
Aftermath Part 2

Macai looks at the Restored Dynasty leader face to face as several crowd members flee the scene. Bishu slams his hands together and a shockwave of earth flows toward the young mastermind. Macai leaps in the air and fires two sizeable blocks of white fire at the elite earthbender. Bishu-Tae raises his hands, and a wall of objects emerges in front of the man.

The white flames explode on impact and destroy several objects. Smoke flows from the collusion and Macai lands a few feet left of Tae's position. The cult leader extends his right hand and spams several objects at Macai. The commander rolls right and extends his right hand, pumping a white brick of fire at Bishu-Tae.

Bishu brings up his right knee and a column of earth emerges from the ground to take the shot. The column is blown in half and half of the column flies toward Bishu-Tae, but he smacks it aside. As Macai and Bishu fight, Morris draws his long silver sword and prepares to rush him. On Macai's left, Kaveedo rushes with his battle hammer and two Earth Kingdom benders leap beside the young commander.

The benders stretch their arms and fire several objects at the enforcer. Kaveedo spins his hammer in a circular motion as he knocks the projectiles away. Kaveedo stomps his right leg and a shockwave of sand blasts the bender on the right twelve feet back.

The remaining earthbender winces and Kaveedo slams his hammer against the ground. A second yet bigger shockwave of earth blasts the man away. Earthbender: "Aaaaaahhhhhhaaa!"

Macai glances left and Bishu-Tae taunts, "You're clearly outmatched BOOOOY."

Macai smirks, "Do you really think I relied on the local forces?" Rosh dashes directly left of Macai's position. Rosh has a light brown uniform with light green stripes. Rosh quickly extends his hands and fires a huge rod of red-orange fire at Kaveedo. Kaveedo extends his hammer and blocks Rosh's blast with it. Kaveedo grins at Rosh and starts laughing lightly.

Rosh raises an eyebrow then kicks a red-orange flame at Kaveedo's left shoulder. Kaveedo shifts his hammer left and blocks the flame. Kaveedo lunges forward and the large man shakes the ground as he takes off. He flies like a meteor toward the 31st Captain with a spinning vertical attack. Rosh dives left as Kaveedo slams his hammer into the ground. The earth shakes from the great blow and a large crater is left in the ground that is three feet deep.

Kaveedo emerges and rips his hammer out of the ground. Chunks of dirty fly and the brute rotates his weapon. Rosh extends his and fires a shockwave of red-orange fire into Kaveedo. The mighty warrior is knocked down by the flames and rolls on his side but does not drop his hammer. Rosh: "You know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall." Rosh prepares to blast the warrior with a finishing shot but Kaveedo emerges from the and charges at Rosh.

Kaveedo latches onto Rosh and pulls him up, "Raaahahahahahahahaa!!" Rosh clinches his teeth as Kaveedo tightens his grip and Rosh can feel his back popping.

Rosh grunts, "Aaahahahahaaaa!!" In a moment of sheer will, Rosh latches his hands onto Kaveedo's head. Kaveedo's eyes widen as Rosh enhances his palms with red-orange fire that burns Kaveedo's face. Kaveedo screams and collapses. Rosh falls over top of Kaveedo but quickly gets back on his feet to make sure Kaveedo is down. Kaveedo rises from the ashes with intent to kill and picks up his hammer.

Rosh extends his left hand and fires a rapid ball of red-orange fire into Kaveedo's face before he can attack. The ball explodes on impact and knocks Kaveedo out. Black burn scars and blood flows from Kaveedo's face as he lay on the ground. Meanwhile, Morris rushes in Macai's direction when two Earth Kingdom troopers move to intercept him. One is a swordsman, and the other is a bender.

The swordsman charges first, but Morris charges with his blade held low. As the two move near each other Morris rapidly swings diagonally and cuts his opponent down. The earthbender fires several small objects at Morris but the cult officer spins his sword rapidly as he knocks each of them away. The earthbender gasps then Morris flips behind the man and lunges his blade through the Earth Kingdom trooper's stomach.

Morris takes a second look at Macai who a stream of white fire into Bishu-Tae's stream of earth. The commander seems distracted. Morris readies his weapon and charges at Macai from behind. As he is just seconds from the commander's position Jesha dives and kicks Morris in the face. Morris rolls three feet back then jumps back on his feet.

The young marine draws her dual short swords. Morris wipes blook off his mouth from the fall, "You're going to pay dearly for that girl."

Jesha taunts, "Do I look like I'm worried?"

Morris replies, "You should be." Jesha charges toward her opponent as Morris gets in a defensive battle stance. The young woman dives toward Morris and swings at him horizontal spinning attack. Morris rotates his body and vertically blocks the strike. Morris swings low at Jesha's legs. Jesha gallops over the attack and swings her right leg at the man's face. Morris backpedals to avoid being kicked.

Morris swiftly raises his blade and vertically swings at her. Jesha crosses her swords and blocks the strike. They both break the lock then Morris horizontally swings at the marine but Jesha backflips. Jesha dives at Morris again as she swings from two different angles. Morris rotates his blades left to right as he blocks both attacks. Morris swings at Jesha twice and Jesha quickly shifts her blades as she blocks both attacks.

Jesha extends her right sword and swings at Morris's right abdomen. Morris backpedals then steps forward and swings at Jesha's neck. Jesha ducks then dives behind Morris. Morris notices Jesha's position and parries right to keep her from being behind him, Jesha notices the maneuver. The young marine moves right and toward Morris; bringing her just inches behind him.

Morris frowns and Jesha slams her blades through his back. Morris gasps as blood flows from his mouth. Morris: "Noooo." Jesha pulls her blades back and Morris collapses.

Jesha: "Rest in pieces, Morris." Rosh notices Jesha's attack but shakes his head, believing murder and death taunts should be avoided if possible to make peace more sustainable. Macai slaps his hands together and shoots a beam of white fire at the Restored Dynasty leader. Bishu-Tae leaps in the air and pumps his right fist forward. A massive chunk of a nearby building is launched at Macai. Macai looks up and his eyes widen then Macai dives right.

The building fragments break into several pieces and Bishu-Tae descends toward Macai landing a few feet behind him. Macai turns and faces his opponent. The young commander rapidly shots a white flame at Tae. Bishu rolls forward and right then springs back on his feet. Bishu extends his right hand and launches a sharp stone at the teen. Macai hops over the object and kicks a rod of white fire at the cult leader.

Bishu-Tae rolls right then lunges back at Macai while engulfing his right fist with a large metal covering. Macai bobs his left head as he dodges the punch then latches onto Bishu's hand with his right arm and kicks the man in his chest. Bishu slides back in the dirt, "Ugh."

Macai encompasses his hands with white flames, "Surrender Bishu, it's over."

Bishu-Tae responds, "But you can't kill me, or you won't find your friend Evon."

Macai gasps, "Evon?"

The Great Mystery

While Macai's forces battle ahead Evon notices attempts to flee with two Earth Kingdom troopers (one swordsman and one bender) He looks back and notices two Earth Kingdom benders getting gunned down by a volley of sharp stone knives from Restored Dynasty troopers. Two other Earth Kingdom troopers drop their weapons and surrender in the distance as several hooded figures surround them.

Sonna (who is on a rooftop) sees the commotion down below and readies her arrow to assist Evon and the Earth Kingdom forces at the stage. Two Restored Dynasty members emerge. One dives right of Sonna's position and the other left of it. Hakato readies his sword and looks at the bender on the right. The 31st swordsman charges at the earthbender on the left but a brick is launched in his face, knocking him out. Marine: "Umph!"

Sonna shifts her bow and fires it through the man's neck. The other hooded causes the part of the roof that Hakato is on to cave in. Hakato notices the man's gestures before he goes through with them and quickly leaps in the air before the ground caves in below him. As Hakato flies toward his opponent the earthbender kicks him down a level below. Sonna turns and fires her arrow at her opponent.

The man catches the arrow and tosses it aside. The Restored Dynasty member shifts his arms left, causing the part of the building Sonna is on to break off. Sonna sprints and dives forward to avoid being killed. Sonna takes aim at her enemy's nose, but he smoothly raises his right fist, launching a fragment of the rooftop into her stomach. Sonna falls on her butt and moans.

The cultist leaps in front of the 31st archer and extends his right arm. A sharp earth knife emerges in his right hand, "I'm going to enjoy this."

Sonna responds, "Then get it over with." The cultist swings at Sonna's head but Sonna rolls right as she narrowly avoids the strike. Sonna draws her own knife but the cultist kicks it out of her hand and stomps her in her stomach. Sonna gasps and coughs in pain. Cultist: "I am one of the best strikers in the Restored Dynasty, this ends here."

Meanwhile, Arret tries to aim at cult members below when she nears two Restored Dynasty members emerge near her. Dade charges at a cultist who causes the ceiling to collapse near him. Dade lunges off the part of the ceiling that collapses and slams his blade into the cultist's neck. The other swordsman is laid out by a barrage of objects from the cultist across him. Arret rotates her bow and launches an arrow into the man's forehead.

Arret turns again and notices Sonna on the ground with the cultist standing over her. Arret swiftly fires an arrow through the man's ear and a gush of blood immediately flows from it. The cultist falls over and Sonna slowly looks up at her friend Arret in the distance. Arret gives Sonna a thumbs up and she returns the favor for her friend.

As this is happening, Evon hears a Restored Dynasty member leap a few feet behind his position. The Earth Kingdom troopers turn to face the man. The swordsman on the right holds his blade vertically and the earthbender on his left enters his battlestance. The cult member extends his hands and simultaneously fires two sharp stone knives into the troopers. Cultist: "It's over Evon, you're a public speaker not a fighter."

Evon pumps his right hand forward and fires an orange flame into the cultist, "Is that so? I know a few things about firebending, even though I'm far from a master." A second cultist taps Evon in his back. Evon turns around and the man uppercuts him; knocking him unconscious. The cultist grabs a hold of Evon and another cult member joins him.

Cultist: "Quickly, let's take him to our depot and hold him hostage. We can use him as a reason to the 31st to pull out."

Meanwhile, Macai continues his discussion with Bishu-Tae. Macai: "What have you done?" Rosh and Jesha look at Macai.

Rosh: "We'll go after the rest of them. You just look after Bishu-Tae." Macai kicks Bishu-Tae in the face, rendering him asleep then the commander puts handcuffs on his adversary.

Macai: "The local forces here can hold him, reinforces will be bound to come. I'll join you two, let's move quickly so we can rescue the man."

Jesha: "If we fail and Evon is executed then this will make the 31st and Fire Nation look bad. If Zuko or the Fire Nation knew about this they might just tell us to pullout to avoid the consequences. Maybe we'd buy him for ransom."

Macai responds, "There is no telling what they would do with Evon. Even if they let him go, it would be a psychological victory for these maniacs and I just can't allow that. I'll take full blame for the blunder if this goes south. We just need to find out where they're taking him."

Rosh: "If I had to guess, probably their base. Everyone has a base."

Jesha: "No one has found their base in months, what makes you think we'll be so special."

Macai: "Follow their tracks, I doubt they'll be a slick with the 31st fight after them. Especially after a fight like this where we defeated their leaders." Macai, Rosh, and Jesha follow the tracks left from the stage. They follow the trail of bodies and corpses from the stage but at some point the answer isn't so obvious and they walk into a crowd of civilians.

Rosh: "Now what?"

Macai: "If they have some sort of getaway vehicle, he's already out of reach. I wouldn't be surprised if they took him in some carriage."

Jesha: "What makes you think that?" Macai points at carriage tracks on the ground. Jesha facepalms, "Oh, I feel dumb."

Macai: "There's more. Look ahead, we see a few carriages traveling around but most don't leave tracks like that. That one was leaving quickly." As the team follows the tracks, they eventually stop becoming noticeable. Macai comments, "They must have slowed down at some point, knowing the carriage was giving away their trail. They may have even exited the carriage and looked for another one to leave from."

Rosh: "I recommend we bring some people in for questioning. People who hate the Restored Dynasty and want to take them down."

Jesha comments, "Telling may cost them their lives, few will tell."

Macai blurts, "Forget the interviews, we don't have time for that."

Rosh: "Maybe we should let this one go Macai, I don't think we can get him today."

Macai sighs, "I know if we put this off, we may not get another shot. Evon captured complicates things."

Jesha: "We could use the captured Restored Dynasty leaders as collateral for his release."

Macai: "They may not bulge. I read the group's history and they are extremely fanatical. The leaders would likely egg them on to keep a hold of Evon to break the spirit of reformists. Our enemies are most likely on the outskirts of the city. Somewhere that is close enough for them to travel to the city and have an impact but far enough to give them a break from local security."

Rosh scratches his head, "What if they're holding him in a local home? They know we'll look for a base, so maybe they're two steps ahead of us."

Macai: "Even if they're at a local hideout or home, taking down their base would reduce all confidence after their leaders have already lost to us and been captured. That could be the final nail in the coffin and the enemy base would be the main means of supply for our enemies having the capacity to keep fighting us."

Jesha: "Then let's head for toward the edge of the city."

Rosh asks, "Then what? We still don't know what direction to go from there. We are really rushing things and this is an impossible mission. Not within this timeframe. We need to beg with Zuko to get the greenlight to continue our investigation and to risk it so we can save Evon."

Macai replies, "There is also a chance that our forces request we trade in the leaders for Evon, but they deserve to pay for the crimes they have committed."

Jesha: "It's all we can do for now. Settling is the best option at this time, when the time is right, we'll make sure they pay for good." Macai sighs knowing Jesha is right.

Then a man emerges with short dark brown hair, yellow skin, thin eyebrows, a long nose, a thin frame, and brown eyes. He appears to be in his early twenties. Man: "What if I told you there was a third option?"

Macai turns his head, "Who are you?"

The man pulls out a Fire Nation Intel Department badge, "Joseki Cappikello of the Fire Nation Intel Department. Don't worry, I'm not one of the guys from the old administration. I'm from Prince Zuko's new administration, the New Intel Director appointed me as a spy. Before I got this position I was one of the best detectives in the Fire Nation New Polexia police department. Some of the information you got regarding the Sea Guerrilla's was from my work."

Jesha: "Why are you here?"

Joeski explains, "Your team was sent here to handle the enemies through military might, but I was here investigating them before any of this happened. Command gave me orders to stay until this case was solved."

Macai asks, "Do you know where their base is? We are running out of time. As you can see, we've shaken up their ranks but they took Evon."

Joseki: "But you didn't keep an eye on their leader, what if he escapes?"

Macai: "I knew Rosh and Jesha needed my help if we wanted to solve this case as quickly as possible. Everything comes with a risk and I didn't want to leave anyone alone in a life-threatening fight if we did somehow escape."

Rosh comments, "I could have handled him."

Joseki: "Anyway, I have an idea of where their base is. I've noticed shipments coming from certain locations that are not known Earth Kingdom facilities."

Macai: "Do you think they could be classified locations?"

Joseki responds, "I doubt it."

Macai asks, "Why didn't our forces leave it up to the Earth Kingdom to investigate this movement?"

Joeski: "I'm sure they have. The reason the Fire Nation sent us is we don't think the Earth Kingdom is going to do anything about it right now. Their leadership is very split on the issue."

Macai: "Take me to the site and we'll find their base." Around sunset, our heroes meet (about a thirty-minute walk) outside of the city in a fairly barren land that consists of a lot of dirt, some light-yellow sand, and a few yellow-green plants. Macai asks Joeski, "So what now?"

Joseki looks around, "I infiltrated a home before and found a letter in a cult member's room. The letter said that they are near the water and a nearby harbor but they can't see the water from their location."

Jesha: "That makes sense, they wouldn't want to be seen by ships."

Joseki: "So according to the maps, it would either be directly north of our position or a little northeast of it because the water bodies would be seen if it was west of our position." The team continues their search but still doesn't see any structure.

Rosh asks, "Any ideas?"

Macai: "Maybe they're not on ground, maybe they're underground."

Joskei claps, "That's brilliant."

Jesha: "But where would their entrance be." Rosh looks around and notices a footlong rock.

Rosh: "Look, there are only two rocks around this position but both seem to be large enough to move. I think this one (pointing) would be easier to lift than the other, so let me see if I can get it." Rosh picks up the rock and drags it a few feet away. Macai notices a stone covering.

Macai comments, "Maybe the earthbenders can naturally move this thing." Macai fires two white flames into the covering and it falls thirty feet below revealing a tunnel. Macai looks and notices a latter that leads down.

Joskei: "Well, looks like we've found our base entrance." Two cultists talk and walk toward the latter when they notice the covering is a few feet away from them.

 Cultists search for Macai's team in the tunnels.

Cultist: "The covering, why is it all charred up?! It's Macai, alert the others!" Rosh immediately leaps down and lands with a glaze of red-orange flames between the cultists. Rosh's flames blow his opponents away. Macai lands a few feet behind him with his white flames while Jesha and Joskei climb down the latter.

The hallway has a light brown floor, grey-brown walls, and a grey-brown ceiling. Several lanterns illuminate the path. Rosh: "So we know where we're at, let's take these guys out."

Macai: "Wait, we need to be cautious to ensure we don't endanger the hostage. They could execute Evon if they know we're coming."

Joskei: "This is the risk we took with this approach, but my mission is to simply find the information on the cult. The political consequences won't hit me as long as I get out of here before the Earth Kingdom forces do. If anything happens to the hostage, I'll have to leave."

Rosh: "They trained you to be a runner?"

Joseki answers, "I'll be whatever I have to in order to complete my mission."

Jesha: "If we want to increase our odds of catching him, then we should split up. I doubt this base has only one pathway."

Macai: "That's true. Rosh, go with Jesha. They think the most about me. I'll push down the main route to get their attention. Joseki, I can't order you around, so who do you want to go with?"

Joseki: "I'll also go my own way and do some probing. I'll check out the left tunnel over there."

Macai: "Then I'll head down the main path. Rosh and Jesha, hit the right path."

Jesha salutes Macai, "Yessir." Rosh nods. On the right flank, two cultists stand guard in their dark green robes.

Cultist one: "Man, I'm sick of us getting the boring jobs."

Cultist two: "Have you heard about the mission status yet?"

Cultist one: "Not the details, but apparently they captured that guy Evon."

Cultist two: "Who?"

Cultist one: "That Fire Nation speaker who is trying to keep his people here."

Cultist two (laughing): "Well, that's great. Let's see how the softies respond to that." Jesha runs against a wall then leaps off and kicks the first cultist in his face, the man's body flips over into the dirt. The second cultist panics then Jesha leaps and kicks the man in his nose. An obnoxious crack occurs before the man hits the deck.

Rosh looks at Jesha, "We can't be far. Keep searching." Across the main path, Macai rushes forward as he notices two cultists. The one on the right draws his sword while the one on the left gets in a battle stance. Macai quickly extends his left hand and blasts the bender with a white flame. The man on the right charges at the commander with his sword but Macai easily kicks a flame into his stomach.

The cultist falls back into the wall behind him and tumbles over. Macai continues his advance when he notices three cultists incoming. All of them are earthbenders. Macai immediately points both of his hands forward and fires a stream white fire into the man in the center of the formation. Loud screams are heard as the other members take aim and fire a volley of objects at the 31st commander.

Macai flips between his enemies. The cultist on his left shoots a wave of sand at Macai and the teen jumps right. The Restored Dynasty member behind Macai dashes left to avoid being blasted by his own comrade. Macai flicks his left hand and knocks a white flame into his foe's neck. The other cultist leaps behind Macai and swings at him with an earth knife. Macai tilts his body back, evading the strike, then latches onto his enemy's left wrist.

Macai flips the man over and Rosh pumps a flame from his right hand into the down opponent. Macai looks up and notices more cultists heading his way. Two of them have swords, another is a bender. Another five cultists move in behind them. One has dual knives, another has a curved sword, and the other three are benders.

Cultist: "It's over Macai, surrender."

Macai responds, "Oh, but I'm just getting started." Meanwhile, Joseki advances across the left hallway while remaining silent. One cultist waits while staring at the wall while another looks in the opposite direction. Joseki snatches the cultist from behind and suffocates him to death. The other cultist turns around and the Intel agent inserts a knife into his stomach.

Then Joseki takes the uniform from the agent he choked out and puts it on. The agent advances further across the left flank and a cultist notices him, "Hey trooper, are you on guard duty?"

Joseki: "No sir, I'm just looking to send a message to the men holding the hostage."

Cultist: "On who's orders?"

Joeski: "On my own?"

Cultist: "Who are you? You're not an officer."

Joseki: "That's not what I meant, I noticed the men near the entrance getting attacked."

Cultist: "Yeah, I heard a report about Macai entering from Officer Ganensbu."

Joseki: "That's not what I'm talking about, there is another one here. I think he's going for the prisoner room. We need to warn them to load up."

Cultist: "I'll do that trooper, you just wait."

Joseki pleas, "Let me go, I don't think it's safe here. I'd need backup."

The cultist sighs, "Follow me for now." Joseki follows the cultist as they flee into another hallway where there are three cultists waiting. One has a sword, another is a bender, and the other has a long yet thin ax. Cultist: "I've got a recruit with me, help him defend this area and I've going to check on the people watching Evon." The cultist departs.

The Axman asks Joseki, "What's your name man?" Joseki slowly backpedals.

Cultist Swordsman: "What are you doing?" Joeski coughs then slides a small ball between his opponents. The ball emits a poisonous gas that knocks out the guards. Joseki pulls out a mask and covers his face to seal himself from the gas then sprints to follow the cultist he saw earlier. The cultist walks into a room with a guard standing outside with a sword.

Cultist: "I'm going to send backup to reinforce this position."

Joseki comments, "That's won't be necessary." Joseki leaps behind the cultists and tosses him into his ally. Both of the men collapse and Joseki takes the key from the conscious guard. Joseki opens the door and reveals his badge, "Evon, this is Joseki of the Fire Nation Intel Department, I'm here to rescue you."

Evon: "That works for me, can you do something about these cuffs?"

Joeski: "I'm not actually a firebender but, let me try something." Joseki pulls a small metal object with a lever on it. Joseki pulls the lever and the toll extends into a pick-like object. Joeski: "It's called a lock breaker, it is strong enough to pick through almost anything." Joseki scrapes his pick against the cuffs and begins scraping pieces of it off.

While this is happening Rosh and Jesha continue their search across the right hallway. The ground suddenly shakes. Jesha nearly falls but Rosh catches her. Jesha: "What's happening?"

Rosh: "It's Macai, that's definitely Macai."

Jesha: "I have little doubt that he'll be taking most of their attention. Let's see where the path leads." Rosh and Jesha notice three cultists. The one on the left has a sword, the one in the center is a bender, and the one on the right has a spear. Rosh a red-orange flame from his right fist into the bender then pumps a second flame into the cultist on the left. The spearman charges at Rosh but Jesha swiftly rushes the man and cuts him down.

Rosh and Jesha continue on their path and eventually exit the base and find themselves near a nearby sea. Rosh: "So now we are closer to the body of water Joseki was talking about."

Jesha: "Indeed."

Rosh and Jesha walk forward for a bit. Rosh: "There is nothing here, it's just a way out. Let's go back in."

Jesha comments, "Or we could just wait, there is a decent chance Macai will bring that whole facility down."

Halo Reach OST- Both Ways (Remix) Music Starts

Cultist (North of their position): "Not so fast." Two cultists leap right of Rosh's direction and both are benders. Two cultists leap left of Jesha's position. One has dual swords and the other is a bender. A fourth cultist is directly south of the team's position and is a bender while another is north of the team's position with a bronze sword.

Cultist (North): "There is no way out of this, surrender or die."

Rosh: "There is one way out of it and that's fighting."

Jesha: "I don't like either of those options, let's try a third option." Jesha pounces at the earthbender left of her position and swiftly cuts him down with a lunge attack. Jesha flips a second time and strikes at the dual-wielding duelist near her, but the man blocks the strike and uses his strength to push her back. Rosh turns and fires a surge of red-orange flames into the earthbender directly behind him.

The other earthbender behind Rosh tosses a large rectangle of earth at the captain. Rosh jumps right and the stone flies toward the cultist in the back. The cultist leaps in the air as he evades the object and Rosh pumps a swift flame into the cultist who just attacked him. The other cultist lands a few feet left of Rosh's position and fires a massive cascade of rocks at the young captain.

Rosh stomps his right leg and a burst of red-orange fire obliterates the incoming rocks. Rosh extends his right hand and the stream of fire incinerates the cultist. Meanwhile, the swordsman aggressively rushes Jesha with a volley of powerful strikes. Jesha shifts her swords left to right as she blocks multiple attacks.

Each thrust makes Jesha more tired. The swordsman comes forward with a brutish horizontal strike that Jesha blocks but the force of the blow knocks her to her feet. The duelist smiles but Jesha swiftly flips in the air and kicks both of her feet into the man's chest; knocking him two feet away into the dirt. Jesha turns and notices the bronze swordsman charging at her from behind. Jesha braces herself and Rosh notices the man charging at her from behind.

Rosh panics, "Jesha, look out!" Jesha doesn't react to the commotion because she already hears him coming. Jesha smoothly leaps back in a spinning motion and horizontally cuts her opponent down. The remaining swordsman rises back to his feet and claps his blades to edge Jesha on for another fight. Rosh shouts, "Nope, I'm ending this right now."

Rosh pivots left of the duelist's position. The duelist turns and Rosh fires a beam of red-orange fire into the man. Jesha comments, "I could have taken him myself."

(music stops)

Rosh comments, "You did well, but I didn't want to risk a fight with someone that skilled without a good reason for it. I've lost too many good friends to take unnecessary chances." Jesha rolls her eyes at Rosh. Meanwhile, Macai fires a volley of white flames into several incoming cultists. A cultist with dual swords is immediately shot down and one of his swords flips out of his hands and flies into the chest of an earthbender behind him.

Earthbender Cultist: "Aiiiyyeeee!!!" Macai dodges a spear and rolls right then fires a beam of white fire into an earthbender across him. The earthbender flies into a wall and cracks the wall before he hits the deck. Steam flows across the room as several cultists are shot down or beaten to submission. One cultist trips during the fighting and looks up to see Macai blasting away his allies with his famous white fire. For a moment everything slows down as if it is slow motion.

Macai looks a the man, "Trooper, I'll spare you on one condition. Tell me where the prisoner is."

As this is happening, Joseki manages to slice Evon's cuffs in half. The two rush out of the room. Evon: "Should we leave the way you came in?"

Joseki shakes his head, "They'll expect that and likely have it covered. Let's leave the opposite way." Joseki and Evon flee across the right entrance until they notice a team of eight Cultists ahead of them. Several are earthbenders. Joseki: "It's going to be tough defending you against all these guys, stay behind me and I'll try my best."

Evon nods and Joseki throws two knives at the necks of two earthbenders ahead of him. One earthbender lifts his hands and a group of columns blocks the knives. Joseki frows then says, "I have a plan b, be agile and try not to get hit." The earthbender launches the columns at his enemies. Joseki leaps right and Evon is knocked down by one of the columns.

Evon: "Umph!"

Joseki: "I said try not to get hit!"

Evon: "It's not so easy when you're not an elite soldier you know." Joeski drops two smoke grenades to hide the team's position, this is a new experimental weapon that Fire Nation special forces use.

Cultist: "What's he doing?"

Cultist 2: "I can't see anything." Joseki rushes and cuts an earthbender down with a combat knife. Then he throws his knife into the cultist left of his position.

Joseki: "Get out of here Evon, I'll hold them off!" Evon frowns then nods. A stream of white fire suddenly erupts behind the enemy position that blows up three of the cultists in the back and flips one spearman over. The other three cultists turn around and two white volleys of fire into the earthbenders on the right. The remaining earthbender launches two stones at the Commander who fires his own stream of white fire into the stones.

Evon fires an orange flame into the remaining earthbender, "Aaaaawwwwhaha!"

Macai: "I would have gotten him myself."

Evon: "Well, I just had to join in on the fun."

Joseki: "With what they put him through, he deserved to get a shot at one of them."

Evon: "Two actually, I took out one earlier." The facility shakes again and several rocks fall from the ceiling. Joseki leaps backward to avoid being crushed and Evon backpedals.

Macai: "We have to get out of here."

Joseki: "The path between us is too obstructed. Macai, head down the right way and we'll go back the way we came. Evon, we'll just have to take our chances and see if more cultists are waiting for us." Macai nods his head and flees. Evon and Joseki run through the hallway as the room shakes. Several smaller rocks fall from the ceiling around them but the two climb up the latter outside of the facility.

As soon as they get above ground, the ground behind them caves in and it looks as if an earthquake occurred. Joseki and Evon look at the damage then the intel agent hears a noise behind them. Joseki turns around and enters his battle stance. Evon does the same, "More Cultists?!" Instead of seeing more cultist, the duo finds a team of three Earth Kingdom troopers waiting.

Evon cheers, "Yeah, we finally beaten them. This will be a great victory for all who stand with liberty."

A corrupt Earth Kingdom Sergeant frowns, "It looks like you got further than we'd like, but this isn't over. A minor setback, but don't think I'm here to rescue you. The Fire Nation has no jurisdiction here and I see this as nothing more than a conspiracy."

Evon interrupts, "Captain Peraisus will never stand for this."

The Earth Kingdom sergeant replies, "Don't worry, he won't be able to stop us. We'll deal with him next. We already have another team ready to rescue Bishu-Tae" Four cultists join the corrupt team and they smile. An arrow flies in the back of one of the cultists. A second arrow hits one of the corrupt police. They turn around and notice Sonna and Arret in the distance with Dade and Hakato charging forward.

The Earth Kingdom sergeant shouts, "What are you waiting for?! Eliminate them!!" Evon kicks an explosive orange fireball into the chest of an earth kingdom bender on his right then extends both of his hands and fires a beam of fire into an earth kingdom bender on his left. Joseki spins left and kicks a cultist in his face. Dade rushes and cuts down a cultist swordsman while slashes an unexpecting earthbender across his neck.

Earth Kingdom sergeant: "What?!" Dade tackles the sergeant and pounds him in the face several times before knocking him out. The last two cultists are shot down by arrows.

Dade stands up, "So much for those corrupt guys." Macai, Jesha, and Rosh catch up with the team.

Macai: "So what did we miss?" Meanwhile, Captain Peraisus has several troopers escort the captured Bishu-Tae in. The man is restrained in handcuffs and four troopers walk with him into confinement. As the Captain is preparing to leave a team of four corrupt police enter walk up to the front desk. The building has light grey walls, a deep green ceiling, and a sand-colored floor.

One woman waits at the front desk, which is made of a hickory brown material. The corrupt troopers walk right past the front desk. Desk woman: "What are you doing? You have to check-in."

Corrupt trooper 2: "We have special authorization." The corrupt trooper lays down a forged signature that is supposed to be from Captain Peraisus himself for special clearance. The corrupt troopers walk outside of Bishu-Tae's cell where there are two earthbenders watching the door.

Earth Kingdom guard: "Who called your team in?" A corrupt officer smashes the man's head against the ceiling and another corrupt trooper backhands the other guard before choking him out. The corrupt guards open Bishu-Tae's cell and the cult leader smiles.

Bishu-Tae cheeses, "Freedom at last, release my chains." Bishu and the corrupt guards immediately emerge from the cell and march toward the exit. Several earth kingdom troopers enter their battle stance as they prepare to engage their enemy. Bishu-Tae extends his right hand and several fragments of the floor fly at the soldiers and batter the troopers in the room.

Bishu crosses his hands and multiple objects fly from every direction as they knock down the defenders. Bishu forces the doors open as he walks out of the building. Corrupt Officer: "Mr. Tae, your getaway vehicle should be here any second now." A carriage with two terramules arrives.

One of the Corrupt Troopers smiles, "Ahh, there it is."

Macai suddenly leaps out of the carriage, "Not so fast, we caught onto your little plan. It was a nice ploy." Bishu-Tae frowns and enters his battle stance.

Rosh bobs right of their position and Jesha emerges beside him, "It was truly a futile attempt."

Joseki emerges next, "Evon has escaped and he is telling Captain Peraisus as we speak."

Bishu-Tae shouts and turns red, "Ahhh, you ignorant fools. No matter, you have yet to defeat me and I won't go out without a fight." Bishu frantically launches himself in the air and Macai kicks a rod of white fire into the cult leader. The man flies several feet back into the jail building he just escaped. Bishu tries to get up but several Earth Kingdom troopers from the facility nail him into the ground.

Rosh tosses an explosive rod of red-orange fire into two of the corrupt troopers, laying them out. Sonna fires an arrow into the right shoulder of the other corrupt trooper and the last one is shot in his side by Arret. The two archers wave from a nearby rooftop. Joseki looks at Macai, "I see why you're a prodigy, you took over this situation so quickly."

Macai responds, "And this wasn't even an easy case, not so long ago I was struggling. But you detective and investigation skills are also notable. You have a big legacy ahead of you, I can tell."

Joseki extends his hand, "This case will do a lot for me and my career as well as yours. It was a pleasure, Commander." Macai shakes Joseki's hand. Later that day the 31st returns to the Prompt Adjudicator as they celebrate their new success. Macai, Rosh, Dade, Sonna, Jesha, and several other marines have a cheers to the unit's victory.

Irina: "We were added to the team, but didn't get much of a chance to prove ourselves this mission."

Macai responds, "It was the sort of mission where we could only work with a few allies and I wanted to use my more seasoned troops rather than risking new marines. Don't worry Irina, your time will come. In fact, the next mission I'll make sure you and other new recruits get your shot on some. You have my word, but at least you guys got to see what the battlefield was like and meet some people."

Irina nods, "It will be a good chance for us to prove ourselves, but in the meantime we can get some final preparations in. I know you want to protect us, but don't forget how young and fresh your team was when you all first started in the 31st."

Macai nods, "That's true, but we had experienced people helping us along the way. People like Rosier, Cosal, Keshin, Hazo, and Samira. None of them are in this unit anymore."

Rosh shakes his head, "Wow, I didn't notice things changed that much until you said that."

Macai adds, "We were also fortunate that we got away with all the things we did."

Yedden comments, "Your brilliant strategies were a considerable reason why."

Macai: "While that is true, I also personally picked many of the new members that I worked closely with. I trained with Kanna, Kett, and Dade for over a year. Even when Rosh came, I was still familiar with his fighting style, gifts, and weaknesses because I grew up with him. I don't know you guys as well, so it would be jumping into new territory. I would more casually with people like Sonna, Arret, and now Jesha who have steadily worked their way up the ranks over time."

Hirru comments, "I trust Macai, his results, and his experience. He knows what he is doing and I doubt he'd underrated us."

Hagenko rubs his bald head, "If you need any additional opinions from an experienced warrior, I'll always be around to discuss. I'd also be open to any fighting position you call for, but I don't mind taking missions off either. I'm down for whatever, but at this age, I'm not battle-hungry. I take whatever comes to me."

Rosh: "By the way, welcome to the family new people. You all are going to love it here."

Hirru: "I already do."

Rosh: "Well you haven't seen anything yet, it only goes up from here."

Kanna enters the room. Macai: "Did you enjoy the time off Kanna?"

Kanna nods, "It was a nice change of pace, I worked on my drawing skills. Look, I drew a picture of the Prompt Adjudicator and made a portrait of you Macai." Kanna's pictures have incredible detail, are very colorful, and of great quality.

Macai: "Why do I look angry?"

Kanna smiles, "Oh, I didn't realize I drew you like that."

Macai asks, "Is that how I come off?"

Kanna: "Of course not sir, you just seem serious and motivational."

Rosh: "So yes, that's exactly how you come off."

Macai points at Rosh, "I see you are a jokester." A small animal with yellow fur and large ears runs across the ground. Kanna quickly picks it up. The animal has light green eyes and soft paws. It only weighs about twenty pounds.

Kanna: "No Skippy."

Dade: "Skippy?"

Kanna admits, "Yes, I found a Ranmu outside when I was scouting the scene. It was so cute and I wanted a pet. I promise I'll take good care of it now that I have my new lieutenant chamber."

Macai: "Aww fine, as long as you know how to feed it."

Kanna: "I bought a cage for it, but it got out somehow. Don't worry, I'll sort it out. I found out how to feed it and did some research with an animal dictionary. The Prompt Adjudicator has a good cafeteria so I know how to get creative, as long as we don't get stranded I can keep it fed."

Dade: "Doesn't that sound risky? I mean this ship has been shot at and taken missiles."

Arret comments, "But the ship won't be bombarded as much now that there is no official war."

Macai: "I hear those things have better senses and ears than humans. They are also fast, though fragile. It would more likely know when to run from a missile than we would. But if it gets hit, it's curtains."

Kanna: "The Ranmu heal faster than humans when injured. But Macai is right that they are fragile, I mean they are only twenty pounds. Anyway, I'm going to take him back home."

Dade: "You're giving him up that easily?"

Kanna: "No my room is his home." Kanna exits.

Dade: "Well, I think I've had enough for the day, I'm gonna have a nap."

Macai: "I think I'm going to write in my journal."

Rosh: "Nerds, I'm still down to talk." The sunsets as the Prompt Adjudicator sails off for its next mission.

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