
World 1.10

"Thank you"

The umbrella slowly fell on the ground "J-Jihoon? Did you just.." the voice echoed on his ears like it was buzzing, the soft and calm sound was enough to make him paralyzed for a second.

The omega lean onto his chest tightening the grip on his wrist.

"D-Daewon.. T-T-Thank Y-You.." his voice cracked..

Yang swiftly cupped his cheeks and then sealed his lips with a kiss.. The rain poured to their senses again.. The warmth from that kiss was telling Yang everything. He knew that Jihoon was not his, but he wanted to let him know that he was not alone. Even just now.


Weeks have passed, Jihoon's father has been released from the hospital, everything is back to normal. As usual Yang went to school happily, like he was in a blue feeling the clouds in his stomach. The lesson finished and it was their lunch time..

"Daewon? Hey Daewon?!" Sunghoo tapped his face with a cold-canned soda

"It's cold!" Yang exclaimed after getting back to his senses "What was you're saying again?" he asked

"Jihoon is waiting for you outside, Damn bro! I already told you ten times, what the heck happened to--hey! Im not done talking!" Yang ignored Sunghoo when he saw Jihoon standing at the door. He rushed to the omega. "How long have you been waiting here? Im sorry" he even grabbed the side of the door to catch his breath.

{ What happened to me? I just ran from my seat to the door, why do I seem to be out of breath?}

AUTHOR: And who's fault it is? staying late every night? can't sleep because of those stupid thoughts? those lewd thoughts?

{Okay! Okay! stop! don't read my mind}

It's true that after what happened at the hospital, Yang can't even have a wink of sleep because he was thinking about Jihoon, the first time he heard his voice, it was mesmerizing to him. He even regrets not recording it so that he can set it as his ringtone.

"Jihoon, why are you waiting for me by the way?" The male just looked down and then handed him one of those lunchboxes he was carrying "I-I m-made this f-f-for you.." Jihoon said in a soft voice

"Oh! Is this for me? really?!" his eyes were sparkling, Jihoon just nodded back "Thank you so much!" he blabbed out but his lips suddenly frowned when he noticed the band aid on Jihoon's fingers so he reached it for inspection "What happened to your fingers? Did you hurt yourself because of this?" he asked, pointing to the lunchbox.

The omega yanked his arms away "I-It's o-o-okay! " he blabbed out with his little voice.

Even though Jihoon was still stuttering Yang was very happy because he was now at least trying to speak a little. He was now trying to cope with his surroundings. The old Jihoon is slowly fading away.

"I will not bothered by it because you said it was okay" he bend down a little since Jihoon is smaller than him "But I will not tolerate it next time.." he smile and then pat the male's head, it turned Jihoon's face to cherry red.

"Let's go! Let's eat together!" he followed the pace of the man holding his arms..

After school, Jihoon waited for Yang again outside the Student Organization Office. He finished all the activity around six o'clock, it was already dark when they went out from School. Yang decided to leave his car in a private parking lot, so that him and Jihoon can enjoy some night walks.

As they pass by the city lights, no one dares to speak, their hands are bumping but too shy to approach. The vehicle noises and the busy people separates them from their own world.

"Woah!! Look out!!! " a scream was heard from a rushing bicycle towards them. Yang didn't hesitate to grab Jihoon onto his embrace..

"Are you okay?!" he exclaimed while scanning the omega's body starting with the arms "I-Im o-okay" he replied

Yang's eyes twitched when he noticed the coldness from Jihoon's palm "Your hands are too cold, let me hold it.." Jihoon could no longer complain when Yang finally held his hand tightly as if he did not want to lose the omega next to him.

{This is very romantic, I'm getting some butterflies on my stomach}

AUTHOR: Shouldn't Jihoon be the one getting that?

{Damn! shut up! I can even imagine the face you're making right now}


{Ehh?? What was that?}

AUTHOR: I don't know, maybe you need to wait for it to activate

{What the bloody hell is that new information?}

AUTHOR: Focus on your mission idiot!

He glanced at Jihoon and then smiled "Where do you want to eat? Is it okay for you if we eat outside? I mean in a restaurant?" Jihoon just nod back

Instead of taking the omega into a closed-placed restaurant, he took him to the seaside restaurant since he recalled Jihoon liking the ocean waves. They order food just right to fill up their empty stomach.

While the omega was busy enjoying his food "Jihoon.." Yang called out after he saw some little beans of excess food spilled on his mouth, he bent toward the male's face and then he slowly wiped the corner of his lips, Jihoon almost turned very red from embarrassment. "I-Im sorry.." he uttered

Yang remembered the first time he saw Jihoon eating, it was when he gave him all his Sushi because he couldn't stop adoring how cute he was when eating. He didn't even believe that Jihoon would fall on his tricks that day but it seems like he's the one falling here. He was enjoying his front view until some cramp prick his system, he felt like he was burning.

"J-Jihoon, I-I-n-need to go to the b-bathroom" he hurriedly stood and made his way, upon reaching the bathroom, he then released the tension inside him.

{Author! what is this? I can't even breathe properly}

He was still holding onto his chest, tapping it slightly..

AUTHOR: I told you I don't know anything about it

But before Yang could talk back, the hologram popped out on his sight..




And then the hologram disappeared.. leaving Yang's mouth opened

{Wait!! Am I going to die?!}

oh my! oh my! what was the new information about? Did Yang will really die? Let's find out on the next chapter. Don't forget to add this to your collections, mwaa!!

yohan26_creators' thoughts
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