
Don’t Trust a Man with a Hook for a Hand

The whole boat ride, Ice laid in his sister's arms the whole time crying through the eye that wasn't frozen. His sister kept petting his head, as if coddling him would make him any happier.

"Everything will be alright. We'll be safe as long as we stick together, Ice." she assured him. Her words were as kind and gentle as their mother's.

Hitting the shore of what was called New York by an anonymous passerby, Ice was the first to hop out of the boat.

"I'll take it from here, sis. You don't have to come with me." he said.

Icicle leapt out of the boat and embraced her brother.

"Ice! We have to stick together! It's what mom and dad would want!" exclaimed Icicle.

Hearing her speak of their parents made Ice want to cry. He didn't want his sister to be burdened by him and his mistake. With all his strength, he pushed her to the ground.

"I don't want you around! Leave me be, Cicle!" he said, only saying that thinking it was for her sake. He trudged off into the unknown bustling city.

He runs into a merchant selling odd vials of mysterious liquid, who quickly slips one into his cloak pocket.

He later on finds that vial and drinks it without warning. He could have been really thirsty from walking around the crowded city a lot. The contents of the vial soon took effect but Ice felt nothing to be wrong with him.

Soon afterward, in a few days time he passed his sister without knowing and she didn't know it was him. For the potion he drank had changed his appearance. So at that, he looked like a female student who went to NYC High. This is what got him kidnapped. And just to inform you, Ice has actually been running to places trying to learn how he could fix what he had done and also learning the NY culture.

It was late and Ice was getting nowhere. Normally the street would be bustling with people at night, or was that a different culture.

Ice trudged along the cracked cement of the sidewalk. Iclandia's walkways would be covered in ice and snow. Thinking that made him miss his home. Stuck in reminiscence, Ice didn't notice the bag get put over his head and someone grab him by the waist. In his mind, he was scared.

Not knowing where he was being taken, he passed out possibly from toxic fumes left in the bag.

When he woke up, he found himself in some sort of storage room/garage. Trying to move his arms so he could stand up, he realized that they were tied. Hearing a door open and close, he began to panic. Being gagged, he couldn't scream.

"Well, look what we have 'ere. A pretty little diamond, 'ave we." said a gangly looking man who appeared to be the shipper.

"Stop messing with my treasure, you fool!" yelled what appeared to be the manager. But he awfully looked like a ship's captain with that terrifying hook for a hand.

Ice trembled as the man drew closer to him. The man lifted Ice's chin with his hook to get a better look at his face, or her face if I might add.

"Very interesting indeed. A treasure to keep all to myself." said the man. As he smiled, Ice could see two gold teeth.

"W-what a-are y-you g-going t-to d-do w-with m-me?" asked Ice very nervously and through the gag.

The man frowned. "It sounds as if you're really cold in here. Smithee! Get the girl a blanket, would you!" ordered the captain.

"Yes, cap'n! Right away, sir!" said Smithee, running to get what was ordered.

Girl? thought Ice, confused.

Once Smithee was back with the blanket, the captain took it and covered Ice with it. But that made it worse because Ice was the one making it cold in here.

"That should warm you. Let's talk." said the captain, removing Ice's gag.

With a gasp Ice couldn't think of anything to say but what he thought earlier. "Girl?" he stared at the captain confused.

"That would be the potion you drank a few days ago, m'boy." explained the captain.

"Potion?" Ice soon remembered that vial he had drank out of dehydration.

"Yep. Made you look like a girl but didn't change a hair on yer head."

"Oh." Ice stared sullenly at the ground.

"The name's Hook, but you can call me Mr. Hook. From another world, I am. And what be you?" said the captain.

"I-Ice, fr-from Iclandia."

"Well, Ice. It's good to have you. A treasure indeed."

"What makes me a treasure? I am nothing."

"Tis you are a Prince, lad. A Prince. And with a Prince there be a kingdom. And with a kingdom there be treasure." Mr. Hook had an evil look in his eye as he smiled at Ice.

Ice looked shocked. How did this man know him? No one knew of Iclandia unless you were born there yourself.

Laughing maniacally, Hook got up and left the room, leaving Ice to wonder how he knew.

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