
Keep His Identity Secret

Las Vegas, NEVADA

Just after they landed, Vincent hurriedly got off the plane and headed for the waiting vehicle. 

"Good to see you again, Mr. Shen!" 

"Good to see you too, Roland." Vince greeted back, tapping the man's back before he got into the car. 

"Hey, Tim!" Roland helped him put their luggage in the vehicle's trunk.

"Yo, Roland!" Tim throws a knuckle at Roland. After they placed the bags in the car, both men went to the front. Tim took the passenger seat while Roland slid in front of the wheels. The two guys were chatting on their way out of the airport. "You sure enjoy your married life, huh?" 

"Why would I not? My wife already gave birth to our second child. Finally, for several months I have to hold up. It's time for some action!" 

"I can't believe you!" Tim throws a punch to his shoulder. Both the guys cracked up. 

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