
Chapter 6: The Sorting of Houses.

Over a dozen boats crossed the black lake under the shadow of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each boat made small ripples over the still lake until the boats had reached the dock in a small cavern. There was a path leading of the cavern where I could see a small crescent moon high in the sky and millions of stars looking down at the castle. On the left side of the cavern I can make out Remus also watching the moon probably worried about his first full moon at a school full of students on his door step. My brother's eyes met mine and he smiles lightly. I return the gesture before breaking the contact and following Gideon out of the boat and onto the stone shore. The tall giant, Hagrid, lead us students up the path and eventually up many, many steps. Many woah's and wows were heard throughout the crowd as they looked up at the castle just like when we were crossing the glassy lake on the boats. There was a lot of talking throughout the crowd, especially from not only Fabian and Gideon but also from Sirius Black and James Potter who seemed to be so loud, I would of thought that the spell sonorous had been placed on them. As some of the paths grew thinner, the crowd also grew thinner and eventually the Prewett twins ended up near the front whereas I was near the back but fortunately Remus was at my side. "Hey Meadow, everything okay?" he asked which I reply to with a simple nod. "Sorry for leaving you to have to sit with the loud and obnoxious Prewett twins on the boats..." his voice held regret and his eyes shew sympathy but I can't help but chuckle."Don't worry Rem but to be completely honest, James and Sirius don't seem much better. Anyway Fabian and Gideon were more than happy to let the 'Second Scamander' sit with them". Sarcasm laced my voice as I said the Second Scamander and Remus couldn't help himself from snorting at my words."They're still calling you that aren't they" Remus laughed drawing the attention of the three boys we sat on the Hogwarts express with. "There still calling who what?" Sirius asked, looking between me and my brother. I could feel his eyes burn into me longer than they did Remus but all I could do was ignore it. "Do you know what they are talking about James?" Sirius added but when we looked at the messy haired boy he was to busy staring at a girl with red hair who was talking with another girl with blond. "James... Hello.... POTTER" the silver-eyed boy clicked his fingers in front of James' face where he manages to snap him out of his trance."I'll be back in a minute guys" he murmurs before heading over to the red head and luckily because she weren't that far away, we could hear every word of their conversation. "Hi there, are you Lily Evans?" he asked."Yes I am, is there something I can do for you?" she smiled at him politely although her emerald green eyes held confusion and curiosity."Well yes there is, I am James Potter and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" His eyes held hope for the girl despite Remus, Sirius, Peter and I snorting at the question. "Um... well we haven't even started lessons or term yet and I don't even know you so.. no sorry" Lily smiled sadly and just before she turns back to her friend James speaks."Well if you ever change your mind, the offer is always on" he sends her a wink before strutting back to us where we are in a fit of laughter. "Seriously James, you don't even know the poor girl yet and your already asking her out. I'd be careful, some people might think your desperate or something" I tease but he just goes into his daydream mode."God she is so beautiful" he sighs and us remaining four just rolls our eyes. * * *We entered a large wooden door and had to climb two more sets of stairs before we reach a stern women in emerald, green robesand had graying hair under her pointed hat. Her face held authority and her eyes swept over each of us. She nods her head in thanks to Hagrid before addressing us students."Welcome to Hogwarts! Soon you will pass through these doors and join your classmates but before you do we must sort you into your houses. There is Gryffindor the brave, daring and valiant, Hufflepuff the loyal, patient and friendly, Ravenclaw the wise, clever and logical or Slytherin the cunning, ambitious and achieving. The house you are put into will be your family throughout your seven years at Hogwarts. For your achievements in or out of the lesson can earn you points whereas rule breaking can lose you points. At the end of the year, we tally up the points for each house and whoever has the most points will win the house cup, a great privilege if I do say so myself. Now it's almost time for you to be sorted so I suggest you make yourself look presentable". The woman walks through the giant double door behind her leaving us first years to chat among ourselves. "We have to make ourselves look presentable... how about I go in with my tie wrapped round my head like a bandana" Sirius joked even though deep down I had a feeling he was being serious. (No pun intended lol) "Yeah sure then you and James would have both done a world record. How quick someone asked someone out at the beginning of term and how quick someone got detention" I roll my eyes leaving the others snickering but Sirius just shrugs."It would be a good achievement to have in life" He smirks unraveling his tie from his neck. The doors the professor had gone through opened slightly so Sirius quickly ducked down and pretended to do his shoelace but instead he tied his tie round his head."We are ready for you now, follow me" the professor said turning back around and began leading us over to the double doors. By this time, Sirius had gotten up beside me and slipped behind a suit of armor in silence not drawing anyone's attention. We walked through the double doors and were greeted by a long hall with four long tables which many older students were sat at. Some students smiled at us as we passed whereas others glared hard mainly from the table at my far left. The roof of the hall had been charmed to look like the night sky and up the far end of the hall there was a long table with many professors seated. In the center was the headmaster Dumbledore who's eyes seemed to watch me the whole way up the hall making me uncomfortable. We continue to walk up the hall until we reach a small stall with a dusty hat on top of it. "When I call your name you will come up and sit on the stool. I will then place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." Professor Mcgonagall ordered before opening up a scroll and with her other hand she picked up the sorting hat. "Anderson, Ronald".A boy with blond hair walked up to the stool confidently and when the hat sat on his head it shouted Slytherin. he walks over to the table on our far left when Mcgonagall called up the next person. "Black, Sirius".The double doors banged open loudly and a figure ran into the Great Hall with a tie around his head. The whole hall erupted with laughter except from some of the professors who didn't find it funny. When Sirius was close to the crowd of first years he slowed down and started walking up to the stool, a giant smirk plastered on his face. "Detention Mr Black, see me tomorrow at break and we will organise a time. Now put your tie on properly and get sorted." Came Mcgonagall's voice. Remus, Peter, James and I snickered before Sirius sat down on the stool. The whole hall sat in silence once the hat had been placed on Sirius' head and after a few minutes the hat had decided. "Gryffindor". It shouted causing many of the Slytherins to start protesting but to be quickly silenced by Dumbledore. Sirius was allowed to stay in Gryffindor to his delight and we carried on with the sorting ceremony. We waited for a while as various names were called out and many students were sorted until it was my turn."Meadow Lupin." My hands began to shake uncontrollably because I was so cold. What if Remus hated me if I got into Slytherin? What if my parents disowned me for not being in Gryffindor? I look back at Remus and Sirius who had been both placed into Gryffindor and were seated at the table. They gave me encouraging nods before I go up to face the sorting hat. I walk up to the stool and seat myself letting the sorting hat sit on my head."Well, well, well what do we have here?" said a voice in my head. "I see that you would have a very good future in every house but which one best suits you? Will it be Gryffindor alongside those you care about? Or maybe a Hufflepuff like one of your true family? Ravenclaw which could help you survive the wizarding war in the future? Or will it be Slytherin alongside those who may turn on you? Of course the fact that one of these houses could help you control the power you-""What power! Can you tell me more about it?" I ask the sorting hat in my thoughts hoping that the message would get across to it. Luckily it did and the hat replied. "I'm afraid I can't tell you more about it. You need to find that out for yourselves and you will do soon with your friends at your side the whole way. And that's why I am putting you in...""Gryffindor!" The hat shouted ending my conversation about some power I have. "You will do soon" but how soon? Within a week? A month? A year? Ten years? I guess for now that mystery hasn't been answered. My footsteps carry me over to the Gryffindor table once the dusty hat had been pulled off my head. I hadn't really paid attention to anything and zoned out even while Remus embraced me happily to notice I wasn't returning the gesture. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes but I stay emotionless. I was to bothered with the power the sorting hat spoke of I didn't even acknowledge he was there, or anyone was there. It didn't feel like I was in the bustling great hall filled with chatter everyone made it out to be, it just felt like I was trapped in a room all alone with questions circling around me. I seat myself at the long table, resting my head on my hand, not even bothering to watch the rest of the sorting took place. I had a feeling that the other's knew something was up because of how tense I was but I wasn't going to reveal anything, especially not to Sirius, James and Peter. Remus being my brother had the right to know what was going on in my mind, even if the thoughts haunting me was making me uncomfortable just like the four pairs of eyes watching me.For some reason I felt... alone... like there was a secret hiding from me. "Or maybe a Hufflepuff like one of your true family?" Who in my family was a Hufflepuff and what did he mean by one of your true family? Remus was my true family along with my parents, Lyall and Hope. As far as I knew all of my witches and wizards relatives were sorted into Gryffindor just like I had been. Was there someone I didn't know about? Was there someone who had been kept a secret from me for years? I knew that questions would need to be asked soon, so when Christmas comes I know exactly my game plan... To find out the truth about my Hufflepuff relative.

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