
Second Encounter (II)

Ye Tian Yun turned around to see who the owner of the restaurant was.

And to his surprise, it was someone he had recently met.

"Well, this is quite unexpected." Ye Tian Yun couldn't help but say.

The person laughed, "And here I was looking forward to this meeting."

Ye Tian Yun didn't reply to this remark, "Your cooking is good."

The owner smiled, "Well, if I had a spirit stone every time I heard this, I would have been the richest man alive long ago."

Ye Tian Yun just rolled his eyes and said, "It's not daily that I compliment someone."

"And it's not daily that I cook for someone." The owner replied.

"What do you want?" Ye Tian Yun squinted his eyes.

The owner just shrugged, "Nothing, just wanted to meet you. Maybe get to know you. Last time, our meeting didn't actually go like what I was hoping for."

"It was your arrogance." Ye Tian Yun replied.

"No, it was my humility." The Young Master smiled.

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