

Akali wakes up in her room when her alarm goes off, she wonders the dorm halls and it's almost like nothing happened. She goes to school and joins the others at the assembly. Chinami isn't here.

"What's going on?"

Rex shrugs his shoulders, "Kim is bad at putting science to words, all we have to go on is her enthusiasm that Chinami will be okay. Are you?"

She nods, "Yeah, apparently I healed. I guess that's pack related."

"Kai was also taken and we don't know what for, according to our informant he's been taken to a PSB lab, Melody too."

Akali crosses her arms, "They're taking this too far, are we still going to allow the PSB to keep going?"

Sharon rests his hand around her waist, "One problem at a time, Saito was just telling me you need help on collecting data on Anti-Supers members and I happen to know a guy on the inside. How about you worry that pretty head of yours about that."

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