
Not so Stealthy

One could say that on a mission like this, stealth would be paramount. Catch your enemies unaware, with their pants down so to speak and pick them off one by one. Perhaps they were right, perhaps in a situation like this, stealth would be good.

Except, that wasn't who I was.

I'm a guy that lives true to myself, an unapologetic asshole that is willing to do anything to survive. Well, not entirely everything, there are a few things my pride simply won't allow me to do, it was such a useless thing, pride that is. Just unfortunately for me that I had an abundance of it. I could, for many things, set it to one side and accept the humiliation if necessary. However, there were a few things my pride simply wouldn't allow.

Letting someone else take credit for my work, that was one thing. Even if that other person was just me pretending to be someone else, I couldn't accept it. If someone wanted to get my attention or draw me out of hiding, all they'd have to do is take credit for my accomplishments and wait for that to come back to me, then I'd be on a warpath.

If I was going to do something, I wanted people to know that it was me who did it.

Which was why stealth didn't agree with me.

It required secrecy and making sure that no one was even aware I was there, kind of the opposite of what I wanted. Not ideal for someone whose entire goal is to survive in this fucked up world and I'm fully aware that these facts are going to put me in a great deal of trouble in the future. This was why I was being so careful in all other facets of my life, or trying to anyway.

I needed to be able to cover for that weakness and make sure that I could mitigate the potential damage it could cause to me in the long term. But again, it's not ideal yet I can't change who I am, no matter how much I wished I could at times.

Sometimes life could be so much easier if I didn't have this useless pride.

Yet here I was, hands in the pockets of my pants as I walked down the path towards the abandoned church. I had already located it days prior, vaguely remembering the events that would take place here. There were four Fallen Angels, including Issei's girlfriend and a host of Rogue Priests? I think that's what I'm about to deal with, but don't quote me on that, I could be wrong.

Either way, it changed nothing about my plan for this assault upon the church. If you're wondering what that was, it was very typical of me, go in their guns blazing and effectively, just wing it. Contrary to what you might think, or you have correctly summarised already, I don't know which, winging it is all I've been doing from the beginning.

I vaguely have a plan that leads me to my end goal, but there are so many unforeseen variables that accurately planning for them all was impossible. I'm not some insane tactician or genius like Aizen who can predict every minuscule variable and account for it in their plan. But honestly, that didn't sound all that fun either. As terrifying as the unknown could be, it could also be incredibly exciting and what was life without a little excitement?

Look, I'm man enough to admit that in this world, I'm in way over my head. There's too much going on and happening that I can barely keep up. How I'm still alive is a to me and a miracle that I'm thankful for.

Things have worked out for me so far though and all I can do right now is roll the dice and hope for the best. I needed the interest of the Devils upon me so that when someone came to kill me that I was unable to stop, I had that option to seek protection. It was always best to have a last resort and that was my trump card.

"A human?" Looking up, I saw a small gothic loli floating in the air, her black wings flapping occasionally to keep herself suspended in the air. "Go away." There was a force in her tone, a whisper that carried over the wind and into my ears.

I could feel the magic within it.

Turning on my heel, I made my way back, hearing the Fallen Angel huffing and muttering under her breath. "That bitch, Kalawarner had us worried for nothing. Just some stupid human who went out for a stroll. Should have just let me kill him." Smiling in amusement as I began to walk away, I reached into my pocket and I came to a stop.

Pulling out my phone, I used the screen as a means to see over my shoulder, seeing the Fallen Angel floating to the ground and beginning to walk away. This sight brought a smile to my face as I pocketed my phone and turned back around, following after the Fallen Angel who continued to mutter angrily to herself, cursing someone named Kalwarner and someone else called Raynare.

The last one sounded familiar, perhaps that was Issei's girlfriend name? Yeah, I think that was it.

Raynare, I think I'd take her for myself rather than kill her. Such a waste of a good woman, too good to be thrown away even if seemed like a bit of a bitch. But sometimes the best thing to do was fuck the bitch out of her.

As I came upon the Fallen Angel, I reached around my back, pulling out the dagger I had been given by Ingrid. It was a long dagger, just barely smaller than a short blade, but thinner and much lighter. Yet it was also enchanted, inscribed with runes and coated with magic not only from its forging but also from battle. A perfect weapon to kill supernatural beings with, especially considering it was forged with steel and surrounded by silver.

Reaching out, I gripped the blonde loli's hair. "W-what?" She cried out, looking over her shoulder to see me looking down at her. Before she could say anything more though, I dragged the edge of my blade across her neck, cutting it open, blood pouring out from the open wound.

"Goodnight, little bird," I told her, unceremoniously kicking her to the ground as she clutched at her throat in an attempt to stem her bleeding. It was too late for that now though, I just stepped over her body and continued to make my way towards the church, the entrance now in view.

On top of it, I could see a figure looking down and with a cheeky smile, gave a little wave.

Now then, let's get this show on the road.

-X- Line Break -X-

Cautiously, Rias lowered Issei to the bed, careful not to jostle him and awaken him from his slumber. As she did, Rias spared a glance over her shoulder, staring past her Peerage members, Akeno, Kiba and Koneko who stood guard, staring at the Vampire who stood in the doorway. Ingrid had been expecting them, as soon as they entered the house, she had been there and looked to be on the verge of attacking them.

Rias imagined that the only reason she hadn't was because of who her brother was. However, Rias had expected this from the moment she had found Issei dying in the park, one of her teleportation sigils covered in blood clutched in his hand.

As soon as she had used eight of her Pawn pieces to resurrect him, she had called for her Peerage to meet her at the Hyoudou household. Rias was aware of the Vampire within and was unaware of how she would react. She was glad she had made that decision because she didn't feel comfortable being here without them standing between her and the angry Vampire.

"His injuries are extensive," Rias noted, watching to see how Ingrid would react and was unsurprised to see the worry in her eyes, overshadowing the anger she held. It was proof that she did care for Issei and hadn't simply been here for his Sacred Gear. "I can heal him, though it will take time."

Ingrid made a move the moment, Rias began to unbutton her top. "What are you doing?"

"Healing magic is not something Devil's possess naturally," Rias informed her and in fact, it was impossible for Pureblood Devils to use healing magic of any kind unless there was some kind of mutation within said Devil though that was extremely rare. The only Devils who could use healing magic were Reincarnated Devils or those that were only part Devil. "I will need to pass my magic to him through skin contact, it will accelerate his process into changing into a Devil and when it does, it will hasten his own physiologies healing process."

"How long?" Ingrid asked through grit teeth.

"A few hours, possibly more considering it was an attack made with Light Magic." Rias knew that right now, honesty was the best option. Though it was heavily suppressed on account of the human sleeping a few doors down, Rias could feel the magic within Ingrid. It was potent and vast, an equal to her own. But there was also a presence around her, an aura of danger, something she had felt only from a certain type of individual.

Someone skilled and used to combat.

An aura and presence none of her Peerage came close to possessing.

"Move out of my way." Ingrid marched forward, both Kiba and Koneko moving to block her path, sword and fists raised. Akeno took position behind them, magic forming around her hands. "If you do not wish to anger me further than you already have, you will move."

It was not a request, but an order.

Rias recognised the rising danger. "Do as she says, this is her home and her...son." The relationship must be real, Rias couldn't imagine anyone faking it to such an extent. Ingrid did care for Issei greatly, which meant she was going to harm him.

Continuing to strip down naked, Rias watched as Ingrid move to kneel down upon the bed, wiping his fringe from Isseis' face. It was gentle and caring, much like how her mother used to do to her when she was ill. She then watched as Ingrid parted Issei's lips and bit into her hand, allowing the blood to pour into his mouth.

Rias said nothing as this happened, simply moving around the other side of the bed, waiting till Ingrid finished her incantation. "You may not believe me." She said once Ingrid rose to her feet and stepped away. "But this was never my intention, the Fallen only recently came to our attention and they stuck to the Holy Ground of the church, we were not aware they had made contact with Issei until tonight."

The last thing she wanted was for a powerful Vampire like Ingrid to suspect her of foul play. Nor did she want Issei to think that also as that would only cause problems for her in the future.

"It doesn't matter," Ingrid replied calmly, looking out the window. "Mikoto has already gone to kill the Fallen Angels. After tonight they won't be a problem anymore."

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