
Beep-Beep Bitch!

Cook-Cook looked over to the side where his favourite slave was currently chained. Indeed, he could smell her from here, her rotting flesh making it easy to tell if she was present or not, which helped in making sure she didn't manage to escape.

His men kept asking why he kept a Ghoul as a slave, but they just wouldn't understand. Sure, she was a good toy, but if he were honest he'd rather have a regular woman... No, the main reason he kept the Ghoul was because she didn't require food, or water. He usually killed and ate his slaves once he got bored of them because they were a drain on his supplies, but the Ghoul? The most efficient slave he'd ever owned.

"Cook-Cook! They've stopped shootin' but I think they're getting ready to attack us!" one of his men shouts as they approach.

Cook-Cook just shakes his head, of course they were, why else would they be here?... Hopefully they were stupid and tried to enter his base, he didn't know if he'd be able to do anything against snipers... Though, he had set some traps around the area just-in-case of this exact situation. All he needed to do now was wai-




"QUENNIIEEEEEEE!!" Cook-Cook suddenly roared, quickly standing up and accidentally knocking over his stew while running outside.

Once he was outside he spotted his beloved Brahmin on its side with blood pooling around it... Not only that, but Quennie was missing one of her heads!

"YOU BASTARDS! I'LL TEAR YOU APART AND EAT WHAT'S LEFT!" Cook-Cook shouts as he runs back inside, not to retreat, but instead to grab his Heavy Flamer.

Elsewhere :

Boone had just executed the Brahmin belonging to Cook-Cook and their target had immediately noticed, popping in and out of his base once he saw the dead animal. Clearly their intel wasn't incorrect.

"A sniper's wet dream huh? Two large heads for one creature, hard to miss." Afton says from behind Boone, getting the man to nod. "A shame you couldn't tag Cook-Cook, despite how angry he seemed the man still had enough sense to get out of a sniper's line of fire."

"I'll get him next time." Boone states, however, as soon as he says this, Fiends start streaming out of the building Cook-Cook was currently in, all of which were charging their position.

"Well, guess they know where we are then." Afton states as he heads downstairs with Karl following closely behind.

Boone started firing at the approaching enemies, hitting their heads and other vital organs with expert accuracy.

Afton had just reached downstairs and was immediately attacked by a Fiend mongrel, the dog trying to bite onto his leg. He blew it's head off before it got a chance but he was still surprised at the fact the Fiends hadn't run out of the beasts yet.

He quickly ducked behind a concrete slab as bullets started kicking up dust around him. The Fiends were firing as if their lives depended on it... Which it probably did.

He began using VATS to pick off targets while Karl occasionally sprayed his machinegun at them, taking a few out who hadn't managed to get behind cover.

Boone continued to take out targets until a feeling of dread made him instinctively dodge to the side... Just as a ball of napalm flew past and hit the ruined concrete wall behind him.

Taking another look, he spotted a large figure wearing full metal armour and a wielding mask walking towards him with a heavy weapon that continued to shoot many balls of napalm. Again, Boone was forced to get out of the way as napalm was shot at him.

Quickly, he grabbed his rifle and started heading downstairs, just as more napalm covered the area, leaving the entire roof on fire.

He quickly headed downstairs and spotted Karl and Afton holding the position against the Fiends, "Cook-Cook's outside and has set the whole damn roof on fire!"

"Was he wearing his usual equipment?" Afton quickly asks as he fires a couple shots at an approaching Fiend.

Boone nods and Afton continues, "Then get the big gun ready to blow through it, we need his head so just blow a hole through his sternum, that'll end the cunt."

Boone nods and changes his position to wait for Cook-Cook to cross his path, hopefully the man wouldn't be aware enough to fire back before Boone got his shot off.

Elsewhere :

She'd seen her 'master' Cook-Cook runoff in an absolute rage, spouting things about tearing apart and eating the people who killed that brahmin of his.

Anja tugs at the slave collar around her neck, as well as the manacles chaining her to the wall. They were loose to allow enough movement so she could perform her 'duties' for her master. They weren't needed though as the slave collar was rigged with an explosive...

This wasn't the first time she'd been in such a situation, and she'd picked up many skills in her lifetime. Most of which being related to stealth, pickpocketing, and escaping. How had she managed to discover that her collar was booby-trapped? Well, it started beeping as soon as she tried to leave the building. From what she knew, the collars default setting meant that it'd explode if the wearer was out of bounds for ten seconds, she doubted Cook-Cook was smart enough to recalibrate it... Though, she was wary of testing her luck.

She knew how to unlock the collar, but it would start beeping if she did... She hadn't had a chance to escape up until now due to Cook-Cook and his men always being around... Now though? She'd need to thank whoever was creating such a good distraction.

She reaches down to her forearm and digs her fingers into her rotten flesh, roaming about for a bit until she feels something metallic. Pulling it out, she grins down at the bobby pin she'd been hiding. While she hated being a ghoul, it wasn't like it didn't come with benefits, slowly losing the ability to feel pain allowed her to store her escape tool in places people would be too disgusted to look.

Quickly, she unlocked her arm shackles and approached the exit of the building, peeking around and spotting Cook-Cook firing his weapon at the opposite building madly. Yes, Anja wouldn't miss this chance for some payback, that sick-fuck more than deserved it.

Using the bobby pin, she forcefully unlocks the collar, quickly tearing it off before throwing it at Cook-Cook, the man looking down to try and find the beeping but becoming incredibly confused at the slave collar sitting next to his feet. He isn't even able to utter a scream as he's suddenly enveloped in an explosion.


Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

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