

"What do you mean the Mexican economy is depending on me?" Roselle asked Josephina on the phone. "You can't just drop a bomb like that on me! Now I feel pressured. Is something bad going to happen if I can't carry out this mission?"

"Aww, don't feel pressured. Celio is a good treasurer, and he does wonders for the economy, but his main problem is dealing with people. Things are going smoothly now, but I'm afraid that if one day there's an economic emergency, he won't be able to effectively communicate with others how to solve the problem. Additionally, if he was able to enhance his communication skills, the economy would improve twofold."

Roselle sighed. "Well, okay. I'll try."

"To be honest, there is someone very specific he needs to communicate properly with in order to make the economy flourish more. He needs to get over his fear of pretty girls so he can finally have a proper conversation with the Secretary of Mexico. She's the most important person Celio needs to communicate with, but he gets so nervous and hostile when he's around her. I'll send you a picture."

Roselle's phone dinged, and she received a text that dropped her jaw. "Is that seriously the Secretary of Mexico, or is that MISS Mexico? She's the prettiest woman I've ever seen!"

"And that's the problem. Please, build up his confidence so he can finally talk to her."

"I'll see what I can do."

Celio returned.

Roselle's heart leapt. "Gotta go."

A different waiter came to Roselle and Celio's table than the one before. In fact, she wasn't a waiter, but a waitress. She had beautiful dark skin and rampant flowing curls.

"Sorry, but the other waiter already clocked out," the waitress said. She smiled. "Is everything going alright over here?" She looked directly at Celio.

He quickly turned his head in another direction. "It's . . . fine . . ."

She nodded. "Alright, just let me know if you need anything."

As soon as the waitress was gone, Celio gulped in a big breath of air.

Roselle widened her eyes. "Um, are you okay?"

"I . . . can't . . . breathe . . ."

Oh boy. This was going to be difficult, wasn't it?

* * *

The next day, Roselle went to the University campus to sign up for class. It was only tomorrow that the class would start, but according to Celio, there were still several spots available. There was no one else in line either, so she walked up to the registrar.

"Hi," Roselle said, handing over some documents under the glass. "I was wondering if I could sign up for the adult Spanish class, please."

The woman on the other side of the glass wore an empty, dull expression on her face as she tapped on the keyboard. "Sorry, ma'am, but this class is full."

She panicked. "Wait, there must be some kind of mistake. Yesterday there were hardly any students in there."

"And now there are plenty. Goodbye."

"How is that possible?"

The lady grunted. "Looks like just this morning a whole flood of people came in to enroll in this class. You know how it is. Last minute sign ups."

"Please, isn't there a way I could still sign up? This is the last class I needed to graduate high school . . ."

"Boo hoo. If you wanted to join this class you should've signed up sooner, and if you wanted to finish high school then maybe you shouldn't have partied so hard when you were a teenager and studied instead." The woman shook her head. "I swear, the youth these days," she muttered under her breath.

Roselle tightened her fist so hard that her nails dug into her palms. She knew that it wasn't the end of the world. She knew that there would always be next semester. Even still, she couldn't help but wonder if this was the universe's way of telling her to give up and submit to the fact she would never accomplish anything.

"Now go," the woman at the registrar said. "There's someone else in line."

The person behind Roselle stepped up and took off his hoodie revealing his golden locks. "Is there a problem here?" he asked.

The registrar woman, who had been bland and flavorless the whole previous encounter, was full of life upon seeing who he was. "Mr. President?" She spread a big grin across her face. "It's such an honor to meet you!" She was frantically fanning herself.

Roselle whipped her head at him. "Armani? What are you doing here?"

"I'm enrolling in classes here too. I want to finish my degree in law."

"Can you really be a student and the president at the same time?!"

"I'm not going to be a full-time student. I'm just going to take a few classes."

"But even still, that's a lot of pressure.

Armani gave a smile. "I think I can handle it. I'm determined to both lead this country, and to enhance my studies."

The woman gazed dreamily at him. "Isn't he something else . . ."

"That being said," Armani continued. "I know what it's like to be a high school dropout, Ro. I wouldn't have been able to finish high school if I didn't have people who helped me and believed in me on the way, so now I'm going to help you."

Roselle's face lit up. "Really? How?"

The President faced the registrar, turning on the charm. "Miss, if you could, please help my friend get into her needed class as a favor to me."

The woman gaped in awe. "Oh my, I'm so sorry I was rude to you before!" she told Roselle. "I never knew you were friends with . . ." She giggled. "His excellency."

Roselle rolled her eyes. "Yeah, can you get me in or what?"

She cleared her throat. "Well, I guess I could talk to some people and get one more person into the class." She squealed. "They'd probably agree if they knew President Parker himself asked me to. Ah, the girls in the office are going to be so jealous . . ." She slipped into a daydream for a bit.

Roselle clapped her hands. "Hello?"

She snapped out of it. "Oh, right. I'll be right back." She went into the back room.

Roselle crossed her arms. "So I guess being president has its perks, huh?"

Armani gave a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess you could say that."

She groaned. "Well, thanks I guess."

"What is it?"


"Why'd you say it like that?"

She glared at him. "It's just that it sucks I wasn't able to get in by myself and you had to step in and save me. I'm not a damsel in distress, you know. I can handle myself."

"I know more than anyone you can handle yourself, Ro, but there's no shame in asking help from other people once in a while, right?"

That's what everyone loved to say, but Roselle felt weak whenever she took help from others. She already felt like she was incapable of doing anything. It was like accepting help from anyone else would confirm her incompetence.

The woman came back. "My boss doesn't believe me. Can you come in through the backdoor and talk to her?"

He nodded. ��By all means." He turned to Roselle. "I guess you and I are going to be schoolmates." He winked and walked with the Secret Service to the entrance of the building.

The registrar stared at him even until the very moment he was out of sight. "He's such a dreamboat, isn't he?" She sighed dreamily. "He makes me feel young again. Oh Mr. President . . ."

Roselle, who was disgusted by the old lady's rant about how 'dreamy' Armani was, stuck in her headphones and waited patiently for her enrollment process to push through.

* * *

It was only the first day of her Spanish class, and Roselle was already late! She zipped up and down the campus frantically looking for her class. Oh man, she should have familiarized herself with it YESTERDAY!

(She had made an agreement with the army soldiers by the way. She didn't want to stick out by having them follow her around, so from now on they'd be disguised and watching her from a distance.)

Roselle ran up to a group of guys in their college jersey's, presumably jocks. "Excuse me," she said, frantic and panicked. She took out her prospectus and showed it to them. "I'm looking for this class. Do you know where it is?"

One of the guys nodded and pointed a certain way. "Yeah it's right over--"

"It's that way," another one interrupted, pointing in a completely different direction.

The original one gave a look of confusion. "Dude, no. That place is--"

He gave his friend a stare. "No. It's THAT way."

"Oh . . ." He faced Roselle. "Okay, yeah. It's that building right over there," he pointed, finally agreeing with the second guy.

His friend gave him a low-five.

"Okay, thanks!" Roselle ran in the direction they've told her to run as fast as she could.

* * *

As Roselle entered that particular building, she felt as though something was off. It was completely silent, and no one was there. Were those guys messing with her or something? Those jerks!

There was a voice from one of the rooms. Maybe there was a class taking place there after all.

She opened the door. "AH!" she screamed, covering her eyes.

Inside the room, there were two people getting it on.

Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful messages and support for the story. <3 Honestly I've been going through a bit of a rough patch lately with school, and it always makes my day when I know that someone appreciates what I do. Thank you so much! I appreciate all my readers.

Thank you to Emy_Emerald, Johnson_Stephanie, sreejitasamanta, DaoistBDe755, Nate_Quinn, and purpliciousj for voting today. And again, thank you to all my wonderful readers. I love and appreciate each one of you <3

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