
Chapter 63- Trinity - A Boss Fight? (VOLUME 2)




"Guess it's time for a boss fight." Shane laughed as he turned toward the three warlocks that just burst into the room. "Let's take care of them right away." His voice still held laughter, but he didn't notice the buildup of magic that the woman was preparing to unleash at him.

"Shane no!" I yelled at him, my voice coming out clear and distinctly human as I shouted.

"NO!" I heard the guttural wolf sounds of Shawn's voice.

The woman blasted a shining black ball of magic at Shane, just as he was about to attack her. However, instead of hitting the foolishly arrogant man, he was immediately knocked out of the way by Dietrich who had shadow walked as quickly as he could and pushed him out of the ball's path. Unfortunately, the ball hit Dietrich, smashing into him instead of Shane.

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