that he did, be everything that he was. And now that we are both grown men, I still feel the same. I only hope that I can one day find a love like yours, Erik. With someone that would lay their life down for mine and love me unconditionally. Thank you, Pearl. I am forever in your debt for keeping my brother around for me to continue to love and learn from. To Pearl!" He said. They all toasted and Pearl thanked him. It was a wonderful night, indeed.

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