
The Test

"You three meet me at the training ground 5 in 30 minutes, don't be late," said Yuto, we nodded and we started walking to training ground 5.

We have been walking for 5 minutes and none of us talked. 'This feels so awkward' i thought, feeling uncomfortable luckily Yosuke started the conversation first

"So what do you guys think we are going to do?" he asks. 'He's so straight forward' i thought. "Well he probably going to test us to see if we passed or not," I said to them

Haruka got interested "what do you mean if we passed?" she asked. "Well, I hear that there a second test and if we failed we are going to be sent back to the academy or worse," I said seriously.

Both of them got tense when they hear that

"Well I'm sure we can do fine here," said Yosuke trying to be optimistic

"Yeah you're right we going to be fine," I said to Yosuke.

He says "yeah I glad we're on the same page". "How are you guys so calm about this we can fail this test and go back to the academy!!" Haruka exclaimed

"Why are you being so pessimist," I said to her. "Hey let's go we don't wanna be late," said Yosuke and we hurried there.

-Training Ground 5-

We arrived there and we see Yuto sensei waiting there. "You guys took your time, well lets us introduce ourselves to each other I start first my name is Yuto Sarutobi, I like training, and fishing my dislike is Konoha enemy, people who talk too much my dream is already completed. So now it's your turn"

"I go first," said Haruka "my name is Haruka and I like sweets, training, and spending time with my family my dislike is arrogant people and my dream is to become the strongest kunoichi," she said

"Alright it's my turn," said Yosuke "my name is Yosuke Hayashi and I like playing and making friends I dislike people who take thing too serious, and my dream is to become famous in the shinobi world," he said excitedly

"I guess it's my turn " my name is Hisato Arashi and I like lazing around my house sometime train my dislike is not that many and my dream is to become the strongest ninja I guess," I said

"Alright let's get to the point, I will spread my shadow clones in the woods you must find them and destroy them this is a regular one so you just need one or two good hits and you're done," Yuto sensei said.

"I catch you guys later," I said as I run into the woods and started to search for the clones

I found one and I immediately strike it with my fist as I expected he dodge it he turns around and hit the ground hard making me jump he then attempts to upper kick me.

"Shit" on reflex I recreate a rock in front of me and Yuto sensei kicked the rock he seems surprised so I take the chance and hit him hard *poof* the clones disappeared so I went to check the other

I found Haruka just finishing up the clones with her Fire Style: Fireball no Jutsu

"Hey looks like you didn't need any help," I said to her. "Of course not I can do it on my own," she said, went to meet yuto sensei and we saw Yosuke walking toward us telling us how he defeated it.

We went to Yuto sensei "good job all of you some of you need some improvement but you're all good enough to pass" he said proudly to us. After that Yuto sensei told us to go home so we start our new mission tomorrow.

On my way home I feel the tense atmosphere around me and I noticed a lot of the Uchiha begin to glare at some of the civilian and shinobi I sigh 'look's like the massacre is about to happen soon' I thought

Then I got curious "hey system if I take an Uchiha eye and plant it on myself would I be able to deactivate it as I have an adaptable body?" I asked

System: Yes host you can deactivate it

I grin at that "I'm sure they won't mind if I take some eyes" I thought while smirking

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