

Korgorusze took the form of a cat so as not to arouse the interest of people and to be able to steal better, they were friendly, but they could unknowingly bring bad luck to the house... If someone found stolen items in the house, the explanation that the cat-like creature brought them ... good luck in court.

I went to the threshold and knocked on it several times ... Kikimora leaned out her head.

- Zawołaj Domowinka.

(Call the Domownika)

She hissed at me maliciously and disappeared, after a few moments the Domownik appeared in her place.

- W domu są nowi mieszkańcy, pilnuj ich.

(There are new residents in the house, keep an eye on them.)

The Dokownik nodded and disappeared under the threshold, and I returned to the bedroom. Domownik, Kikimora, Korgorusze ... I think I'll start charging them rent. It gets more crowded here than on the Indian train.

The following weeks passed, supplies, weapons and additional equipment were already prepared. Jarl's ships returned to Kattegat, but for ten ships the amount of loot was small. Only 300 slaves were brought and precious metals such as gold and silver were scarce. But there was a lot of amber jewelry, fabrics and utensils ... Jarl certainly did not lose on this expedition, but his profit was not large.

Vikings who returned were offered to participate in the raid west, those who agreed were to be ready in two days, Floki and his father inspected the ships that returned, and only eight out of ten were fit for immediate departure.

Lagertha, despite her protests, stayed at home, she was pregnant and I did not want to take any additional risks ... she was also supposed to move with Mira and Itta to her parents during my absence.

We were sitting in front of Floki's house, his father's devil handed us a bowl of water ... luckily I was first. I washed my face, wet my hair with water, and passed the bowl on. The rest of the company did likewise, each of them additionally spat into the bowl. Another element of the preparations was makeup, Floki painted symbols on the faces of all people, highlighted the eyes with black dye ... I refused when he wanted to do the same with me, I wanted to pretend to be a Christian priest so I couldn't look like a pagan.

The fleet I commanded consisted of nine ships, 360 men, and that was a force to be reckoned with. My ship floated first and the rest followed ... first we headed east, then south, and west along the Danish coastline. It was our second cruise and we felt more confident, the weather was changeable, but it didn't cause us big problems, sometimes it just rocked the boat a bit more.

During our trip, Hakon started talking about Loki and me again, but Rollo silenced him by cutting his throat, we threw the body into the sea ... we also passed the settlement which we looted a few months ago, some buildings were burned down, and the settlement itself was still abandoned.

I called Floki who was standing at the helm and showed him the estuary on one of my wooden maps ... I got information about this place from a priest and a few slaves. At first, I only planned an attack on Utrecht where the bishop was staying, but while I was studying the language, the priest mentioned a large trading city. Dorestad consisted of three districts, the lower town where the port was located. On the left bank of the river was the Upper Town and there was a church and a market in this district. The third district consisted of local farms and fields, and was a bit further inland.

I planned five Jarl's ships to attack the lower town and farms, and my crew with three other ships to attack upper town. Floki looked at the map and I explained to him what I was planning.

We reached the shore, some 8 km from the city, it was evening, but I had no intention of setting up camp, I ordered everyone to march out immediately.

We moved carefully, it took us four hours to reach the outskirts of the city ... with me there were 160 people, the second group numbered 180. Nobody expected a night attack and the city was not prepared for defense.

First, 180 Vikings launched an attack on the lower city, thanks to which they attracted most of the defenders. We started the attack a few minutes later. I split my troop into four smaller ones and showed them targets to attack, Rollo, Leifa and his father and One-Eyed Arne became the commanders of these divisions.

I always liked to act alone, I sneaked through the corners of the city, when I met a civilian or a few defenders, I killed them immediately ... I walked from house to house and checked that the door was closed.

As I checked one of them, I heard a running noise behind my back. Not much thought, I turned around and threw the hatchet ... the woman fell to the ground, I went to take my hatchet from her back and saw that there was a dead child lying underneath her, her head was twisted. Probably the woman killed the child with her weight or a fall ... I returned to the house I was checking ... the door was closed. I struck my ax several times, the boards cracked and I went inside.

As soon as I did so, I was immediately attacked, I managed to block the blow with my ax. I pushed my opponent with all my strength. It was dim in the room, and I didn't see much, but I heard his body hit the wall and then the floor. I went in that direction ... on the floor there was a boy's body, maybe twelve or fourteen years old. I wasn't sure if he was still alive, so to be sure I stuck the hatchet in his head.

I heard a woman's voice from the corner of the room. I looked that way, it was a little brighter there. The moonlight illuminated her face ... she was no more than eighteen, though probably less. I spoke to her.

- I will give you a choice or you will become my captive and I will not hide, you will become a toy for many men or I can kill you and spare you this fate ... Your choice.

- Death...

I walked over to her, grabbed her neck and swiftly twisted ... She didn't even thank me, human gratitude.

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