
A yellow garden snake

"Hit! Frost has failed as promised I will double your pay, please kill that abnormally strong monster kid!" 'Master' said with a tinge of desperation in his voice. Some words come back through the communication device pressed up to his ear and the 'Master' smiles evilly.

"Good I will send over your pay right now!" he says after a few minutes of listening. 'Master' sighs in relief and walks back into his observation room. He sits down on the chair and watches the ensuing show, confident in Hit's success.


It's been an hour and a half since I killed Frost and the absorption is almost complete, just half an hour more. I was watching an action scene in the movie I was watching on my datapad but then I felt a very substantial power rushing toward me. I prepare Myself and to my surprise, I find the legendary assassin Hit has flown up to me. Surprised and slightly confused I talk to him.

"Ah, the Legendary Assassin, did those guys in those spaceships send you here?" I ask him.

"Yes, I am Hit and I am here to kill you," he says to me in a monotone voice and with a stoic face. hearing this I power up and prepare for a fight. He does the same and instantly lands a blow on me. I reel from the shock and guard as tight as I could. He rains down blow after blow on my body all designed to instantly kill by targeting all vital areas. Hit is only a fourth of my total strength, despite this, his time skip ability is very troublesome to deal with.

I activate my ki shield, wrap it close to my body, and focus it on my head, neck, and torso, where my vital areas are. I counter and retaliate actually landing a few blows and damaging Hit immensely, to his shock. I fire a few ki blasts, nailing him in the face and snapping him from his daze. Hit is sweating and looks nervous. He probably has gotten so used to being the strongest in the universe next to the gods that he has gotten rusty and probably doesn't bother to train. He has gotten so used to this mindset that he didn't even bother to sense my power.

"You should know by now that you are no match for me if you leave I will not stop you," I said to Hit as I know that he is a pretty cool dude when not trying to kill people.

"I am obligated to kill you, I will not back down!" Hit yells back. Dammit, I actually like Hit it's just his stubborn pride and honor in the way.

"Fine, I'll humor you but you will lose," I say to him solemnly. Hit gets into position and activates his time skip ability. This time I am able to perceive it thanks to my superior strength and knowledge of what he is doing. I break out of it and Hit is utterly shocked, I use this to my advantage by utterly bodying Hit. I use Genos trademarked machinegun blows and rain them down all over Hit's body faster than he can perceive. With my last blow, I knock him out with a chop to his neck.

After he is knocked out I use my ki to bind and cover his orifices, you never know he could wake up and pretend to still be knocked out then strike when my guard is lowered. For added measure, I surround him in a separate ki shield from mine and continue to absorb the Dragonball.

I think back on our fight. You know if Hit actually trained hard he would have beaten my ass very badly, especially with his time skip hax. Maybe I could develop my own ZA WARUDO hax and cheese all my fights like Hit. Naw, then they wouldn't be entertaining or fun! The whole point of this plan that I put together when I was in the incubation chamber was to go around other multiverses and have fun by doing things like pranking people and fighting. The Super Dragonballs are just the final part of my plan, after completing it I will explore the rest of the Dragon Ball multiverse and then leave for a new one.

After fifteen minutes of being a wise sage and contemplating philosophy and life's mysteries(lol no) I finish absorbing the Dragonball and head toward the ship with Hit in tow.


"Shiy, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! She's coming here!" 'Master says in a very cowardly tone. 'Master watches helplessly as the little monster flies up to the observation deck window and knocks very politely and innocently.


'Master' steels his nerves and motions for the airlock door below. The main door opens and out comes Lantro.

"Hello mister, do you know who sent Hit and Frost after me?" Says Lantro in a very childlike and innocent manner to goad out info and lower 'Master's guard.

"No, no, no young princess, of course not, we are just a traveling improve group!" Says 'Master' as he's sweating bullets.

'Man what a terrible excuse,' Lantro thought in his mind. "Then why is there a bajillion fighter ships everywhere?"

"We were just roleplaying, that's all!" 'Master' replies. 'This little Monster took out both frost and the Legendary Assassin and Frost, what the fuck am I supposed to say or do!'

"Hmm, ok how about I roleplay a drunken sailor and you guys are a bunch of baby seals." Lantro says stoically, dropping his 'innocent act'. before the 'Master' had time to reply lantro blows a hole through the ship and flies through it. Luckily, the force field was activated before they could vent air or be blown into space, not that it would save them much time.


I blast a hole through the ship and fly out. When I am a good distance away I charge and fire a massive Super Kamehameha, wiping out the huge armada. I teleport to a random but very populated world and leave Hit there. I then teleport to a more desolate part of the universe, Seeing that no one is around I summon all of the Super Dragonballs and watch as they arrange in order together.

Just as I am about to summon Super Shenron I hear a voice in my head that appears to originate behind me.

"I am sorry but, I must stop you for a moment." I hear the voice say telepathically. I turn around and behind me stands Vados, attendant of Champa and Angel of universe 6. I stare at her for a moment before speaking.

"U-uh, sure I guess?" I say back to her.

"I have been watching you for quite a while and you have been rather interesting and marvelous!" she says as she praises me, "Taking out all of the universe's strongest fighters that even lord Champa would be hard-pressed to fight!" I nod and reply.

"About that, I thought that angels couldn't interfere with the universe, yet you put a very powerful seal on me," I tell her questioningly.

"Oh yes, that, just consider it punishment and training," she says, "Punishment for coming to this universe without permission from Lord Beerus or my brother and training because transformations are crutches that slow one from attaining greater power by relying on them too much, and by training your normal state you have increased your transformed power as well." I nod and understand her reasoning.

"What about the Dragonballs, are you going to let me use them," I say warily. She laughs a bit and shakes her head yes.

"I sense no intent that would harm the universes, so I have to abide by the Angel code and not interfere," she says with that everpresent indifferent smile on her face. Before I could say anything she ports away.

I sigh in relief and turn back to the Dragonballs.

"Come forth, Dragon of the Gods, and grant my wish pretty peas!" I say in the divine language. All of the planet-sized orbs come together and an intense glow envelopes countless galaxies. After a straight minute of beautiful golden light, the majestic Super Shenron appears. I marvel at its beauty that eclipses all the other eternal dragons and makes them look incredibly inadequate. Snapping myself from my daze I speak my wish.

"Divine Dragon, I wish-"

{Heh, I am very evil}


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie)

Race: Ancient Saiyan (The power of the Ancients flows through your soul)

Age: 9 yrs

Power level: 201.42 Quintillion ( Beyond God of Destruction level)

[Martial arts]----------

Kami style martial arts(SSS), brawler(S)

[ki abilities]----------

Ki control(SS+), Ki sensing(SSS), flying(SSS), ki aura(SSS), ki shaping(SS), Spirit Control(A++), materializtion(S), telepathy(A+), telekinesis(S)

[ki techniques]----------

Ki blast, Thunder Shock Surprise(SS), Galick Gun(10x), Super Galick Gun(12x) Death Beam, Final flash(25x), Big bang Attack(5X), KamehameHa(10x), ki barrier(S++), Super Kamehameha(15x), illusion(B), Instant Transmission level 3(S+), healing(A++), cloning(S+), Gigantifiction(B), personal pocket space, ki blade(S++), ki sycthe(S+),


Genetic Access, unlimited potential, unbound soul, Divine tongue, air is for the weak! , Dimensional travel


[Super Saiyan(1000x), Super Saiyan 2(10x)], Mastered Oozaru(100x)


remember to vote and review. If you are wondering why Hit was beaten so easily, that's because of power scaling. Hit was scared of the god of destruction Champa and Lantro is stronger than Champa, easy peasy.

Chad_Thundercockcreators' thoughts
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