
Chapter 11

I check the schedule one more time, it's the start of my third week here, a blessed Monday, some fucking new classes.

They had told me that we taught the same subjects as in my old Institute. Filthy lie, as Luis would say.

Daniel stands next to me for a few seconds.

<< May I? >> I follow his hand, pass him my schedule and let him take my hand, intertwining our fingers. It's strong, I wonder why I haven't seen it before. << We have the same schedule, I can be your guide until you get used to it. >>

I feel like my heart beats again near my ears, it's not like in the Principal Eleanor's office, but I don't know what's happening to me. I snap out of it and take away my hand and look for the exit of the classroom building.

I run, I let my feet guide me to another lesser-known place. Far away, I see the figure of a woman, dressed in a burgundy tracksuit with the School's shield on her back. I stop short, with feline grace, seeing that she has no intention of pulling away from my way. A cloud of dust rises, several students cough, releasing various curses, until it disappears.

I come across golden eyes framed by harsh features and a sleek black mane like Gabriel's eyes. I blink a few times, I don't feel what prompted me to leave school, it's stronger, it draws me to her. I want to be here.

- Who are you? -She says with a raised eyebrow. She goes through the folder, pulls out a list of names, and with each refusal her brow furrows more. - Don't screw around and go to your class, little truant.

Despite the stone-hard tone of voice, I denoted a soft tone of affection. I'm pretty sure I can't take my gaze from hers, she's aware of it. Her aura attracts me. She turns to the students, points at me with the Bic pen, I see that she has the cap chewed on, Dad's had it too. He got very nervous when he had so much work to do that he couldn't take a break to smoke.

- Does anyone know who she is? -My mane shakes, enlivening its fiery colors as I glance at the students. They all look at me carefully.

<< I'm Ailey. >>

Her face bites into me, again, at the speed of light.

- You know how to use it...- She quickly turns to the pile of curious looks. - Twenty laps on the track!

Most of them pout, few dare to swear. The track is not small, precisely. But I would like to run alongside them, I look at them longingly.

- You too. - I do not wait any longer, I am thrown towards the Children of Aphrodite like lightning.

<< Thanks! >> Sam has told me several times that when someone does something nice for you, I have to thank them. I feel her aura lighten a bit, I don't need to turn to know that she has outlined a tiny smile between her stone features.

I advance those who are in the lead, her voice does not wait to pop up between my messy and blurry thoughts.

<< Since when do you use the Vendôme? >>

I keep accelerating as my confusion accelerates.

<< Vendôme? >> I can feel the stares, from the tired Sons of Aphrodite, digging into my back as if it were a bloody annoyance.

<< Speak through the mind. >> I prefer not to answer that question, the twins say that I am a girl of few words but that what I say is always true. I don't want to disappoint her, I don't want to lie.

<< Have you ever spoken with your voice? >>

I wince as I finish the tenth lap.

<< Not really. >>

I walk back to the students who run puffing like rhinos, they are so loud.

<< Why don't you use it? >>

I decide to leave the answer in the air, I quickly finish the twenty laps. I stand in front of an impressed Physical Education and Hand-to-Hand Wrestling teacher.

- Because bad things happen ...- I whisper low, I think she hasn't heard it, but then I feel her hand resting gently on my shoulder. She gives me a comforting squeeze. Or at least Sam told me that's what this gesture is for. I must admit that she is right, another warm feeling is born in my body, I like the coach.

-It doesn't have to if you don't want it. - We wait in silence for the others to arrive. Clearly, more than two laps have been skipped, but the coach doesn't care.

The Children of Aphrodite are empty heads, she cannot force them to do the exercises, but, most likely, their future depends on them.

Someone very strong, powerful and organized was chasing us. The most dangerous thing was not that they were strong and powerful. They were organized. All that power with a good organization will shake the world.

- Well, get in pairs! - As if they already knew what to do, they all divided. I saw that she was the only odd one so I stayed next to the coach. - Okay, Ailey, will you be my assistant today?

I put myself in the position that she tells me, we are in parallel with the others, so that they can better see the exercise of my new favorite teacher.

- Wait. - She comes over and gives me a round, stretchy black thing. - Ponytail.

Without understanding very well how this thing works i try to tangle my hair with it but I got too much. At the end, with a sigh, a girl of the group with blue eyes like Will's, tanned skin, and soft, short brown hair approaches.

- Give it to me. - She opens her hand towards me, I look at her confused. I do not get it. - The hair tie.

I keep watching her. In the end she points out the strange elastic device with a metal thing that seems to bind it. I passed it to her suspiciously. With swift yet delicate gestures, I feel my field of vision widening. I turn to the girl with a smile when she finishes.

I see how her cheeks turn red, is she sick?

I bring my forehead close to hers, with my feet on tiptoe, and she pushes me. I instantly look at the teacher, she is laughing her head off in front of everyone. I turn to the Children of Aphrodite. Some look at the ground, others seem to have their eyes bulging ... What is happening?

- Stop eating my assistant with your eyes. - I turn in horror towards the teacher. - Easy, darling, they are not going to eat you for real ... - We look again at the students, who already seem to have recovered from something. - Although I do not doubt that more than one would like to sink their teeth into you.

I take a couple of steps back, the aura has changed.

The teacher keeps looking at me in that funny way, but the students hide something that makes me feel very insecure.

- This is the key.

Instantly, the teacher has taken me by the arm and twists it behind my back, she kicks my knees, holds my head. Her arm hurts a lot, before she can tell the students to try, I turn and sweep my legs with a force that is not expected. She takes a head off me.

In surprise, she lets go of me and falls to the ground.

I hear the laughter of the students, at the moment I get up and give a hand to the teacher with an angry look. She takes it hard, pushing her up off the sandy ground. Her burgundy pants are now light brown.

<< I'm sorry. >> Sam will be proud of me.

<< If the fucking Sons of Aphrodite weren't here, I'd kick your ass. >>

I looked at her wide-eyed. She began to laugh at her own joke, I accompanied her with a sweet smile. I don't want to look like a badly carved iceberg.

The class continues normally, I learn, fascinated, about the thousand and one different techniques that teacher Céline teaches me with attention and care.

- You learn really fast. - She says as she tries to get loose.

She shrugged my shoulders losing concentration for a tiny moment in which she throws me to the ground, she immobilizes me again. A bell puts me in a tense, alert state. Céline laughs at me again.

- It's the class change bell. - I nod as we sit up, I stare at her and decide I want to tell her.

<< Can I talk to you? >>

She looks at me for a few moments.

- I have an hour and a half free before the next class.

<< Enough. >>

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