
Chapter 40: Teleporting

Outside the strongholds, there were a lot of places with dense condensation of elemental mana. Such places either have animals that have mutated into a magical beast or magical beast that has invaded Earth through cracks in time and space.

Ability Users hunt magical beasts as they are dangerous monsters that eat peoples and sometimes even attack strongholds. Furthermore, the bodies of the magical beasts are a massive treasure trove with unlimited treasures. Their elemental blood can be used to create inscriptions and their cores can be purified and absorbed to increase one's strength or their cores can be smelted into runic equipments.

Runic equipment has three categories. The first are the offensive type. They are usually weapons like sword, ax, spear etc. Then there are defensive type runic equipment. They are usually shields, heavy armors, boots, gloves, gauntlets, etc. Lastly, there's support type runic equipment. They are usually crafted in the shape of accessories such as amulet, rings, and earrings.

The runic equipment can also only be created by using beasts elemental blood and cores.

However, the chances of magical beasts dropping their cores are slim but the chance of obtaining their elemental blood is 100%.

Elemental blood is also called heart blood as it's stored in the heart. Elemental blood is extremely costly, and Marvin couldn't afford to purchase them.

Marvin's goal right now was to obtain Elemental blood from flame-type beasts to create a talisman. That's why he was headed to the Adventure Association.

After dozens of minutes, he entered the adventure association.

Shiny tables that have a lot of cables were positioned symmetrically such that there would be a wide walkway in the middle and the sides of the building. Near the table, many personals sat on the chairs, and a holographic screen was opened in front of them.

Some soldiers stood guard around a wide pillar surging with mana with Magic x tech Pistol in their hand - MTP for short.

The wide pillar surging with visible mana thrust towards the skies. Holographic screens were floating in mid-air, and all around the pillar. Wires stretched from the pillar and connected to various portals. This pillar was the energy supplier for the portals.

Portals allowed humans in the stronghold to travel to and back from the wilderness that they had established a fortress within. The portals were occasionally used to travel to magical beasts infested places.

This technology was created when the inscriptionist of the other world teamed up with a great scientist of Earth.

When the war between humans and the demons began, traveling became harder. It was already hard because of the magical beast preying on humans in the wilderness The military didn't even have any safe means to send reinforcement to other strongholds when necessary.

Those were the darkest days but they didn't last for more than a year. It's all thanks to a legendary scientist named Steins Ven, he had easily been able to see the hidden potential of combining magic with technology. He was the first to discover and create teleportation portals that are used worldwide. Some people assumed that he had awakened an ability related to mental fortitude that helped him in his research and creation of teleportation portals but these were just empty rumors for no one knows what his ability is for sure.

Steins Ven was a great man. Once he had created teleportation portals, he distributed them to the military and also used them to build closer ties with humans of the other world.

He made sure to milk as many benefits as he can from creating teleportation portals.

With the creation of these portals, teleporting from one stronghold to another was simplified, and reinforcement could arrive at a stronghold in a matter of minutes. His single creation has virtually conjoined all the strongholds of human on Earth into one.

He was entitled the greatest contributor to the war against the Demons and hostile races of Camelot.

In today's world, the teleportation portals were generally owned by four. Powerful Ability Users Family, the Adventure Association, and the military. Although these two groups had their names and agendas, in the end, they still worked under the Earth federation and for the safety of the peoples.

The adventure associations and the military shared good relations. They both have powerful otherworldly humans and powerful ability users backing them. Furthermore, adventure association was the best choice for many ability users, they'll form a small party or a faction of powerful ability users to complete military missions or just to explore the wilderness.

Even the military personnel utilize the personal space of adventure association for their own use. After all, it's magi-tech is so advanced that even the military personnel envy them, and most of the magi-tech supplied to the military comes from here, to keep their mouth and rifles shut.

Harmony can also be brought by using money and gifting high tech to the military, and the Adventure association was the first one to act in this belief. That's why they are thriving in today's society.

The last group that has a hold on the teleportation technology are known as Life Takers, a group that stabbed humanity in the back and joined hands with the demons by handing over the teleportation technology to them.

A long line of humans stretched in front of every type of portal in this building. Marvin stepped forward and stood behind the line which connected to a green portal with red dots and said Flame-type wilderness.

There were different types of portals each different in color and dots. There were three colors green, orange, and red, and various dots.

The dots represented the elemental type of the wilderness. For example, the one Marvin has chosen to enter only has red dots. That means it's a wilderness that has flame-type magical beasts only.

The color represented whether that place has a fortress or not.

A fortress is established in the wilderness where green portals take to. Fortress are magi-tech construct with impressive defense, and also the place where the other end of the teleportation portals are connected to.

Plus, Fortress were massive places that allowed ability users to live in them temporarily.

Marvin didn't know about the other two portals. He wasn't privy to such knowledge as he was just a student. He won't be allowed inside such portals either as he doesn't have any military status or enough strength to go there.

After some minutes, his turn finally arrived.

The portals of adventure association building followed the rule of self-service. There was a card slot at the portal construct. He swiped his student ID card, and the portal wall vanished into the construct, replacing it was a green doorway whose other end connected to the "fortress" with many rules and bad memories of Marvin.

He jumped inside the green portal.

Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!

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