

Within the kitchen Kitsune and Lilly seemed to be sitting together while enjoying a home cooked meal.some chicken noodle soup with a bunch of veggies and spices.

Lilly:well Kitsune? How is it?

Kitsune was drinking the broth of the concoction as there was a satisfying slurp noise to go with it.Once she was done she placed the bowl down and licked her lips.Kitsune seems to be within her true form at the moment as she appears to have a small smile on her face.

Kitsune:it was delicious master.

Lilly:you don't really have to call me that, please just Lilly is fine.

Kitsune thinks for a moment before nodding her head.

Kitsune:as you wish, Lilly-

Kitsune flares up as she takes a defensive stance on all fours getting in front of lily as her sights was on the front door.

Lilly:what is it?

Kitsune bares her teeth as her nine tails begins to move with the room getting colder.Lilly started to shiver as she felt an insane chill from the ice forming around the room.

Kitsune:The reptile is near.

Lilly's eyes widened.


Kitsune sniffs the air a couple of times as her eyes widened with slight fear.

Kitsune:he's not alone.

Lilly:who's with him???

Lilly asks with slight concern as she can see how much colder the room is.icicles being formed and snow being produced.

Kitsune:a demon…not just any demon but some sort of higher in command from the power they wield…then there is a smaller reptile…a scent I can't exactly trace but the last scent I can smell is the most confusing….

Lilly:what is very confusing?

Kitsune closes her eyes.

Kitsune:why is there a human amongst them?

Lilly:a human?

Kitsune nodded as she continues to smell the air.

Kitsune:they don't appear to be approaching our area, but we can't let our guard down.


Five minutes ago Craig came up with a plan to make sure that their survival will be intact.

Craig(mind):E-Eve, how strong is your lifting strength?

Eve(mind):how much? Um…I'd say about a few houses at minimum, why do you ask?

Craig(mind):I-I have a plan…it's a tad risky but I ran through every possibility within their outcomes.this seems to be a very safe bet against the other 49 I had formulated.

Craig looked at the three as he talks to Eve within his thoughts.Multi tasking for the plan to come.

Craig:I'm going to ask eve to teleport us to the surface where Eve and Cammy will take the three of you to the sky…when that happens Grootslang will make sure that the two of you including Cammy won't fall from within his grasp…if they follow to the surface I'll ignore them, making them believe that I'm a bystander...got all that?

Grootslang seems to have nervously nodded but a tad shaken.Craig deduced this to him having a phobia of heights.Pebbles seems to be on board by the smile and thumbs up…Domino on the other hand seems to be aggravated by the plan.

Domino:Are you stupid?! There is no way that'll work! Plus why should we be afraid?! Let them come on over here, I'll burn them to smolder-

Craig glared at her for a second making domino's survival instincts kicked in.

Craig:Oh? Then you know how to beat an angel? If so then I am all ears Domino…How can we beat them? Eve doesn't believe that she stands a chance against her, let alone combat her…Plus we don't have any information about their strength's and weaknesses.We would be running in there for nothing but our heads on a pike.

Domino really wanted to retort by telling him that she's basically immortal but within that glare of his was making her stop.there was no malice nor insult within his tone, but concern for their well being…She really have nothing to lose but her own corpse.

Domino:fine, but if it doesn't work I'll break free and get the 'drop' on them.....

Domino puts her bony hand onto her face in disbelief at the pun she made as Craig looked at her.he wasn't showing it but he really likes the pun…Craig really enjoys dad jokes.

Domino:I can't believe I said that…

Craig:it could be worse.

???:I'm just saying, why did you enter the tournament?

Craig's eyes widened as he heard their voices.it was a man around his age.

Craig(mind):Now Eve,get us to the surface!

Once he gave the signal they teleported onto the surface.Grootslang begin to fumble as Cammy landed into his arms with a cheeky smile.

Cammy:awwww, mi héroe.

Cammy giggles as Grootslang started to pick pebbles and domino up as eve carried Grootslang within her arms and took flight in an instant.

Craig(mind):b-be safe.

Cammy(mind): keine Zusagen

Eve(mind):you too master!

Craig started to look around him as he begins to sit down onto a bench.He seems to be within a park. The lushes tree branches moving from the wind ever so slightly. The clouds move through the sky ever so slowly as the sun shines brightly before being blocked by the clouds moving.This seems like a beautiful day in the morning…to Craig's estimation it was a few hours of searching before entering the sewers.The only complaint Craig would think of is that it was a little too hot and humid to his liking.there was a giant tree behind him giving him the perfect shade protecting him from the sunlight.

Steve:Craig, is that you?

Craig looked a tad surprised as he looked to his right to see Steve walking towards him.

Craig:hello Steve…

Steve looks very happy to see his buddy at the park.When Steve had gotten close as he sits next to him with a chilled smile on his face.

Steve:i didn't know you were visiting the park? If that was the case I would've brought a picnic basket.But that might attract a bear and his cub if we do that.

Steve chuckled at his own joke as Craig continues to look at him.Craig hears a noise with a small light flashing onto his face as he dose his best not to look.As the light faded the same went with the noise.

???:they were just here a minute ago?!

Craig can hear a woman's voice from the direction of where the lights and sound was.

Craig(mind):is that the angel? I need to ignore their existence as best as p-possible.

Steve:you know it's been awhile since we sat down and chat…you know, since middle school and what not…I'm going to guess everything went well with what happened yesterday?

The conversation from the background makes it difficult to concentrate but Craig continues to stare at Steve.

Craig:…better then i anticipated…

Steve carefree smile continues to be on his face as he chuckles.

Steve:that's a relief and a half there buddy, here I thought that things were going to get dicey.

Steve laughs a bit in relief. Craig continues to ignore the two people that continues to talk and talk about their pursuers.

Steve:So what happened anyways?

Craig sighs a bit.

Craig(mind): great, another problem to deal with, just my luck.

Craig:we talked…and that's about it…..

Steve raises a brow.

Steve:oh? Are you sure there wasn't anything more then just talking?

Steve was nudging him playfully while Craig closes his eyes.

Craig:tch, you know I don't like being teased.

Steve laughs a bit as he seems very cheerful.

Steve:sorry,sorry, it's just so much fun messing with you man.

Craig started to think a bit more as he came up with something to get away from the area…but he seems to be more concerned about what happened with the man domino.

Craig:I…was wondering if the man survived….being thrown to the car like that….could of…..gotten...…

Craig seems to have his expression as normal as it always is,but on the inside he was worried.worried that someone died in front of him, and things could of been different if he notice sooner and took action.Steve can tell that it's something that was eating up inside Craig's mind.

Steve:He's fine actually, sure that guy is in the hospital in critical condition but if we weren't there I believe he might of died.And sure, we didn't took action right away but it all worked out in the end like you said it did, so I'm sure things might get better.

Steve let's put a small laugh as Craig stares at him, he was relieved on the inside but he's still donning the same expression as he usually has it.

Craig:that's….nice to hear…..thanks….

Steve:no problem man.

Craig:how was lily…Did she help?


Steve looks confused as he was wondering what he was talking about.

Steve:she wasn't there…wait, did you-?

Craig's eyes widened as his mind began to go frantic.His nervous habit kicks in as Steve flinches at the sudden reaction.time begins to go to a halt.he was thinking and thinking on what happened.Lilly isn't the type to lie, especially on helping people in need.She couldn't of gotten lost, he text the coordinates and directions of where to get to Steve in the fastest way possible.Craig was starting to get more and more worry.Time begins to move normally as he grabs his phone and started to text her.

Craig(text):is everything ok lily? Steve told me you didn't show up to help him?

Craig started to wait as Steve looked at Craig, his heart is racing but he knows that his face was a nervous defense mechanism for whenever he's nervous.he knows something isn't alright.

Steve:hey….you should try calming down a bit buddy, the last thing we need to do is panic…you know this better then I do.

Then a notification buzzed as lily texted back.

Lily(text):I'm doing alright, I'm sorry for messing up.there was an animal battered up in an alley way, I couldn't leave it there.it needed help.😢

Craig's habit went away as he breathes out.he was very relieved that lily was alright, but it didn't helped that with his current situation right now hadn't been felt with nor had his feelings of uneasiness went away.

Craig:...sorry….I lost my cool there.

Craig(mind):I-I really need to be more calm if I'm going to survive this tournament…I truly wish there was another way.

Steve:it's all good-is that one of our classmates?

Craig's eyes widened as he looks at where Steve was looking at.It was an average looking man with black hair and black eyes.by the looks of it people would mistaken him as some sort of generic isekai protagonist and right beside him was a glowing light that was shaped like a woman.without pondering he begins to hide behind a tree in quick enough speeds to not be noticed by his pal.he leans on the tree as he waits till their gone.now that he thinks about it that was were the angel was.he begins to ponder if those two were the ones working together.Steve looks to his left as he realizes that Craig was gone.

Steve:huh?how dose he do that so quickly?better yet, how did he do it quietly?

???:hey Steve!

Steve looks towards his fellow lunch mate as he smiled his usual smile.


Steve raises his hand as he greets him.his fellow classmate continues to walk towards him to chat.Craig was behind the giant tree leaning his back against it.He was thinking more and more on what to do.their were countless thoughts going through his head, that man that sits with Steve sat lunch every now and then, though this guy wasn't there with Steve on Friday.with that this guy must of met the angel on Thursday and skipped school.but it was just a theory though it may be, he doesn't have enough evidence nor information on the two. He knows an angels weaknesses all too well but he can't do anything about it without the preparations and lack of materials present.time started to move again as he looks forward with a bit of wide eye.there was something infront of him, no, someone.it appears that they have an umbrella of sorts,keeping the sun from hitting their skin.Craig examines the person in front of him, the person looks feminine, more or less it is a woman, her hair is long and black.her dress was like gothic royalty, the colors of her dress seemed to be crimson red with black outlines.and lastly were her eyes.they were extremely beautiful,infact the eyres color was crimson red as well. it was like staring at blood, Craig's heart beat started to go faster as he stares at her, he was nervous but not fearful towards the woman in front of him.He knows that he was cornered, behind him was the person he theorized as a competitor partnered with the angel and in front of him was a woman that could be a competitor themselves.All Craig can do is ignore her presence, hoping she could pass by without any confrontation that would lead to problems.

Goth:my oh my, what a delightful scent~

Craig dose his best not to react as he feels like his heart just sank as he watches her lick her lips.

Craig(mind):s-scent, what kind of s-scent?…she's l-looking right at me like I'm….food...th-this Isn't good.

Eve(mind):master, what's going on? Is there another competitor near you?

Cammy(mind):Oна у меня на прицеле, but if I take the shot that Angel Tawagoto o hitasu will spot us….retainer, what do you think we should do? I personally can't do anything here…

Craig was already in check, if he messes up it'll turn from check to checkmate, he needs to think of something.time begins to turn to a halt once more as he started to think more and more on what are his options.He already ruled out all of the possibilities of losing the people around him, as well as him dying.He has no information on the person infront of him…no, he has their species, that moment she licked her own lips shows fangs for a split second.Craig knows that their a vampire but what kind?As he continues to think he has little to no options at this point, he knows that this lady can not only out pace him but he can't catch her as well, that umbrella could be her weapon as well as a protector from the sun.But what if she was a day walker? The ones that can deal with sunlight.Plus what is her rank? He remembers not only from the Book from the library of Alexandria but also a chess board that was vampire themed.How old is she?Her age will show her rank.Time resumes as he continues to pretend to not notice her.The vampire started to walk towards him as she took notice at him ignoring her.

Vampire:Hasn't your mother taught you that it's rude to ignore a lady?

Craig's eyes widened a bit as he looks down a tad bit just to see her close to him, she was short,approximately 5'1.

Craig(mind):She said I'm ignoring her? There wasn't any movements of malice n-nor was she expecting to be ignored…

Craig:….i didn't have the chance to meet my mother.

The vampire looks into his eyes as she seems to be a tad curious.

Vampire:do tell, what do you mean by that?

The vampires eyes begins to glow a tad red. Even felt something weird inside him, like it was someone trying to take control of him.even so it didn't work on him.

Craig(mind):I th-think I can get out of this guy's, get to m-my house and stay there for the t-time being.

Eve(mind):are you sure?

Craig(mind):I-I'm sure…

Cammy(mind): don't die on me now master, we still have some games to play!

Craig took a mental note on that as he continues to stare in to the vampires eyes.

Craig:…..she died giving birth to me…dose that answer your question? Or is there something else you want from me?

The vampire eyes widened a bit in shock.

Vampire:I do apologize for asking such a touchy subject, it was quite rude of me to ask that.But that isn't all, if you may humor me some more by answering another question of mine.

Craig:…..tch, ask.

The vampire ignores the rude tone in his voice As she smiled a bit as she giggles.

Vampire:alright then, how are you unaffected by my hypnoses?

Craig's eyes widened a bit.

Vampire:quite interesting if you ask me.

Craig(mind):willpower has to be a reason, I-I've believe that's the reason.

Craig's eyes gos back to how it normally looks as he stares at her eyes some more.

Craig:….it might have something to do with my willpower…I'm a very stubborn man.

The vampire seems to playfully giggle at his answer as she twirls her parasol bit.

Vampire:that's a possibility.

Craig continues to look at her as time went to a stop as he thinks a little more.

Craig(mind):she i-isn't showing any signs of hostility,b-but it doesn't mean she doesn't have an ulterior motive.

Time resumes as Craig listens behind the tree for a moment to make sure Steve and that friend of his is gone, but to his dismay their still talking more and more.

Craig:…do you need something?

Craig looks at the vampires eyes as she seems so calm, like someone enjoying a bubble bath after a hard day at work, enjoying exquisite chocolates as they would relax.it honestly made Craig even more nervous, he's not used to interacting with someone that was calm and collective towards him, people usually slips up around him.Craig even admires her mental fortitude, he even believes that he can learn a thing or two from her.

Vampire:hmmmmmm, I was thinking of taking you to the mansion for an afternoon snack, but you seem to be quite occupied at the moment.

Craig doesn't physically react to this as he kept his cool.

Craig(mind):I suspected as m-much, she wants my blood, but she seems to know about the people behind m-me, some sort of sense?…maybe-

Craig hatched something, it was a risk, but it could award him with something of value.

Craig:when are you free?

The vampire seems to be in a tad bit of shock at his question.

Vampire:my how bold. It's not every day a lady would be asked out like that.

That vampire has her hand on her cheek to show how shock she is, Craig didn't find this amusing.

Craig:…I'm not talking about that.We just met.

The vampire simply giggles as she looked at him a small smile.

Vampire:oh? And here I thought this was love at first sight~

She tease him as Craig doesn't find any amusement in this.he kept it to himself including information about his knowledge of vampires.

Craig:tch, I'm rather curious about you.

The vampire looks a tad intrigued at his statement.

Vampire:really now? Don't you know the saying about what happens to the cat overtaken with curiosity?

Craig:death ensues…I know.

The vampire giggles as she begins to walk away.

Vampire:how does tomorrow night sound?

Craig:back at this spot.

The vampire giggles as she nodded.

Vampire:then it's a date.

Craig sighs keeping his cool.

Craig:what's your name?

The vampire turns her head towards him as she stops in her tracks.she seems to be entertained.

Vampire:Luna, Luna bloodmoon. And you are?

Craig:Craig Armstrong.

Luna:well then mr.Armstrong, till we meet again.

Luna seems to be smiling a bit as a horde of blood bats begins to appear covering her before the swarm disperse leaving nothing but a puddle of blood.Craig starts to exhale as he can tell that Steve and his pal left.Craig sits down breathing in and out as his nervous habit kicks in.He was doing his best to calm down as he looks up towards the leaves of the tree.he regains control of his nervous habit and took a deep breath in and out.

Craig:....I need a shower.

Craig(mind):after everything I think I should go home….a-after dealing with the reptiles that is…I suppose the angel and their accomplice isn't too bright, they should of sense me at the very least….did they ignore me?

Craig gets up before moving away from the tree and started to walk home.


Lilly was petting Kitsune trying to calm her down.

Lilly:there there, you said it your self that they aren't coming over here.your still healing you know.


Lilly:no butts no coconuts.you can't be picking fights in this state, just relax.

Kitsune seems to have stoped her growling and sits.

Kitsune:as you wish my master.

Lily:j-just lily is fine.

Lilly giggles nervously as Kitsune nodded her head.


Steve was walking alone within the park, he was honestly a tad saddened that he couldn't talk with his buddy a little more.he remembers what lily said earlier.that all three of them could hang out.

Steve:I might take you up on that offer…heh, I can see why he likes you so much.

As Steve walks some more his eyes widened as he sees a man that appears to be wearing a mid evil suit of armor, breathing heavily, he was a pretty big dude, not as big as Craig but still pretty big.

Steve:hey, you ok? Wearing that in the middle of the day wasn't really a good idea ya know.

The Knight begins coughing as small drips of blood started to come out of the helmet making Steve's eyes widened backing away a bit.

Stveve:holy shit, hold on, I'm getting help.

Before he could grab his phone the knight looks at him with glowing green eyes.


Steve's eyes widened as he turns around

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