
Mysterious Old Man


The earth shattered beneath John's feet as he blocked a kick from the Devil with raised forearms, using his full strength to resist its might. The skin on his forearms exploded into a shower of blood, revealing the muscle beneath as it was unable to fully withstand the Devil's might.

Small fractures formed on the bones of his arms as well, creaking loudly as it strained against the powerful attack. Just before blocking the attack, he had shifted his body slightly to the side, facing diagonally towards the Devil's kick. The blocking angle not only allowed him to deflect the attack instead of taking it directly head on, but also allowed him to use the power of the Devil's kick to add to his spinning momentum. 

John turned around instantly, his speed far faster than he would be able to do with his own power. As he spun, he raised his elbow, pointing it towards the Devils head.


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