
Chapter 36: More trouble

Dyllis was just doing her routine of hunting down humanoids and humans alike for her whole clan back at the cavern. That was when a small but Erie feeling took hold of her, all of the hair on her neck stood up.

Dyllis launch herself up into the air flipping mid-air to land a few feet from her original spot. A large spear with golden runes stuck out of the ground from where she was standing before.

A look of distaste appeared on the cannibal's face she looked past the spear, a woman at 5'10" stride towards the spear with a look of tranquillity, a large scar was over the right side of her lips down to her chin. She had blazing red hair cut to chin length, she wore heavy iron armour that is covered in green ruins.

Dyllis let out a low growl as she approaches for a fair warning, Dyllis took many more steps back as she drew closer. She wasn't scared of this human she just wasn't in the mood to fight the woman right now.

The woman in heavy armour pulled her spear out of the ground with ease "So you are the reason people have gone missing huh" She turned the spear as it let out a cool breeze.

Dyllis smiled at the dumb human before her "I do what I can to survive human" Dyllis spoke Horsley her voice was like. This had token the redhead quite back. Usually, monsters can't speak the human language and can only speak the monster language.

usually higher rankings beast will be able to speak the human language or even in some cases, more human-looking monsters would speak it in broken human language.

It finally made sense inside her head that the monster before her might have higher intelligence or maybe of higher grade, current the quest for her said that Dyllis is a Rank 1 monster. So this woman thought it would be easy money to kill this monster that was described to be zombie-like with blue hair and dark skin.

Today Dyllis deer tail stuck out of a hole that was made in the back of her pants to give it more freedom. The adventure was quite amazed at how human Dyllis looked, the redhead hesitated a bit because of this but remember that this monster had been killing people left and right without mercy.

A crunching sound could be heard as something smaller came to stand in front of Dyllis holding its arms open. A human-looking child with no irises or pupils was trying to stop the redhead.

The woman paused her steps as her eyes laid on the child before Dyllis. "Child get away from that monster" the woman spoke firmly, The smaller cannibal shook their head no.

"I won't let you kill big sister" They spoke in a childish voice, this child had his hair up in a small man bun, he is one of the youngest members of his clan.

The woman narrows her eyes at the small child only then noticing his empty eyes, a few small veins were around his eyeballs. The woman shivers 'there's more of them she thought to herself.

She glares at Dyllis "Why did you kill so many" she dreaded the answer that came next "To feed my whole family" she replied, the red hair woman then thought about sending out a distress Singal to let the guild know it's more dangerous then they had previously thought.

She got a talisman out of her sleeve and said a few words before it flew up into the air as red smoke filled up the sky.

Dyllis had already charged in and started fighting the redhead in close combat as she also used her dark magic skills to the test. Using her dark magic she controls the shadow underneath the spear to make it fling out of the redhead's hand and into a tree.

Forcing her to go hand-to-hand combat with Dyllis, her current stats were hitting the early three hundred while her defences were in the later state. For some of the state points, she was given it was put into stats right away, she got these extra stats because of all those quests she had completed the system had started giving her daily quest.

Each daily quest had a wide verify some of them require her to eat a certain amount or kill a certain type of monster. She did save a few stat points just in case of emergencies.

The red hair adventure tried her best to block Dyllis beastly punches, her speed wasn't to scoff at either. The woman could barely keep up as she put most of her stats in strength and endurance. Whenever she tried to land a punch on the cannibal it would get swiftly blocked by her.

The adventure wanted to run for her life and regretted disturbing this beast. She felt the unavoidable her incoming doom, The read hair adventure lady lasted ten minutes against Dyllis before she eventually passed away.

Dyllis took the armour off the lady and put it in her inventory she then picked up her spear to dismember the body before putting it in her food storage. She looked at the little one behind her "Come on Fin we should head back home now before more of them show up" She spoke her thoughts as the child got on Dyllis back getting a piggyback ride back to the cavern.

Thirty minutes later a group of fifteen people appears where the fight had undergone. The only thing that was left there was the red hair adventure lady's head whose face was frozen in despair.

The first adventure commanded one of the water mages to reply to what had happened during the fight. The dead adventure girl's head got a place on a water body far away as the scene reply in front of their eyes.

A zombie-looking girl doge the spear and both sides had a small conversation while a small child intervenes between the two, Afterwords that red hair sent out a distress call and proceed to fight with her life on the line as she had lost her weapon earlier in the fight.

The Bodie of water that was meant to be Dyllis didn't have her face, it had a more monstrous appearance than how she currently looked. The whole group got stunned as the scene ended as she dismembers the body.

"We should head to headquarters and let them know a strong monster that we estimate to be at least C- rank making it a rank 2 type of monster." The person spoke with authority as they took the red hair girl's head with them to give her a proper burial.

enjoy the world lore

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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