
The Unnatural Seer

Tyrion finished explaining and saying his "offer" and everything that came with it as he sighed and looked at Alexios with a nervous gaze. "No… I am not getting between you and your sister. You're asking for me to take the hit for you, be shield all for what? Some gold? A Favor? A friend? I'm sorry but no." Alexios gulped his drink down and prepared to leave. Tyrion stood up and shouted without restraint before realizing he did it.

"I know who Reanna really is..!" Before he could finish, Alexios had already picked him up and slammed him against the wall holding his strength back so as not to kill him. "I'm sorry, I came upon the information by simple chance." Even while being lifted and held against his will, Tyrion tried to speak in a hushed whisper so only Alexios could hear. Alexios glared at the little man before deciding to hear him out as they went to a private room while Toros would guard the door.

Tyrion sat down and drank some ale before speaking as he prepared to say everything. "I'll start from the beginning...It may be long so please just listen without interrupting. Leave all questions till the end till I finish. It started roughly five years ago while I was out at a tavern in the middle of nowhere..."

Tyrion recalls the very night his world view changed and morphed.


It was a colder than normal night as the wind howled and the fire emitted no heat to warm the residents. Many of the people residing were huddled around the fire as Tyrion sat at a table in the back drinking some ale as he was lost in thought. He lifted his cup only to receive nothing, it perplexed him as the mug still felt heavy. He looked inside to see the ale was frozen solid and just then he noticed how cold it was. His thoughts of what the mad old woman was singing earlier recalled in his mind.

" They search for the girl, their appearance makes you hurl! They search for the silver hair, a girl so fair! Soon they'll come, no one knows where from! Where they go, you must lie low… If you not, then you rot! A chill will enter yer heart, waiting to rip you apart...A mist carries them to, till its too late for you… Run home to your bed… Before everyone's dead…"

Honestly it gave Tyrion goosebumps as the old woman's voice sounded mad and had a cackling laugh that made one think of her as a witch. He was thinking of this as he saw some smoke, no mist coming from under the door leading outside. He got up and hollered out to everyone around. "Everyone be careful, and take cover!" While if nothing happened he could just leave and say it was a prank but his heart was screaming danger.

He ran to the kitchen, a room that was connected to the main room and the back entrance. He saw a man chopping something and he grabbed a knife before the man could see him. Just as he was about to go back, he heard a loud crashing sound of breaking wood. Peeking out the door he saw large heavily armored individuals with an ethereal feel to them. One spoke in a language unknown to him but sounded like screeching mixed with hushed whispers.

He gripped the knife and saw the cook sneak next to him to see what was happening. The cook was frightened when he saw the slaughter begin. It was bloody and quick as no one stood a chance. Tyrion made his way to the back exit as the cook followed quickly just as the kitchen door was opened, they left out the back. They heard horses neigh and snort behind them as they began to run.

The chase was on and Tyrion was never so frightened in his life. He kept running and just as he was about to have an arrow go into his back, he tripped face first into the cold hard ground. He turned and looked to his side to see the lifeless eyes of the cook staring back at him. Every thought of coming this far north filled him with regret as he only came for his own stupid curiosity. Cursing his luck Tyrion stood up choosing to at least die standing and trying to fight if he couldn't run away.

Four figures stood before him as they had stepped forward after getting off their horses. One continued to Tyrion as he readied himself for what was to come. The being crouched down and looked into his eyes tilted its head. It then presses its hand outward and Tyrion learns he could not move due to something he was unsure of. The hand came closer till it passed through Tyrion's chest.

Tyrion seeing this was shocked and found himself sweating heavily due to the shock and fear. His body trembled as he heard the creature croak out. "Find the silver haired girl... Bring her to us and... We will spare you of this fate…" The one in front of him said although his mouth never moved, Tyrion was still trembling and now feeling his body heat up. He opened his eyes to see he was lying in bed and a "whore" was shaking in the corner of the room.


Tyrion's eyes never wavered from his seriousness but flashes of fear and unease crept onto his face from time to time. Alexios seeing this silent casted a truth spell, simple and effective. Its function was only to give him signals whether or not the person he directed it on was being truthful or not. A moment passed in eerie silence before Alexios's face scowled, distorted from this revelation. Alexios looked at Tyrion and checked him.


Name: Tyrion Lannister (The Imp, Beast, Halfman)

Age: 32 years

Strength: 3 (2)

Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 12 (10)

Wisdom: 11 (9)

Charisma: 9





Perks: Dwarf, Genius, Erudite, Brave, Administrator, Just, Drunkard, Green Seer(Conduit), Scholar, Lustful, Socializer, Gamer, Schemer, Patient, Kind, Gregarious, Poor Warrior

Titles: Empty Heart, Brilliant Steward, Dutiful Academic, Intricate Webweaver, Beast of Casterly Rock, The Unloved


Alexios took a deep breath since now he knew he couldn't just brush this off as some crazy idea. Though he was unsure what it meant as conduit, was he not a true seer. Possibly someone else such as those creatures he talked about is pushing him behind the shadows. Also what are those things anyways. So many questions all of which baffled him and made his mind work non stop.

Alexios agreed to help Tyrion as long as they became true allies from now on. Only under a few conditions though, for one, He had to stop drinking so much as it could cause. Second Tyrion would have to start his studies and brush up on his knowledge so he doesn't let his mind go to waste. Thirdly, Tyrion would move to Snake mount and become one of Alexios's advisors. The third was more for Alexios's gain as he needed more people to help his people in the coming times and if he could help out of his broken state, it might help them a lot.

Every word made Tyrion paler and paler as he was groaning on the inside just thinking of going without his wine. Eventually though he agreed since the idea of getting out from under his father pleased him even if he felt a little sad of leaving his home. He was sure his father would be more than mad at this but he couldn't just make him go back and it wasn't like he had to tell him anytime soon. When time passed and they finalized all the details, they decided to call it a night as they had a busy day tomorrow.

Alexios stood with his companions in all their glory wearing their armor and holding their weapons. They were at the gates bout to greet the king that Alexios hasn't seen in a while. The cold brisk air having no effect on anyone inside the gates as the fire crystals around the walls and inside made a warm embrace in the area. Once the carriages came through the gates, some shuffling could be heard. The door swung open as Robert walked out mumbling why it's so warm all of a sudden. He stepped out and looked around shocked at the light coming from the crystals and the warmth they radiated. He looked at a smug Eddard and grinned at his old time friend.

Alexios was standing holding the door to the carriage when a somewhat tall teenage boy stepped out and smacked his nose into his armor covering his midsection. The boy rubbed his nose and held his nose as his anger built up. " Who dares hit the PRINCE!" Alexios was more than amused at the little display of theatrics and bowed his head closing his eyes at the prince who had opened his eyes still holding his nose. Joffrey looked at the wall of metal and flesh and as his eyes looked up, he gulped loudly as he stepped back into his mother Cersei who had just left the carriage.

Cersei stumbled and was embarrassed at her son's brush with her as she wanted to make an impression of superiority on these northern barbarians. She quickly looked forward the direction Joffrey backed away from to see a towering man standing in exquisite armor that looked fitting for a ruler and more importantly the giant great sword he was balancing on the ground upwards with the tip of the blade as he held the pommel. She silently stood there jaw slacked as she appraised the man before her. A height of possibly six foot ten inches, with broad shoulders and a large frame. If his exposed arms were any indication on the rest of his body then he would be very muscular indeed.

His arms were finely toned with muscle rippling with power and explosiveness, but they were as large as her thin waist that scared her even more. His long black hair flowed lightly across his pauldrons and upper armor brushing it with its darkness. Eyes that looked like dots of blood looked back at her sizing her up that looked like they were ready to butcher and eat her at any given notice. A chiseled jawline and stubble only complementing almost flawless features on his face. A signet ring placed upon his right index finger with the house of Dragen's symbol on it.

That was when it hit her, this man before her had to be Alexios Dragen, Lord of house Dragen. Proclaimed richest man in all the realms and some even claim to be richer than the banks in Essos. A man that grew his house in only a couple years to become rivals to every major house in Westeros. A man of many talents and an intellect that frightened any person even thinking of competing against him. What many have started to call him, The Serpent in the Snow.

Hey everyone, just wanna say thanks for reading and hope you enjoy. Sorry for not doing two chaps a night but I've started to have less time to write which makes me sad so like I said I will make sure to make atleast one a day and when I can I'll make two. Maybe I'll make ahead chapters for fun on my free time and upload those at random times. Anyways enjoy and Tune in next time! P.S. Would really help to rate the novel and write the review for it, please and thanks!

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