
Sour Mood

Weston watched with irritation as His Majesty carried Adeline out of the room. Forget being the talk of the town, they were going to be the talk of the nation tomorrow. He held back a sigh, knowing people would view Adeline as His Majesty's weakness.

"Smile, Wes." Easton shook his head with a smile. "Maybe His Majesty truly found someone he loves."

Weston loudly scoffed before rolling his eyes. "His Majesty is unable to love. He does not know that emotion. She merely amuses him, that's all."

Easton pitifully glanced towards the ground. It was true. His Majesty did not possess the human emotions of "love." That was why the council of the Empire of Wraith believed His Majesty needed to wed the Golden Rose. She was a miracle of a woman, and perhaps, she could perform a miracle on Wraith's heartless King.

"If only the late Queen didn't experiment on His Majesty…" Easton muttered.

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