
Marielle x Senna x Laetitia

Marielle kept Vex's last warning at the forefront of her mind as she approached Snow Veil Sanctum. The weather turned nasty on the second day's ride, and she had that feeling of ill-omen again as she turned off the road, following the vague instructions provided by the map and what she'd written down in her journal. With wind whipping into her face, she was lucky to find it at all, but at least Mercer was waiting for her, having lit a fire to at least stand out in the whiteout.

Letting her know that Karliah was definitely there, and that Marielle had better not mess up and unwittingly lead them into a trap, they managed to break into the ruin and begin their search.

She remembered her mantra about never working alone, but by Dibella, after ten minutes with Mercer, she wanted to throttle him. The man was arrogance personified, and definitely thought little of her own abilities. She wasn't the bravest warrior or the most skilled at any single profession, but she wasn't an idiot and certainly didn't appreciate being treated like one. But she bit her tongue, slightly concerned how he would react should she defend herself from the subtle accusations.

Still, despite the arrogance, the man was clearly skilled with the blade, and seemed to move almost silently through each chamber they passed. Being light on her feet herself helped their progress, passing by many sleeping draugr that thankful remained peaceful in slumber… most of the time. Occasionally, the bastards would wake up no matter how quiet they passed by, but the battles were always short and sharp, Mercer usually slicing them to bits as she put in the occasional arrow.

The entire time, she didn't forget Vex's warning. Passing through one of those puzzle doors, Mercer proving adept at managing to break the lock without needing a claw, Vex's fears about Mercer were proven correct as they entered the next chamber. Before Marielle knew what was happening, she was on the ground, an arrow sticking out of her chest. What scared her was the fact she couldn't move.

She heard a soft voice speak to Mercer. Certainly no voice of a murderer. She only heard heartbreak. But before Mercer could attack her, the figure in the distance disappeared, and Mercer turned to her. Despite staring death in the face, she did not fear what was to come. If she was to die here and now, so be it.

"See you soon, Mercer," she stated confidently. Far more confident than she should.

She didn't feel the blade sink into her chest. Considering she had an arrow already sticking out of her, the thought she was likely paralysed was the last that crossed her mind before she passed out.

Waking up bundled up in furs wasn't what she expected next. She had no idea if there was an afterlife or not. She knew Nords revered a place called Sovngarde. She hadn't ever really given the afterlife much thought. She just thought when she was dead, that was it. Lifting herself up, she realised the dark sky above twinkled with stars, so she was no longer in the ruin either.

"Easy," said the same soft voice I remember, "Take it easy. You'll still be feeling the effects."

Her vision cleared as Marielle noticed the figure sitting by the fire. She turned around and shuffled closer, removing the hood covering her head. She was a Dunmer. And she was absolutely gorgeous. But that beauty was tempered by the frown on her face. She didn't look happy. "I'm sure you have plenty of questions on your mind already. Yes, I shot you. No, I had no choice. Mercer was smart. Never had a clear shot. Trust me, I'd have rather put that arrow in him than you."

"What the hell was on that arrow?" she had to ask.

"Ah, it was a unique poison, designed to paralyse but not kill. I intended to take Mercer before the guild to answer for his crimes."

Marielle obviously had to ask what Karliah meant by that. Over the next hour or so, she learned everything she had been told was a lie. While Karliah had her own reasons to lie, Marielle believed her, considering the parting words shared with Mercer, and the fact he had tried to kill her. But Karliah told her everything. Any question Marielle asked was answer, if Karliah knew the answer. She didn't have all the answers, but was able to provide her own opinion when she couldn't state a solid fact.

"So what do we do now?" she asked.

"I can't just go walking back into the guild accusing Mercer of all the crimes he has committed. The journal I found should contain all the answers we seek. As I explained, I can't decipher it, but I know someone who can. Enthir, at the college. He's an old fence, and an old friend. If you don't find him at the college, you should find him at the tavern in Winterhold."

"Where will you go?"

"I will head towards Riften. I'll case the city and see if I can find out anything additional. But I have no doubt Mercer is now spooked. So it's a case of if he'll fight or flee."

"Well, it's still dark, and I'm not sure… did he kill my horse?"

"He killed mine and yours, so you've only got a couple of hours to Winterhold. I'll be heading to Windhelm and I'll get a carriage from there."

"Sorry for messing up your plans."

Karliah smiled. "While I should be rather angry at you, all you did was prove your worth to the guild. You might have stopped my plans, but in the end, you have helped me reveal his crimes. All we need to do now is convince the others and, from there, we bring him down."

They spent a couple of hours around the fire, Karliah going into minute detail about what she'd been up to. Marielle happily shared parts of her life so far, but when it came to heading back to bed, they shared a glance and smiled shyly at the others, as there was only one bedroll and furs. "I don't mind sharing," Marielle stated.

"If you don't mind…"

Finding herself spooned against Karliah wasn't exactly how she imagined ending the day. Not only was she gorgeous, but she did remove her armour, revealing a trim, athletic body, her bust covered by a rather nice bra, and she wore a pair of rather nice dark panties. She saw Marielle glance and smiled at her. "I like nice things, despite the life I've had to live."

"You're fucking fit," Marielle stated. She didn't blurt it out. She always gave her opinion.

"Well, aren't you just sweet. I'll behave when we're lying together."

Marielle had no problem stripping to her underwear. She was shorter and slimmer than Karliah, shuffling into the bedroll next to her, Karliah helping cover then in the furs, feeling her body press into her back. "Might get cold tonight," Karliah whispered, "Best to stick close to preserve body heat."

"You always sleep with people not long after meeting them?"

"Do you?"

"I've had cock in my mouth within ten minutes."

Karliah chuckled behind her. "Well, I like a woman who knows what she wants. But we both have long days tomorrow, and I don't know you that well."

"I'm mostly just teasing, Karliah."

"I know. I'm glad you already trust me enough to be like this."

Waking the next morning, there was no doubting Karliah was futanari when she felt her hard cock press into her butt. She gasped when Karliah moved, and it took all her self-control not to do something to her. Karliah woke up and she felt the arm around her grip tighter, and felt her cock rub against her. "Like what you feel?" Karliah whispered, feeling hot breath on her neck.

"Divines, yes," Marielle whispered, "I know another Dunmer.., her cock is magnificent. Yours feels just the same."

She felt Karliah's lips at her ear. "That's nine inches of thick Dunmer cock, Marielle. I'm already thinking of doing very naughty things with you."

"Jenassa has nine inches too. And I know I want yours inside me now."

"Already?" Karliah asked with a giggle.

"When I'm attracted, that's it. I want what I want."

"I haven't had sex in…" She heard Karliah sigh. "It can't happen now. We have things to do."

Marielle grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "I know. Sorry for teasing."

"I like it," Karliah said, hearing the smile in her tone, "Been a long time since someone as cute as yourself showed any interest."

"Because you're gorgeous."

"And a long time since a compliment like that."

Marielle turned around and smiled at her. When Karliah returned that smile, it lit up her face. "That's better," Marielle whispered, "You look beautiful without the frown."

"Hard not to. I've been angry for a very long time now. Nice to finally have a reason to smile. Cute Breton currently sharing my bedroll, almost naked… Girl is bound to think things."

"Such as she really wants you to slide your cock inside her?" Karliah kissed her, Marielle immediately opening her mouth, inviting her tongue, feeling her body press forward, her cock pressing into her body. Marielle couldn't help giggle when it did. "I'm really teasing you. I'm so sorry, it's been a few days since I was fucked. I know you just said…"

Karliah kissed her again, a soft kiss, before she pulled back. "I want to. My body is saying yes, it's definitely saying yes, Marielle, but the mind is saying no. For two reasons."

"And I know what they are, Karliah. So we wait until this is sort and we know each other."

The smile was instant, making Marielle smile in return. "I should probably get up and dressed, otherwise I won't want to move." One last peck on the tip of her nose, making her giggle, before Karliah slid out of the bedroll and stood up. Seeing the tent in her panties made her mouth salivate, and that's when Karliah teased her, fishing all nine inches out and showing her. "Impressive, yes?"

"Divines, I'd love to suck you right now, Karliah," Marielle breathed."

She could see Karliah think about it, before she slid her cock back in her panties. It was for the best, as Marielle eventually got up and dressed in her own armour. Packing their small bags, Karliah chose to leave anything they didn't need behind, leaving it by the dead horses. They would remain as they were, it was too cold for them to decompose.

After parting at the main road, wishing each other good luck, Marielle turned north, making it to Winterhold within a couple of hours, which was a relief. Checking the tavern first, she didn't beat around the bush, asking if an Enthir was within the tavern. Pointed downstairs, she was greeted by a fellow Bosmer. Obviously intrigued as to why she wanted to see him, she quickly explained her meeting with Karliah, Enthir delighted to hear she was alive, before she handed over the journal.

As he flicked through it, she noticed the grin. "This is just like Gallus. A dear friend, but always too clever for his own good. He's written all of the text in the Falmer language."

"Well, I know about Falmer, but your tone suggests…"

"Your suspicions are correct. No-one can read the language except one person. Wizard by the name of Calcelmo. From what I know, he's currently the court wizard in Markarth. Don't expect him to be exactly co-operative."

"I'll figure something out. This is important. The future of the guild itself could be at stake."

"Gallus was a dear friend of mine. If this journal contains information in regards to his death, I can only support you in your endeavour."

Thanking Enthir for the help, she headed straight outside towards the waiting carriage, thankful there was one available. She didn't want to be stuck in Winterhold without any sort of transport. She gave where to head some thought, and decided that going straight to Markarth would be the best choice. The driver stated it was going to expensive, and take at least three days, two nights, given they would be leaving later than normal, but she didn't mind that. As long as she got there in the end.

She'd been in Skyrim for at least a few months by now, but had never visited the city to the far west of the province. Turning to look east, she guessed Sky Haven Temple wasn't too far east, immediately thinking of Delphine and Inge, left thinking a visit on the way back might be just the tonic she needed. "Being double penetrated would be a nice night," she murmured to herself, "Divines, I go a few days without getting laid and I turn into a nymphomaniac." Then she laughed. "Well, considering my sex life…"

Thoughts of getting laid were the last thing on her mind when she witnessed a murder after barely stepping through the gates. All she heard was the sound of the local market, then a shout about Forsworn, before she heard a scream. Guards seemed to appear from nowhere, immediately pushing people back. The man that had attacked the woman was caught red-handed, weapon still in hand, bloodied. He was hacked to pieces where he stood.

After a warning from the guards, what she needed first was a drink after all the commotion. Before she was able to walk away, someone bumped into her, then handed her a note, stating it fell out of her pocket. Considering she wore a short skirt, that didn't have pockets, she was ready to give the man a piece of his mind, but he walked away despite her shouting.

A little intrigued, she opened the letter, instructing her to meet at the Shrine of Talos. That was as far as her interest went. She wasn't going to find herself wrapped up in whatever happened, as it was clear the man passing her the note had also seen what happened, and now wanted to involve her in whatever conspiracy was afoot.

Heading to 'The Silverblood Inn', she paid a few coin for a room, taking a seat at the bar, nibbling at some food while knocking back a few drinks. News had obviously spread like wildfire, learning the woman murdered had been named Margaret, and that she had been a visitor to the city.

"Fucking Forsworn," the barman stated, "Ruining the reputation of our fair city."

As she talked with a few of the locals, despite what she'd seen, what Marielle wanted that night was company. She was still disappointed that Karliah hadn't given into temptation, as she reckoned they would have had a great time together, but she knew it was a possibility for the future. Listening into conversations taking place around her, she heard mention of a Temple of Dibella. The mere mention of her name perked her up immediately.

"Where is the temple?" she asked. She had no problem asking, aware of the reputation of most of those who revered her.

"Climb the stairs. It's above us."

Downing her tankard, she headed straight outside and found stairs leading up. The temple towards over most of the city, heading straight inside. She knew what happened within the walls of these temples, having visited more than one during her travels. Walking through the doors, she was a little surprised to find the first room empty except for one priestess, who walked over to greet her.

"The temple is closed, but you may still receive your blessing from Dibella," she stated kindly.

"Why is it closed?"

"The sisters are communing with Dibella. They can't be disturbed."

Marielle grinned knowingly. She knew exactly what the sisters were up to behind closed doors. She'd participated more than once. Taking out her necklace, she showed it to the priestess. "I think you'll find I'm a devotee, sister."

"Hmmm. Anyone can pick up one of these medallions at any market. Prove you are devoted to the teachings of Dibella."

Marielle felt the grin on her face broaden as she reached up and removed the hood of the priestess, wanting to see her face first. She was utterly gorgeous. Every sister who worked in a Temple of Dibella was. The sister saw her reaction and smiled in return. "I am Senna. You are?"


"Where are you from, Marielle?"


"A fellow Breton." A soft hand caressed her cheek as Senna leaned down to give her a soft kiss. "You are a devotee… I can sense you are not futanari though."

"I'm not."

That made Senna smile again. "Ah, you are not, but you enjoy their company. Yes, I can see it in your eyes. Before I let you pass, I will have to ask you to perform a small… test…" Senna took her by the hand, leading her over towards a nearby bench, the priestess sitting down, gesturing for Marielle to kneel between her legs. Marielle couldn't help but giggle. She'd done this before to gain access to the inner sanctum. "I take it this isn't your first visit to a temple."

"I know what's going on behind those doors."

"Reach under my dress and you will be rewarded, Marielle." She did just that, running hands up her smooth legs, feeling the band of her hidden panties, running them up her soft skin towards her breasts, earning a smile from the priestess, before she slowly ran them back down, grazing the covered cock with her right hand. "Tease," Senna said softly.

"Well, I wouldn't want this to go too quickly. You feel thick, Senna."

"Dibella blessed me with a great cock. She has blessed nearly all of us who have given ourselves to her."

Senna stood up and removed her dress, sitting back down in just her underwear. She wore a simple bra and panties, Marielle getting a good look at the tent in her panties, the head of her cock and at least a couple of inches appearing out of the band. She licked her lips as she curled fingers into the band and helped pull them down enough to reveal her entire length, leaning forward to run her tongue along the shaft. Senna gasped as she did. "I'm thinking eight?" Marielle asked.

"You have a good eye," Senna replied with a chuckle.

She teased the priestess first, running her tongue up and down the shaft of her cock, going so far as to give attention to her balls, running back up her shaft and teasing the head of her cock. Senna ran fingers through her hair, being very complimentary of her skills. "I've sucked a lot of cock," Marielle admitted.

"You spread the love, Marielle?"

"I try to do so every day."

"Who do you take as lovers?"

"Women and futanari."

"No men?"

"No. If I want cock, which I do pretty much all the time, I want someone like you, because you are mostly women, so you understand what we desire completely. But as you have a cock, I know you have desires I can figure out, and what I know right now is that you want to cum." Senna nodded eagerly. "Good thing I love sucking cock and swallowing what you will give me soon."

Senna stroked her cheek. "Truly a gift not just of Dibella, but of the Divines."

"I've been told that more than once."

"Well, any lover who has told you that would be right."

She could have drawn out the blowjob to last half an hour, an hour, even longer. But she had a feeling Senna wanted to cum quickly, and Marielle wanted to get behind those doors. Senna enjoyed the blowjob completely, making plenty of noise as Marielle's head bobbed up and down, savouring the feeling of her thick cock in her mouth, even the taste was something she enjoyed.

Senna let her know when she was about to cum, though having already told her that she loved to swallow, it was simply Senna being polite, Marielle looking up into her eyes, the priestess with a continuous smile, lust and desire in her eyes, as Marielle kept sucking her until she felt that first spurt into the back of her mouth, swallowing the her sweet cum down as more spurts quickly followed. "Oh Dibella, thank you!" Senna cried, obviously resisting thrusting into her mouth, allowing Marielle to keep control.

Only when Senna stopped bucking her hips did Marielle finally release her cock, gently resting it back against her body as she kissed up her chest. Senna leaned forward and kissed her, Marielle opening her mouth to accept her tongue, whimpering slightly as Senna pulled her close. "Truly a gift, Marielle," Senna whispered into her ear, "You are welcome anytime."

"I'd love to return to do something else next time."

"You would make love to me?"

"Gorgeous woman like you, and a fellow Breton? Why don't we both just go behind the doors?"

"I must stay… Someone must meet any worshippers… or those who wish to cause trouble." Standing up together, Marielle noticed Senna didn't tuck her cock away, Senna noticing her glance. "No-one in this temple tucks, Marielle. We are not ashamed of our cocks." She paused. "I don't think any futanari is ashamed, I should rephrase. If we get hard and people notice, we don't feel embarrassed by it. We know others do feel it, and we understand. But within these walls, we accept all as they… come."

"What about if they come often?"

"We hope everyone comes often."

Their eyes met and they burst into giggles. "Come, I shall escort you to the door."

Before she walked through, she shared a final, deep kiss with the priestess. Like usual, she liked her immediately. She wasn't the first priestess she'd blown, wouldn't be the last. Senna wished her a good time as she closed the door, Marielle wandering forward. What greeted her eyes when making it to the main chamber certainly made her smile.

It was an orgy. She counted at least at least twenty futanari and around half that number of women. The reason for that was that many of the women would enjoy two futanari at once. But she could see two futanari enjoying relations. Sat on what looked like a throne was a mature woman likely the lead sister of the temple. She was dressed and simply observing, though glanced her way and smiled, gesturing her forward. "Step forward, child. It is obvious you have joined us for a reason. You have passed the test, I assume?"

"Senna was… a delight."

The mature woman smiled. "She offers to remain outside at times as she enjoys meeting new people. And having them suck her cock." That made her laugh as she then asked, "You are obviously here as you wish to join in, yes?"

"This won't be the first orgy in a Dibellan temple I've taken part in."

"Ah, a true devotee of Dibella then. May I ask one or two personal questions?"

"Of course."

"How many lovers do you currently have?"

"More than I count, to be honest. I'd have to give you all their names to give you the number."

That made the mature woman smile. "Just what I love to hear from such a beautiful young woman such as yourself. Too many people believe they should limit the expression of love they wish to share. Dibella teaches us to love everyone. There are those of us who wish to show that love… well, how you can see behind you. What is your name?"


"Welcome, Marielle. Please, make yourself more comfortable by undressing. As you're aware, I know the names of all those behind you, but it is otherwise anonymous. Before you do join, you are aware that consent is presumed once you step forward?"

"I certainly wouldn't say no to anyone here. There are only futanari and women. I love and enjoy sex with both."

The other woman smiled. "Are there any sexual acts off limits?"

"No. I have three main holes that I love to use constantly."

The mature woman chuckled. "Oh, I do love it when women such as yourself join us, Marielle."

"I'll undress and join in eagerly, sister."

There was a small room she could undress, walking back out to see the lead sister had removed her dress and was now stroking an incredibly thick cock. Definitely nine inches, if not a little longer. Marielle couldn't help gaze at it, the older woman smiling at her. "Looks can be deceiving. I'm perhaps not as old as you think I am."

"I wouldn't…"

"I'm the oldest here by some years, Marielle, but I have no problems getting hard. I just don't participate as often. I enjoy watching all these young women commune in such a manner." She paused before adding, "If you would be willing to do an older woman…"

"I'd be delighted, sister."

Placing a knee to either side of her, she lowered herself down on the thick cock of the silver haired woman. "How old, if I may ask?"

"I will be fifty winters within six months."

"I've been fucked by futanari of a similar age, even when I was younger than I am now." She leaned down and kissed her, quickly feeling the tongue of the mature woman in her mouth, earning yet another whimper as she started to ride her incredibly thick cock, feeling her pussy as spread as it had ever been. "Oh fuck," she moaned.

"Call me Laetitia," the mature woman moaned.

"I already love your cock, Laetitia."

"You have a wonderfully tight pussy, Marielle. I'm going to cum really hard, really soon." Marielle couldn't help grin as she leaned down to kiss her again. "Truly are a gift of Dibella."

Marielle was riding her hard and fast with minutes, wrapping an arm around the back of her neck as she used her other hand to fondle her clit. Laetitia grabbed her arse tight though she stayed still, letting Marielle control the pace and tempo. Marielle was soon moaning, making as much noise as everyone else. Just the noise being made behind her was turning her on, and she couldn't wait to join in.

"Dibella, I'm going to cum!" Laetitia cried, Marielle almost slamming herself down on her cock, it so thick that she felt every throb as the mature woman filled her pussy with her thick cum, their lips crashing together again, as Marielle started to ride her with an urgency as soon as she felt Laetitia was finished. "Cum for me, child," Laetitia whispered.

Placing a hand on each shoulder, Marielle placed her feet on the chair and groaned loudly, completely changing the angle of the cock inside her, and if anything, it felt even thicker. "Oh Dibella, thank you for this cock," she moaned, feeling Laetitia's hands on her back to keep her balanced. She rode her as hard and as fast as she could, and when the orgasm arrived, she felt herself swept up with everything, feeling her eyes blink as she felt overwhelmed by it all.

When she felt the orgasm pass, she positioned herself back on her knees and relaxed against Laetitia, who gently held her in her arms, feeling her fingers run up and down her back. "Thank you, child."

"No, thank you, sister. I loved it."

"And I think we had a few people observe."

"Is she going to join us, mother?"

"I hope she does. She's going to be a lot of fun."

"Think she'll eat pussy and suck cock?"

Marielle giggled at all the questions that followed. She was left thinking everyone would like a chance with her. "Go to them, child. You have a few hours before the proper ceremony begins and we commune with Dibella."

The next few hours were some of the greatest of her life, and the sex was out of this world. She didn't even bother counting how many times she enjoyed an orgasm. She was endlessly fucked by numerous anonymous but drop dead gorgeous futanari, trying not to fall in love with every single one, as each one was an incredibly generous lover, and just a wonderful person to share such an intimate moment with. Most were Imperials, Nords and Bretons, but there were a couple of Redguards. As for women, she loved being in control with them, stuffing her face with pussy, and that's when she loved being fucked from behind. More than once, she was double penetrated, a thick cock in both pussy and arse.

She had no idea how long it lasted. Everyone who was there when she joined in remained until the end. She wasn't the only one to joke about having a tender pussy and arse by the end, but she still had a mouth she could use, happily sitting back, still rubbing her pussy as she took a few loads in the mouth, and even a couple of the face. She wasn't the only one to do that. Through it all, it seemed Laetitia didn't join in.

When she called a halt, she did walk up and asked Laetitia why. "I don't participate, sweetie," she explained, "But I will occasionally enjoy a newcomer. And the moment someone as beautiful as you walked in, I just had to enjoy some time with you."

"I'm glad you did. You are beautiful yourself, Laetitia."

Laetitia stood up and hugged her. "Divines, no wonder you have so many lovers if you're like this with all of them." She let her go and kissed her forehead. "I hope Dibella provides you with all the love you deserve in the future." Then she let her go and clapped her hands. "Sisters, it is time to commune with Dibella. Please escort of new friend here to the ceremonial hall where we shall begin."

She was amused that no-one dressed, and that even Laetitia walked in nude, her thick hard cock still swinging. Being surrounded by all the naked woman would normally have been distracting, but considering she'd just fucked all of them, it was now a case of relaxing and participating. It was mostly prayers to Dibella. She knew a few of them, but a few others were obviously those only spoken by the sisters of the temple.

Losing track of how long they all prayed, what she didn't expect was for Dibella to actually appear before them. By then, she was pressed between two of her new friends, and as the bright light faded and Dibella appeared, she couldn't stop the tears from falling, glancing to see nearly all the others wept as well.

"You have all made me so proud," her voice stated, almost glowing as much as she did. Dibella was… the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen. Everyone moved to sit on their knees, gazing up at her with adoration, even Laetitia sitting in front of them all. "You have shown such love and devotion before the summoning, I felt it my duty to appear before you this day." She walked between the masses, caressing each face as she passed. Marielle almost reached out to take her hand, and when Dibella met her eyes, the goddess stopped and smiled at her. "Dragonborn," she stated gently, "You honour me with your presence."

Marielle couldn't get a word out, choked up as she was. When Dibella slowly dropped to her knees before her, she felt the eyes of all the sisters on her. When Dibella embraced her, she sobbed like never before. She felt the sisters hug her and Dibella at the same time. "You have spread so much love and joy, Dragonborn," Dibella whispered, "I can only ask that you continue in my name."

"Of course," she choked out before her body was wracked by sobs again.

Dibella let her go and kissed her. Marielle practically fainted, needing to be held up by the others, as Dibella stood up and moved away. She found herself touched by all those around her, face gently grabbed and her mouth kissed by nearly everyone possible. Dibella eventually stood before them again, the smile on her face simply lighting up the room. The only other sound was of the soft crying of nearly everyone in the hall. "Continue to preach my word, sisters. Continue to practice your arts. Spread light and love across all of Tamriel. And know that I love each and every one of you, as much as you love me."

"Thank you, Dibella," Laetitia whispered.

"Thank you, sisters. I love you."

She disappeared in a bright light, and as soon as she had appeared, she was gone. The outpouring of emotion that followed beggared belief, everyone hugging everyone, with Marielle centre of attention, having actually shared kiss with the goddess herself. Overwhelmed as she was, two of her new friends helped her walk out of the ceremonial hall and led towards a bed where she could lay down and recover, Laetitia sitting on the bed with her. Marielle couldn't stop the tears.

"Many feel overwhelmed the first time."

"You have seen her before?"

"Of course. But each time is special. You just feel… endless love."

"Feels like my heart is about to burst. I can't stop crying!"

"It is merely all the emotions you are feeling being expressed, Marielle."

"Make love to me. Please."

Laetitia smiled as she gently spread her legs, sliding between them before inserting her cock. The lovemaking wasn't about an orgasm, it was an expression of the love both now felt. As they made love, the sisters gathered by the bed to watch, feeling hands caress her body and her face. Laetitia leaned down to kiss her as well. "I hope you return often, Marielle," Laetitia whispered into her ear, "I know my sisters and I would love it."

"I'll try," Marielle whispered back before leaning up to kiss her again, Laetitia immediately thrusting quicker, earning a whimper from Marielle.

Though she didn't care about her own orgasm, Laetitia did eventually cum inside her, leaving her thick cock buried as her soft hands caressed her face, looking into her eyes with such love and desire, it nearly made her start crying again. "You are Dragonborn," she whispered.

"Um, yeah," she replied, feeling her cheeks grow hotter.

"Well, I consider this quite the honour, making love with the Dragonborn."

"Keep making love to me. I… need it."

Laetitia chuckled. "This is another reaction. The urge to make love constantly. Would you like…"

"You," she whispered, feeling her cheeks glow even brighter.

Laetitia caressed her cheek again. "Such a sweetheart. I'll keep going as long as you want me to."

Marielle did end up riding her a little later, glancing to see many sisters still watching her, a look of near devotion in their eyes. They made no move to join in. She felt Laetitia cum inside her twice more before she needed to orgasm herself, and once she did… that's when she did finally pass out and sleep.

Waking the next morning, now under the furs, she felt a presence behind her, feeling arms around her, glancing back to see Laetitia asleep behind her. She smiled as she snuggled backwards, feeling the arms tighten. "Sleep well?" Laetitia asked softly.

"Like a log, to be honest. I was exhausted, physically and emotionally." She turned around in her arms and kissed her. "Thank you."

"Been a long time since I've enjoyed such an evening. I'm being honest when I say I generally refrain. For no other reason than it is usually the younger sisters who… well, let's just say there is always a lot of love in the temple. You've made me feel twenty years younger the past couple of days, Marielle."

Feeling rather tender, she enjoyed being held by Laetitia a little longer before they needed food. She was amused that no-one had bothered dressing, enjoying the flesh on display, and it reaffirmed the idea that every sister was absolutely stunning. After eating, she had to find her clothes, as although she would have loved to stay, she finally remembered that she did come to Markarth for another reason than just having sex constantly.

Laetitia escorted her outside, where Senna was still greeting anyone who entered. Noticing them, Senna smiled. "She's a sweetheart, isn't she?"

"Utterly adorable, and a fantastic partner, Senna," Laetitia replied. Taking Marielle by the hands, the last kiss they shared was something else entirely. Marielle felt a real desire not to leave, but when Marielle broke the kiss and let go of her hands, she smiled. "You have a task to complete, Marielle. But you will forever be welcome here."

"Thank you for everything."

Laetitia smiled before she turned around, Marielle sighing, needing to wipe her cheeks again. She felt a hand on her shoulder, being turned and finding herself hugged by Senna. "You're certainly not the last to be leaving shedding some rather happy tears."

"One of the best nights of my life."

"Two nights and a day, Marielle."

"No wonder I was hungry this morning."

Senna kissed her as well before they walked to the door. "As Laetitia said, you are welcome back anytime. I'm sure you are rather popular behind those doors."

"The sex was fantastic."

"I'll make sure I join in next time." Opening the door, Marielle stepped through and turned back. "There's a lot of love within these walls, Marielle, and I think there is a lot now aimed in your direction. We all wish you the very best in whatever task you are on. And I hope you soon return, safe and sound."

"Farewell, Senna."

"Farewell, Marielle."

She turned around, hearing the door click shut, as she found the stairs leading down and headed off towards Understone Keep.

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