
Chapter 23

After I cooled off a little from my confrontation with Councilor Champ, I decided it was time for Rader's present. I don't trust him for shit and I can tell he certainly couldn't give a good god damn about me. If I'm going to lead and instruct these "people" I am going to need full cooperation and trust.

Quickly I perform a quick scan of the main room for Mills; I needed to know what Presidential room the old hag was in. I suppose guessing wouldn't hurt. Since the boy was in the Nixon room, I head that direction. I open all the adjacent doors with my key card.

All the rooms are identical, down to the way the drywall was seamed together. Very shitty job if you ask me. The seaming process is meant to hide the seam, not make it more obvious. Anyways, I continue room to room until I eventually find the old lady in the Lincoln room.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think Mills was making fun of me because Lincoln was killed with a gun and the old lady nearly got me in the heart last night. I like subtle jokes like that, they make you think.

The door opens with ease and I slide in, closing it tightly behind me. She was zip tied to the chair just like the rest of the "visitors" have been. She didn't look uncomfortable but I know she was, that chair could give you fucking scoliosis if someone sat there long enough.

Just like the pretend Konkon, Grandma wasn't wearing the hood like John was. Her face changed completely after she woke abruptly when the door latched shut and I was spotted. Two options came to mind, she either realized that she was going to die or she realized she was going to die horrifically.

Either way, the hollowness in her eyes, the tucking and quivering of her lower lip, the blinking of each tear; that told me everything. I didn't even say a word to her and she didn't say anything to me as I clipped her zip ties freeing her wrists. I leaned down and began to clip the right ankle zip tie and then it happened.

The old woman, grey hair, wrinkly skin and all, grabbed me by my left shoulder with both hands. She basically had retard strength right now, as she dug both of her thumbs simultaneously into the .22 caliber bullet hole I had recently repaired.

Both thumbs couldn't fit in a hole that size, not even one thumb. As my shirt was pushed in deeper, forced in by an old ladies fight or flight instinct, my flesh began tearing away, making room for the thumbs and also making me feel faint due to the severity of the pain.

"Clip the last zip tie little man or I'll rip your fucking shoulder off!" Yelled this little frail old lady that was dominating me at the moment.

I leaned over and raised my right arm very slowly from the floor with the snips in it. I clipped the final zip tie and inadvertently lined my face up with her right foot.


That's all I heard from her after that, the sound of her soft old lady white New Balance sneakers contacting my exposed face. I lost consciousness for a split second but in that very smallest of split seconds, she was sprinting (old lady speed, fast walking) out of the holding room and towards the main area.

This woman had no weapons, no direction and knew nothing about where she was and how to escape. Mills and Holly are on the main floor talking when the old woman appeared in front on them. She turned one hundred and eighty degrees and ran back towards the Presidential rooms.

I regained my footing and timed my attack perfectly. I lunged out from the open doorway, slamming the old woman head first into the wall. She maintained consciousness as she let out a horrid scream. I was bleeding from my face and shoulder profusely; it was as if with every beat of my heart blood willing exited my body like water exiting a water fountain.

This poor old woman was viciously beating me with hammer fists of the Gods while I just held on, making sure to contain her. Eventually, I got to my feet again, spun her around and with her arms to her side, I bear hugged her while lifting her in the air.

Very briskly, I walked straight to Rader's room. All the while the woman was screaming and flailing her legs about. I just knew my shins were going to be fucked up, badly.

Mills and Holly are just standing, same spot, and staring in amazement at the strength of this old woman or the lack of strength from their new Captain. She kicked herself tired, making the rest of my journey easy.

In front of Rader's room I fixed the old lady's clothes for her. A nice knit sweater, a scarf and some brown corduroy slacks. B.T.K. still hasn't acknowledged me or the woman. I swipe the badge as the old lady falls to the floor; make absolutely no noise except for excessive dramatized panting. 4-3-1-0-4-6-7-8-2-2-0-4-7-6-8.

I open the door to Rader's room, grab the old woman by the arm and drag her in, right next to his bed, where he has yet to flinch.

I am catching my breathe and trying to not focus on the bleeding, "Dennis, I told you I had a treat for you. TADA!"

The man didn't flinch, didn't even blink. I left the room briskly, slammed the cell shut and yelled out, "Motherfucker! I need help again. I have lost too much blood guys. My eye is fucked up too!"

My eye had swollen completely shut; it felt like a fat man trying to fit through a really small hole. The pressure was unbearable. I got halfway into the main room where, yet again, Holly and Mills are standing. The Boss exits his office and I fall to my knees in the middle of the room, cough up a lot of blood, pass out and slam my head on the hard white floor.

If this were a television show, the camera would zoom out over top of my body and the blood would just seem to ooze out from everywhere. That little old lady fucked me up!

If you remember back a few chapters ago, I loosened the leg ties first on pretend Konkon and then positioned myself behind him as I unleashed is arms. If I had done that with the old woman, this could have been avoided.

Next thing I know, I'm in Mills' arms being carried like a toddler that was out way past their bedtime. I recognize the chill of the metallic table again. Holly and Mills are working on me frantically. I flesh and muscles have been horribly mutilated in the old lady's attempt to escape. It looked as if she stuck a stick dynamite in the .22 caliber hole and set it off.

My eye is being push and prodded with ferocity. I hear Holly murmur something about vision lose and an eye patch. I am in and out of consciousness due to the morphine but I'm not walking around here looking like a goddamn pirate. That's one thing I'm sure of.

I can barely muster the words, "Someone check on Rader and the old lady. I want to know if the progress is there or if I fucked it up. Can we…" I flow into my unconscious state for a moment and then regain my voice, "Can we hurry up so I can observe?"

Holly and Mills both chuckle a little bit at my persistence, Mills says, "Listen, you really did lose a lot of blood, I'm going to have to fill your tank up buddy."

"Well, Lieutenant, we can do it while I'm sitting in the agents' hallway observing probably the stealthiest and skilled person we have down here." My face must have been serious, the body work continued and I was strapped to a wheel chair, rolled into the hallway with an IV of O Negative in my arm, filling my body with its life source.

Rader was lying on the bed, hands under his head and feet crossed and the old lady was sitting at his desk looking through a book of some sort, possibly the Bible. The best selling fictional tale ever written.

I'm not sure what method was being used here by the infamous B.T.K. but it sure as hell wasn't the loose cannon style I thought it would be. I expected hands and feet tied, belt around the neck and laughter, lots of laughter for some reason.

I see The Boss approaching me, his head is hanging and he appears to be dreading having to tell me something. It couldn't be worse than having my ass handed to me by Grandma Mable earlier. Maybe the morphine is affecting my thought process or maybe we actually get to do something other than kidnap people.

As the morphine is tick, tick, ticking into my veins and the blood is filling, filling, filling my body I lean back and relax myself, more by force than by choice. This morphine high was amazing.

The Boss steps up next to me, as I am milking the Morphine and blood bag for all they got and says, "We have our first assignment Captain. You have two days to get your body and mind up to par, execution is of the utmost importance."

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