

Ragnar, apart from the idea itself, did not have a specific plan or tools to implement it, he had not yet come into possession of the sunboard and a sunstone, which he got from the mysterious wanderer... So I did most of the planning myself.

We agreed that I would pay for building the ship and supplies. In return I will receive a third of the acquired wealth and slaves. Another condition was that the ship had to be built by Floki's father, Floki was too young now and I didn't trust his skills and my last condition was ... that I would also take part in the raid.

Supposedly under the guise of keeping an eye on my investment, in fact it will be the perfect opportunity for me to push future events in the right direction and I was not going to lead them to England, but to attack the coast of the Frankish Empire, England's time will come when I have more men and more ships.

(Ragnar / Floki POV)

- Ragnar, you must understand Ulf is taking a lot of risk. We may get nothing big, the ship may sink. Many things can happen. One-third of the loot is a reasonable price.

- ... I know Floki, that's why I agreed, but ... whatever. It's good that Ulf has agreed to supply us and provide wood to your father ... Hahahaha... Floki next year we will be famous and rich.

- Ragnar, don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

- Floki, the gods will be with us

(End POV)

I wanted to ask Lagertha what she would say for a romantic trip to Paris... but I don't plan to visit this city soon and In order to explore and see this city well, I will need more than forty people. My wife was surprised by my sudden plans, but when I offered her to join the expedition, she readily agreed.

Ragnar spent the following weeks recruiting the crew and surprisingly he was doing quite well, he was also doing it officially, which might not be to the liking of the new Jarl, but he couldn't forbid us to do so.

Besides me and Lagerht, the crew included Floki, Ragnar, Rollo, one-eyed Arne, Torstein, Leif and his father Erik, old Tostig, Kauko, Hakon, and Jarl's half-brother Knut. I suspected Knut of being a spy, and in the series he also tried to ra_pe Lagertha. So he was even more suspect and if he looks at my wife ... he will die. They were mostly young men after one or two raids, but there were also some experienced vikings.

Once a week, I delivered the necessary supplies to Floki's house and checked the progress of the ship's construction. Floki's father ... well the apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree. He was as weird as his son, chuckling, talking in riddles and talking to himself, but he was good at what he did.

The biggest problem was with the purchase of a woolen sail, it had to be approximately 130 square meters, but the right amount of money and this obstacle was overcome... few months later, the ship was almost ready, it was a small skeid 27 meters long and 5 meters wide, with twenty pairs of oars. In theory, it could carry 60 vikings, but our crew was supposed to consist of up to 50 people. The right crew for my purposes, I wasn't planning to besiege larger cities, but smaller settlements. It was safer and although less profitable I wanted to avoid unnecessary risks.

It was April 781 and this year I was 20 years old, in a few months it will be two years since Lagertha became my wife ... how this time passes quickly.

I was just preparing the last things that could be useful for us during the raid ... additional weapons, some blacksmith tools, herbal mixtures and my personal things that I was working on, when Arne and Frida came to our house, I asked them to look for our animals while we were away and to take Mira to their home.

- Ulf, when are you guys leaving?

- We are planning tomorrow, if the good weather continues, Arne thanks you for taking Mire with you. You will definitely need an extra pair of hands to work, she does not know farm work, but she will clean up or she will feed the animals.

- Are you sure taking Lagertha is a good idea?

- My wife knows how to take care of herself and I will always be around too, I would be more afraid if she stayed here.

We talked like that for a short while, when Mira came out of the house with a backpack on her shoulder. I stopped her for a moment.

- Mira you have to obey Arne and Frida. You'll stay with them for a few months until we come back.

She nodded.

- And don't forget about training, repeat what I taught you.

I got a few gestures in response.

- Well, when you get bigger, maybe one day you will also sail with us.

I stroked her head and she hugged me unexpectedly, which was a surprise to me. Usually, Mira does not show feelings and emotions, at least since Żywia death.

When Arne, Frida and Mira were a few meters from our house, Mira turned towards me and Lagertha.

- 👌✌🤞👋

- I know, and we will.

We entered the house and I grabbed Lagerth by the hips and pulled her towards me.

- We are alone, no one will disturb us. Where do you want to do this?

- Ulf, whether Mira is there or not, it does not bother you anyway... or whether it is day or night.

- This is our last night together in this house, in our bed ... from tomorrow only the hard floor of the ship or sleeping in tents.

Lagertha said nothing, she went upstairs ... when she was at the top of the stairs, she took off her dress ...

- Ulf, how long do I have to wait for you?

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